Friday, February 6, 2015



It has been–and is–popular among some folks to view all information that threatens their peace and comfort as, “fear porn.” For those folks, anything that sparks their fear throws them into an emotional panic.
Some folks even go so far as to believe, or at least suggest, that people who share information that warns them of potential discomforts to their peace, leisure and pleasures, are doing it maliciously, with the intent to spark fear (which of course is true in a lot of cases).
But not all warnings like (“STOP” signs and “Rattle Snakes Present”) are designed or intended to spark fear, but rather spark, “CAUTION” “HEAD’S UP” “BUMPY ROAD AHEAD” “FOR GOD’S SAKE TIE YOUR SHOE LACES.”
Perhaps the folks who GET afraid might find it valuable to analyze themselves–visit a shrink–or read the self-help book: “Why I Am A Fraidee Cat” by Dr. Wuts Wong Vid Me.
My point (should I have not obfuscated it enough) is that no one can MAKE you afraid, but you can BE afraid, and there’s a world of difference in the two psychological and emotional reactions.
One who does not fear understands “the reality that is life,” and accepts that reality, accepts the things that he or she is powerless to change (things that HAVE happened and things that WILL DEFINITELY happen).
“To kick against the pricks is a bloody self-inflicted undertaking.”
While, the one who fears, clings to a false reality–a state of mental confusion–confusing his needs, wants and desires (comforts and pleasures) that MUST NOT be messed with, with ACTUAL reality.
“If life doesn’t go my way, there’s gotta be something wrong with life,” said George.
“No George, there’s something wrong with you, and it is you thinking that life must go YOUR way.”
“Dammit!” said George, “I was afraid of that.”
“Is there anything you’re not afraid of?” George.
“Aaaah....I can’t think of anything,” said George. “But wait....I’m not afraid when life gives me what I need, want and desire, when life caters to me, when it meets my expectations, when it gives me my every comfort, peace and pleasure, and when it’s not screwing with my lifestyle and my possessions. Yeah, I’m not afraid when life does EXACTLY what I have set my heart on.”
“I think you’re gonna be afraid a LOT, George.”
“Dammit! I was afraid of that too.”

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