Tuesday, February 2, 2016


in 4 MILABS 
 JANUARY 28 2016 

Published on Jan 28, 2016
FBI announced today that 5 arrests were made in Oregon, but what they didn't tell you was that all 5 males are on the CIA payroll, and that 3 of the FBI agents there have all raped and murdered children in the MILAB CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION.


Anonymous said...

With 3.5 million views per month on this site,
that affords this Torrey Smith a rather large
platform to convince readers here his 'psychic'
abilities to 'see' nefarious goings on are reliable.

Please allow me to object to such blatant character
assassination of General Joseph Dunford.

Should you dare suggest that anyone believe what
you 'see' in your head as proof enough to
substantiate such serious allegations??

I think not.

As with a recent channeler mentioned on
'Starship Earth', he gave up channeling messages
when he learned they were planted in his
psyche via high tech manipulation by those
who possess the means to do so.

It would be equally more noble if you could
provide actual proofs or additional witnesses
corroberating said claims.

I'm sorry to have to risk blowing your cover
myself, but I suspect many things may not
be as you project.

While this video clip might not otherwise
warrant a response, in this case it does
due to the inflammatory injury it directs aim to,
coincidentally, one selected to help
launch the new Republic.

So, for whatever unknown reasons plague the offeror,
I choose to maintain that,
you had the right to remain silent,
but did not have the ability,
at this time, in this application.

What is your end goal?

Anonymous said...

you know not.....,dunford is what he says he is....,

Anonymous said...

Uh oh!
Then we are all doomed.
how do you know, what's true
and what's not?
And why would Anna von Reitz name him
as fiduciary to oversee
American assets are returned in tact?