Thursday, July 23, 2015



A majority of our society essentially walks around without knowing or actively exercising their rights. In fact, some do not even know what their rights are or why they are so important. Moreover, they would rather wave their freedoms afforded in this country at the first signs of a problem. One example of this is during a manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, police and federal agents spent the day storming people’s homes and performing illegal searches.
In the Constitution, the word “inalienable” means unable to be taken away from or given away by a possessor.
That means these are natural rights are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore ours for life. Many of us know this, but still our rights as citizens of the United States are violated by the police. For instance, we all want to cooperate and accommodate police officers when they ask us questions. However, some of those questions are not meant to be friendly, but to gain knowledge on you. While you are cooperating with the police officer and putting forth all of this information about yourself, you are providing evidence against yourself that they can use if need be. Remember? Everything you say and do, can be used against you. In this case, it’s best to remain silent.
In Voices of Liberty, reporter Britt Hysen talks to Nina Hodjat, an attorney for DUI Partners. The two discuss how to speak to officers and exercise your rights respectfully at police checkpoints. Nina states that it is best to stay calm and be respectful when exercising your rights. She states that “human element factors come into play in situations such as this. If you are respectful to the police officers, the situation should not escalate. If you are being aggressive, chances are, they will respond to that and become aggressive back. Just stay calm.”
Know Your Rights
Know that you can invoke your rights. This downloadable card lists your rights and can be used when talking with police officers. When you are going through checkpoints, always be respectful use these tips when exercising your rights:
  1. Stay calm. Don’t run. Don’t argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights.
  2. Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
  3. You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
  4. You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may “pat down” your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.
  5. Be smart and know your rights.

Know Your Rights: Police Checkpoints

In an effort to further inform the public, feel free to post this on your social media pages to get the word out on how vital it is for all of us to know our rights. The more we exercise our rights, the more aware we will be when they are being abused.
What advice can you give about protecting your freedoms?


Anonymous said...

? 4 judge Anna w/ suggested responses: When traveling in an automobile, what to do when an armed corporate revenue agent turns on his lights behind me? [ start recording conversation immediately, keep doors locked & windows up, except 3-4 inches 4 polite, respectful calm conversation,]
Be polite. Ask the nice man [“Is there an emergency I can assist U with?” No, then,] “ Why did U stop me, Officer _____? He’ll say something--- broken tail light, whatever.
You nod [or deny verbally as appropriate], and ask if you are under arrest.
He will stammer and stutter something indicating that no, you aren’t under arrest.
Then ask, “Why are you detaining me, then, [Officer ______]? Did you see me do anything that was a danger to anyone’s life or property?”
He will say, no, uh, well, uh.....not exactly, but you were not obeying statute blah, blah, blah.....
and “Why do you think I am subject to statute blah, blah, blah?” That will force him to think and he isn’t good at that. He will say -- just give me your license and registration!
So you say, “but Officer _____ I am not a driver and this vehicle is not for hire. Upon what basis are you interfering with my God-given right to travel?”
He has no answer. Be kind.
“Officer_______ your authority is over commercial traffic, not private travel.” He will get red-faced and nod and say something like, “Tell it to the judge.”
You nod and say, “I’ve already told it to you, and if you persist in giving me a ticket, it’s you who will have to explain your actions to the judge.” [“Officer ____ Am I free to go now?”]
This will give him pause. He will either try to bluster through or back off. It’s all the same to you. Continue to be reasonable and pleasant.
If he gives you a ticket, sign it in all lower case with a notation, “all rights reserved”. Go your merry way.
Return your copy to the court Clerk within three days together with a letter saying, “One of your traffic cops stopped me and gave me a copy of a ticket, but not the ticket itself. Obviously there has been a mistake. I am returning service.” Send it US Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, [via Notary Presentment for official court of record]. Unless they are really, really dumb you will never hear back from them. I suggest this [peaceful lawful] approach as a means of educating traffic policemen [ & other system agents]. by judge Anna [& freeMom7]
i carry this script in my wallet with my alternate identification (verified by notary public, officer of the state and court) 2 their STATE ID & DL 4 corp[se] fictional "person(s)", 4 travel purposes, which i successfully use 4 entering federal district court for my Claimant filings, & can show if he insists on seeing an ID.

Blessings 2 all Liberty-Lovers peacefully lawfully BEing & DOing same in myriad manners 4 good of ALL in Love, Peace, Joy... & more :D

Freewill said...

Officer, the UNITED STATES is bankrupt therefore civilly dead, does not exist in law, and cannot bring a claim against anyone! Your prosecutor is NOT a trustee appointed by the bankruptcy court therefore cannot speak on the behalf of a bankrupt corporation! Please arrest me! I would love to make a fool out of your prosecutor! Make my F$&*!ng day!