Sunday, February 15, 2015

War on Muslims with pigs!


Geno K. said...

the Jews are the top of all criminality and they impersonate the Muslims and frame them... so stop with this crap... 911 would never have worked without all the idiots who believe Islam are the real terrorists... pure racism... Even John sort of understood that...

Freewill said...

I will stop this crap when these Muslims leave my land and stop trying to convert my land into theirs! I don't give a shit about what the Jews did to them, not my problem! That was not here on my land!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, they may be peace loving, BUT their intolerance of other faiths, their ways, were designed by the Catholic church for destruction!

The innate silliness of the pig thing shows how ridiculous the religion is. All religions are designed to through the human race off the trail!

We should love them, yes. They were framed, yes, BUT we don't want their ways do we?

I feel for them and I feel for the pigs, but they have to change not us when it comes to their ways. Many agree.

The pig thing is the least violent (except to the pigs!). I advocate the use of lovely live pigs and pig poo too.

Dancing pigs, happy pigs. Happy Pig Day to all and many blessings to All!

Anonymous said...

We the people of the world have been enslaved by this simple technique of keeping us divided. Us vs. Them mentality. The way to enslavement Competition. The way to a peaceful abundant world, through cooperation. Any time you keep dividing up the world and hating the other party you are doing the job of the enslavers of humanity for them. Coming together not driving each other apart through hatred is the only way we are going to survive as a species. Teams, Countries, Religions, etc... all keep us divided and working against one another, the only winner the enslavers of humanity who use the discord to set themselves up as our controllers. I know you mean well spreading Hate, but you literally are working on the side that has enslaved humanity and is working towards the destruction of the planet.

Freewill said...

Freewill's notice to the world~

I have bacon and eggs for breakfast many mornings! I dump the bacon grease out on my land before it cools down! My land is contaminated with many years of bacon grease!

Anonymous said...

This is a non issue.
There are so many ways to soil their property.
Someone who is curious about the religion and has eaten a bacon and egg sandwich and touch a mosque door to enter and inquire has inadvertently soiled the place.
I do not believe their aversion to pig is that extreme.

There are so many ways, pig ends up being a part of their world, without someone killing one and spilling blood, skin, or guts.'s a non issue, and a way to divide based on religion.
if Baptists and Catholics were easy to divide, they'd stick to that, or Christians and Jews.
I went to school with Muslims and their faith and numbers were a non issue until someone has decided to make it one.

I watched Robin Hood, the Kevin Costner one, and didn't realize the co-star was playing the role of a Muslim until all this has surfaced and I reviewed the movie and saw his interest in facing East when there was no sun to guide which was the right direction to pray.

That's how invisible they and their religion has been to me.
Yes some dress differently, but we have young men who can't or won't pull their pants up.

I'd rather see things covered in covered places than people publishing their underclothes, be it sport shorts or undershorts through the over purchase of cloth that is more than what is needed to cover their body.

How many have someone in their family who is 'saggin' and post complaints about someone else's belief.

How ridiculous people look walking around holding up their clothes that they purposely bought too big to fit their body.

We people who occupy their mind not with knowledge, with a constant focused vigil of holding up their clothes as they move around in public.

What a fool believes.

marie said...

