Sunday, July 26, 2015

WAKE UP WORLD: Greenspan Did it All on Purpose!!!

I can't believe one of the greatest secrets of all time still lies virtually unnoticed by the world...GREENSPAN DID IT ALL ON PURPOSE!!!

I have proven it in a hundred ways and yet people still don't get it. Here's a quick summary:

In the 1960's Alan Greenspan along with his childhood friend John Kemeny invented the very first sharable computer programming language called BASIC. Greenspan went on to write the banking computer programs that now contain 99% of the world's "electronic assets." In the 1970's Fed Chairman Arthur Burns hired Greenspan to write programs to help control the market prices of gold, silver, the US Dollar and many other important assets in order to delay a return to the Gold Standard and suck all be benefits of an unbacked system. Those computer programs run the financial world and were taken over by the Banking Cabal in the 1980's. To gain back control of the system Greenspan fought against regulation of derivatives to give the bankers enough rope to hang themselves destroying the electronic monetary system. In the end, Greenspan's dream of returning to a true Gold Standard will manifest after the collapse of the current system.

It's all in the Fed Boston Archives and I have put all the pieces together so the world can understand what is going on.

If you don't understand this theory or need more proof read these articles:

Greenspan's Golden Secret

Greenspan's Golden Testimony

So don't be surprised to see Greenspan's name pop up time and time again advocating a return to a Gold Standard between now and the end of the year...

He's just searching for a way back to "Colorland"!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - *Buy the books as they tell you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

Book I: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

Book II: "Out of The Darkness"

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