Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Mask Of Government Is Falling Off Both Literally And Figuratively

Larken Rose once told me that the government can't continue to govern (for long) once they begin completely dominating by force without the approval of at least a sizeable amount of support from the citizenry. Or, as he said, "once they remove the mask" that they are here to help us and show themselves for what they really are.
In more ways than one the US government is showing itself for what it really is.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Communist Party-Conn.) has been pushing the Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our (SAFER) Streets Act.
Essentially, what she is saying, is that she wants Americans to not have access to high powered weapons because they are "dangerous".
Yet, at the same, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has put in a request for 12 high powered semi-automatic rifles.
“Handguns and firearms are prevalent in the state of Nevada,” Deputy Administrator of the DMV, Sterling Nixon said. “We lean toward protecting the public with whatever means we have.”
So, what is the message here? That the US is a "dangerous" place so we should take guns away from everyone and then make sure that the government has all the guns to protect us. That's always worked out well in human history.
In most businesses if you have long lines and angry customers you hire more cashiers or find other ways to improve your service. When it's a government business you buy machineguns in case someone gets a bit fed up with your "service". Especially when that service is solely in extorting people for money and demanding they pay in order to get permission (permits) to drive a vehicle.
But, not only is the mask coming off the government and its intentions in that way... it appears to be literally showing its true face more by the day.
This is a photo of Rosa DeLauro who is trying to get guns out of the hands of the public.
Now, it is of course petty and backhanded to point out that someone is incredibly unattractive... But this thing isn't just unattractive. It looks like it was spawned from hell itself. And, I am wondering if these evil people aren't starting to more and more become the physical embodiment of their dark souls.
Take Harry Reid. A perpetual liar and thief. He said that some exercise equipment broke recently resulting in broken ribs, bruised jaw and losing sight in one eye. The only way he'd have that kind of multiple injuries is if the exercise equipment broke and then continued to smash into him repeatedly... which he would have deserved.
Here is how Harry looks today.
See pics, here:


a said...

Sterling Nixon of the Nevada DMV is an idiot, as are most bureaucrats. He says, "Handguns and firearms are prevalent in the state of Nevada." The dumb shit doesn't even know that handguns are firearms, under the most common definition. He obviously has never had experience with either, but here he is, making suggestions as if he knew what he was talking about. Typical bureaucrat.

Anonymous said...

As for Harry "Cleanface" Reid, it looks like someone had a wicked left hook. I heard he reneged on a promise to one of his mob buddies, and then made a derogatory remark. He got his ass kicked for his arrogance. Probably in the back room at Pierro's, on South Paradise Road. Good on him.

Freewill said...

What a dumb shit.. read the 1968 gun act, in the footnote it tells you to refer to the 1934 firearms act for the legal definition of a "Firearm". 1934 Firearms Act states that a "Firearm" is defined as a sawed off shotgun, sawed off riffle, an automatic firing machine gun, and a silencer! I have five supreme court cases that state handguns are NOT firearms!!!!!

Unknown said...

First of all this Rosa DeLauro should be arrested and charged accordingly for conspiracy to commit treason along with all the rest of the criminal traitors he is connect to. Sterling Nixon is not only an idiot, but a DMV criminal as well like all the rest. Bottom line is that the Department of Transportation, DMV coupled with the insurance companies and trucking industry is the biggest racketeering enterprise operation to ever exist next to the Fed & IRS, that has been robbing, plundering, harming and destroying lives and families for generations under the color of law and it's all still just business as usual.

"When armed force compels compliance with mythical laws and money is demanded for its violation, power will corrupt and greed will never be satisfied." Richard L. Koenig

Harry Greed is another one of many who needs a rope around his neck. The bottom line on this is the fact that as long as we have politicians, there will always be suffering, misery, death and wars.

Are the sheeple ever going to wake up?

Anonymous said...

The sheeple are not going to wake up. I know too many that say "well there's nothing I can do about it so I dont want to know". Subconsciously they are saying, I have a car and groceries so leave me alone. I am a " targeted individual" or " citizen victim". Some of my family want to tell me it is my fault this is happening to me. When their turn comes they won't say its their fault.