As our children are forced to learn Islam and as the Jews who run the world are pushing Islam as a one world religion you cannot be so ignorant as to tell anyone to stop this from coming to America. I do not care about the fact that the muslims did not do 9-11. People know that they did not. Yes the Palestinians are being slaughtered and the Jews who run the world are doing it but none of this has anything to do with the fact that they are bringing in SHARIA TRIBUNALS INTO TEXAS NOW and their crap tolerance speeches to be tolerant of their religion while they are NOT tolerant of ours. They are taking over America one school at a time under the guise of TOLERANCE TO THEIR BELIEFS. . They will promise that the Tribunals in Texas will only apply to Muslims but IT IS ONE BIG FAT LIE. THEY ARE GOING TO BRING THIS TO EVERY STATE AND EVERY CITY IN AMERICA. THAT IS THEIR END GOAL. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT LOVE AND THE FACT THAT THEY ARE SEPARATING US. THEY ARE SEPARATING US RIGHT OUT OF OUR RIGHTS. ASK EUROPE HOW THEIR COUNTRY HAS BEEN INFILTRATED. WE WILL NOT BE TOLERANT ANY LONGER. THEY WILL NOT TAKE OVER OUR CHILDREN; SCHOOLS; AND LAND TO BRING IN SHARIA LAW!!! IF YOU WANT TO BE TOLERANT TO THEIR RELIGION THEN GO TO THE MIDDLE EAST. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS HERE. THE DEMAND FOR TOLERANCE IS TO SILENCE THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA AND SHAME THEM AS THEY ARE TO BE LABELED RACIST IF THEY SPEAK UP. ASK EUROPE HOW THAT IS WORKING FOR THEM!!! STOP BEING IGNORANT AND TOWING AND BEING USEFUL IDIOTS FOR THE ELITE. I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH FREEDOM OF RELIGION BUT IF YOU CONTINUE TO BE TOLERANT AND MUSLIM ARE NOT TOLERANT THEN FREEDOM OF RELIGION IS GONE ALONG WITH OUR RIGHTS AND THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. WAKE UP!!!

Freewill said...


Anonymous said...

Boy, what planet do you live on bro? Who is cutting off heads? Who is caging their enemies, spraying with gasoline and setting them on fire? Who cuts open the chests of their beheaded victims, tears out the hearts and eats them - ON CAMERA? Who rapes babies and up to and through adult women? Who buries women up to their chins in sand and then stones the girls and women until dead? Who kills their own wives and family members and calls it 'honor killings'? You won't get many - if any - that will agree with your position I'm afraid. Certainly I don't. You are a 'jew hater' - so do your thing, but don't blame all the jews for the world's problems because that is an outright lie and an impossibility. Scriptures clearly show that Jesus stated that there were those who claim to be 'jews' BUT ARE NOT - and that is EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY. The Khazars are those - so go after them (Soros, Kissinger, Bozo the clown and all his administration, Jack Lew and the other Fed Res leadership through the years, and many many others) and leave the 'jews', who are persecuted unmercifully and without justification - leave them alone. They suffer at the hands of the Khazars just as you and I do. Get over your drive to label all 'jews' as the bad guys and accept reality and the truth. Anti-Semitism is an ugly position to take on, just like labeling all Americans as being bad, or all blacks as being bad, etc. It just ain't so.

Anonymous said...

According to Albert Pike, the final step to World War III and creating a new world order is to pit political zionists and the muslim world to mutually destroy each other. Divide and conquer is their game. The more you promote division, the more you play into the masonic agenda:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was the Bush WH, Silverstein and Israeli Mossad that did 9/11. NO Iraqis were involved. Saudis were also. See CIA Asset Susan Linauer 911 Truth on Youtube, and reports on Veterans Today.
Any one who wants to legally come to the US is fine. But those who come here to Not be American, to raise money for their wars back home, to "out-breed the American" using free US and State Aid to pay for it, etc, should be deported and all travel documents to US denied forever.

Anonymous said...

This website has a lot of good articles on it but now it is slowly becoming a idiotic joke! Leave the Muslims alone not all of them are bad matter of fact most are good. Every race creed and nationality has both good and bad mostly good though. You are forgetting the Law of One on this site that we are all One what you do to another you do to yourself whether it is positive or negative. You have a long way to go before you awaken in spirit and posting stupid insulting articles like this proves that you are not ready for a higher vibrational way of living that of a peaceful way and Loving way of living as One with the rest of Humanity as a whole as One. By posting shit such as this your blog will eventually be driven into ground not a good thing because there is a lot of good information that is posted on this blog, Time for you to evolve but as always it is your Free will which path you choose stay in 3d or move up to 4d the choice is always yours! Just so you know I'm not a Muslim I'm a White Boy not that it matters we are all equals in this World we are One! I Love You and all of Mankind.

Freewill said...

Only becomes an idiotic joke to those who do not want to face reality... The reality is there are many forces that want you and I dead! Period!
You want to hide behind the belief that because there are many good ones and not to worry? The good ones are not in America causing hell with us Americans!