Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Why Big Pharma Killed President Eisenhower

Dear Friend,
On September 24, 1955, President Eisenhower – World War II hero and beloved president – was playing golf at his Denver home, when he suddenly collapsed from what was a rare disease at the time.
He had a heart attack.
Although nobody knew it then... and though you won’t read about it in any history book...
This was a watershed moment that would change the course of modern medicine forever.
One that would make heart disease the #1 killer of Americans – and would establish Big Pharma as America’s #1 most profitable industry.
Hi, my name is Dr. Al Sears.
The story I’m unveiling today has HUGE implications for your personal health, and that of your family.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with heart disease, you need to know the exact details of what took place.
Because this story doesn’t just tell you WHO is responsible...
It tells you WHY.
As in...
  • WHY heart disease rates have soared since 1955 – even as consumption of “heart-healthy” foods and cholesterol-lowering drugs has skyrocketed.
  • WHY you could become victim of this drug-induced tragedy – no matter your cholesterol levels or intake of fat.
  • And 100 billion reasons why Big Pharma will NEVER cure heart disease.
That’s why historian Larry Schweikart calls it “the single most important medical case of the twentieth century.”
Yet the REAL story behind it is virtually unknown. 
Within 24 hours of Ike’s heart attack, special interests seized the opportunity.
They manufactured a crisis, a founding myth, and a “solution.”
They shoved this propaganda down the American public’s throat.
And in doing so, they singlehandedly sent America’s health spiraling downhill for the next six decades.
Over the next few minutes, I’ll expose this near-60-year-old Big Pharma conspiracy. I’ll name the names. I’ll track the money. And at each stage, I’ll answer the BIG question: “Who benefits?”
What’s more, I’ll reveal how you can safeguard yourself from heart disease forever with solutions that are 100 percent natural, affordable, effective, and safe.
Continue reading here... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most heart attacks are not from natural causes. Big Pharma (Dark Cabal) have created a very tiny 'dart' that when shot at a person, it enters the body with hardly a notice - a tiny prick of the skin, and goes directly to the heart. In minutes, the person has a 'heart attack' and dies. Have you noticed how many 'heart attacks' lately?????