Friday, May 8, 2015

>>SEVERAL STATES<<>>10 LOCATIONS<< Dormant SUPERVOLCANO in California SHOWS MOVEMENT >>California pressure

Reports on ALL of the following:

ESE of Bridgeport, California

WNW of Greenville, California

NNE of Bryant, Washington

NW of West Bishop, California

ESE of Lakeview, Oregon

SE of Lakeview, Oregon

SSW of Alberto Oviedo Mota, B.C., Mexico

NW of Redding, California

WSW of Ferndale, California

SW of Hawthorne, Nevada

5/08/2015 — Dormant Supervolcano in California
shows movement below — sign of California pressure

New post on Dutchsinse

5/08/2015 — Dormant Supervolcano in California shows movement below — sign of California pressure

by Michael Janitch
The past week of earthquakes (up to May 8, 2015) reveals tremendous seismic pressure building in the Southwest / West coast of the United States.
past 7 days of 2.5m and greater earthquakes may 8 2015
Above: Past 7 days of earthquakes 2.5M+ in the United States, up to May 8, 2015 115am CDT
On top of all the other dormant volcanic activity happening globally, such as ancient volcanoes waking up in Japan after 800 years of silence, and unexpected eruptions in Chile -- we now are seeing movement begin around MULTIPLE dormant volcanoes along the West coast of the United States.
Most recently, now we see earthquake movement directly at Mono Lake Supervolcano, which is located in Central Eastern California, along the Nevada border.
supervolcano may 7 2015
Information on this event at Mono Lake from the USGS:

M2.6 - 43km ESE of Bridgeport, California

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.6 ml± 0.4
Location / uncertainty 38.041°N 118.817°W± 1.3 km
Depth / uncertainty 6.8 km± 1.4
Origin Time 2015-05-08 03:58:05.870 UTC
Number of Stations 12
Number of Phases 16
Minimum Distance 4.01 km (0.04°)
Travel Time Residual 0.1815 sec
Azimuthal Gap 90.21°
FE Region Central California (40)
If this movement at Mono Lake, CA was on its own, then we might say it was just "chance" or "coincidence"..... or maybe we might incorrectly think it was just "normal" small seismic activity which one might see at a time of global seismic unrest elsewhere.
But if you knew about the OTHER dormant volcanoes which showed movement this past week, then you might reconsider your definition of "normal", and thus reconsider what we might be observing take place along the West Coast.
9 out of the 10 past earthquakes on the West coast were DIRECTLY at volcanic locations.
Recent examples below.
2.9M earthquake near Lassen Volcanic Center, May 7 2015:
lassen volcanic center earthquake may 7 2015
Information on the Lassen Volcanic Center 2.9 (3.1M revised) earthquake from the USGS:

M2.9 - 10km WNW of Greenville, California

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.9 md± 0.1
Location / uncertainty 40.167°N 121.068°W± 0.2 km
Depth / uncertainty 6.4 km± 0.5
Origin Time 2015-05-07 13:56:18.300 UTC
Number of Stations 41
Number of Phases 43
Minimum Distance 6.50 km (0.06°)
Travel Time Residual 0.08 sec
Azimuthal Gap 66°
FE Region Northern California (36)
3.7M earthquake near Mount Baker volcano in Washington State, May 7 2015:
mount baker earthquake may 7 2015
Information on this 3.7M earthquake near Mount Baker from the USGS:

M3.7 - 12km NNE of Bryant, Washington

Magnitude / uncertainty 3.7 ml± 0.2
Location / uncertainty 48.336°N 122.084°W± 0.6 km
Depth / uncertainty 10.6 km± 0.9
Origin Time 2015-05-07 08:42:35.250 UTC
Number of Stations 51
Number of Phases 59
Minimum Distance 8.04 km (0.07°)
Travel Time Residual 0.36 sec
Azimuthal Gap 38°
FE Region Washington (29)
2.6M earthquake near Mammoth Mountain Volcano / Mono Lake volcanic complex , May 7 2015:
mammoth mountain mono lake earthquake may 7 2015
Information on the 2.6M earthquake near Mammoth Mountain / Mono Lake from the USGS:

M2.6 - 21km NW of West Bishop, California

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.6 md± 0.2
Location / uncertainty 37.475°N 118.651°W± 0.2 km
Depthuncertainty 7.4 km± 1.3
Origin Time 2015-05-07 07:53:32.280 UTC
Number of Stations 38
Number of Phases 41
Minimum Distance 12.59 km (0.11°)
Travel Time Residual 0.07 sec
Azimuthal Gap 56°
FE Region Central California (40)
2.9M earthquake near Bitner Volcanic Butte in Northwest Nevada , May 7 2015:
nevada bitner butte may 7 2015 earthquake
Information on this 2.9M earthquake near Bitner Butte in Nevada from the USGS:

M2.9 - 69km ESE of Lakeview, Oregon

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.9 ml± 0.9
Location / uncertainty 41.858°N 119.637°W± 3.8 km
Depth / uncertainty 4.7 km± 7.6
Origin Time 2015-05-07 07:23:16.734 UTC
Number of Stations 4
Number of Phases 7
Minimum Distance 16.92 km (0.15°)
Travel Time Residual 0.1159 sec
Azimuthal Gap 223.56°
FE Region Nevada (37)
ANOTHER 2.9M earthquake near Bitner Volcanic Butte in Northwest Nevada , May 6 2015:
nevada bitner butte may 7 2015 earthquake
Information on this May 6th 2.9M earthquake near Bitner Butte in Nevada from the USGS:

M2.9 - 72km SE of Lakeview, Oregon

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.9 ml± 0.3
Location / uncertainty 41.886°N 119.629°W± 5.2 km
Depth / uncertainty 10.1 km± 3.4
Origin Time 2015-05-06 22:49:58.076 UTC
Number of Stations 5
Number of Phases 9
Minimum Distance 15.58 km (0.14°)
Travel Time Residual 0.1755 sec
Azimuthal Gap 129.64°
FE Region Nevada (37)
3.8M earthquake in Baja Mexico Gulf of California at dormant volcanic butte, May 6 2015:
mexico 3.8 baja dormant butte earthquake may 6 2015
Information on this 3.8M earthquake at an unnamed dormant volcanic butte in Baja Mexico from the USGS:

M3.8 - 108km SSW of Alberto Oviedo Mota, B.C., Mexico

Magnitude / uncertainty 3.8 ml± 0.1
Location 31.278°N 115.430°W
Depth / uncertainty 10.0 km± 31.6
Origin Time 2015-05-06 22:31:18.310 UTC
Number of Stations 4
Number of Phases 7
Minimum Distance 26.09 km (0.23°)
Travel Time Residual 0.04 sec
Azimuthal Gap 112°
FE Region Baja California, Mexico (48)
3.2M earthquake near Mount Shasta + Lassen Volcanic Center, May 6 2015:
shasta lassen volcano earthquake may 6 2015
Information on this 3.2M earthquake near Mount Shasta Volcano from the USGS :

M3.2 - 4km NW of Redding, California

Magnitude / uncertainty 3.2 ml± 0.1
Location / uncertainty 40.611°N 122.427°W± 0.2 km
Depth / uncertainty 22.6 km± 0.3
Origin Time 2015-05-06 18:30:46.540 UTC
Number of Stations 28
Number of Phases 29
Minimum Distance 5.46 km (0.05°)
Travel Time Residual 0.09 sec
Azimuthal Gap 64°
FE Region Northern California (36)
One lone earthquake out of the last 10 earthquakes (over the past 2 days) has struck in a NON-volcanic location, but does fall along an area which is known to be erupting right now.
A 2.7M earthquake along the Gorda Escarpment, May 6 2015:
gorda escarpment volcano earthquake may 8 2015
Information on this 2.7M earthquake along the Gorda escarpment from the USGS:

M2.7 - 45km WSW of Ferndale, California

Magnitude / uncertainty 2.7 md± 0.1
Location / uncertainty 40.455°N 124.777°W± 1.8 km
Depth / uncertainty 24.2 km± 6.3
Origin Time 2015-05-07 14:26:23.730 UTC
Number of Stations 30
Number of Phases 35
Minimum Distance 37.20 km (0.33°)
Travel Time Residual 0.27 sec
Azimuthal Gap 271°
FE Region Offshore Northern California (35)
Hawthorne Lake Nevada:
dormant butte hawthore nevada earthquake volcano may 5 2015
Hawthorne Lake, NV dormant volcano 3.5M earthquake seen in this video here -- from May 3, 2015:
Information on the Hawthorne Lake, Nevada 3.5M earthquake from the USGS:

M3.5 - 12km SW of Hawthorne, Nevada

Magnitude / uncertainty 3.5 ml± 0.3
Location / uncertainty 38.444°N 118.730°W± 0.8 km
Depth / uncertainty 4.8 km± 1.2
Origin Time 2015-05-03 14:56:15.280 UTC
Number of Stations 16
Number of Phases 23
Minimum Distance 3.45 km (0.03°)
Travel Time Residual 0.1794 sec
Azimuthal Gap 60.52°
FE Region Nevada (40)

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