Monday, February 16, 2015


Getting people to wake up to “certain things” is going to be really hard! The LIE is so huge and so “all encompassing” and it goes so far back in time – that almost all of the things that we take for granted here are just plain EVIL! For those who “think” they are already awake – hold on to your hats! The LIE is bigger than you’ve ever imagined!
If you have NOT watched the short informational video called: Babylon Has Fallen – Then please do so – It is the “homework” that goes along with this article! If you have already viewed it – then you will now have become aware that the “marriage ceremony” is nothing more than a lie – and a total sham!
The purpose of the marriage ceremony (as it is being done today) is to gloss over and to cover up a single dark truth – and that dark truth is that you must REGISTER your marriage (by CONTRACT) with both the state, and the church.
By your own given CONSENT to “do the thing called marriage” in front of a pastor or justice of the peace, and by “signing” the official papers that go along with that act – you will have REGISTERED your marriage – and yourselves – and your children – with the State. All things that are registered with the State are surrendered to the state and thus become the State’s property – Under their LAW – which will be upheld in their Courts.
Children are known on the “marriage licence” euphemistically as: “the issue of the marriage” – Yes, your children are known as your ISSUE – and they are clearly listed on your Marriage Licence as under State Control once you sign the papers!
This FORMAL REGISTRATION has thusly turned over yourselves and your children to the STATE as their rightful “possessions” under their LAW. And – get ready for this –
YOU DID IT OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL! You did it through the trick of Contract and Consent!
Yet many “so-called” awakened people are still running to the church and getting married! “Please – please MARRY US!” They beg without really understanding what is really going on here!
So how does this happen? We have to really begin to understand both the EVIL and the PSYCHOPATHIC NATURE of those who are “running” this world – and what their agenda is, including what they are trying to achieve.
For just a piece of this puzzle please see PRESTON JAMES ARTICLE TODAY on the DRACO’S PLAN FOR EARTH.
If you really “get” what they want here – then it will become increasingly clear WHY it is so important for them to literally OWN AND CONTROL HUMANS!
The ONLY WAY they can get the EARTH is if we give it to them! By COSMIC LAW they are not allowed to just TAKE IT.
Every little girl today is taught to want a big wedding! The flowers – the dress – the party – the moment – the pictures – IT’S ALL ABOUT HER!
Never in a young woman’s dreams could she begin to understand that ALL OF THAT STUFF is a dark and insidious smoke screen put into place to cover up the real hidden agenda which has nothing to do with her, but simply two small things that she has no clue about!
CONTRACT AND CONSENT! (Please see the entire Great Con of Man series for more about this)
All of the fluff and all of the froo-froo of the ceremony is there to hide the few seconds that it takes to say –
“Oh, by the way – before you can have this ceremony – you have to SIGN a few things here! Oh – it’s nothing to worry about – just a few formalities!”
Scribble – scribble – scribble – sign – sign – sign and NOW YOU HAVE CONSENTED TO BOTH REGISTRATION AND SLAVERY! Now go have a “nice wedding day!”
What I am reminded of here, is an EVIL old Witch standing in front of a candy shop – with two young children who only want the candy!
“Yes my dear children,” the Witch says – “you can have all the candy you want – just sign these papers first!”
Scribble – scribble – scribble – sign – sign – sign WEEEEEEEE! LET’S GET THE CANDY!
Fast forward to where we are today! HOW – can those of us who want to wake people up – and who really “care” about others tell them that what they’ve been TAUGHT AND TRAINED TO WANT ALL OF THEIR LIVES – IS NOTHING MORE THAN A TRAP!
Do you see the difficulty that we are bumping into here! Sadly – there are those who call themselves LIGHT WORKERS and LIGHT-WARRIORS who will not even teach this information saying that it does not matter! Why- because we all fart roses and burp sugar plums – and there is no evil out there – and oh – all the ET’S are protecting us!
Contract and Consent!
Preston James said today in his long article that it is all about our collective CONSENT that gives these evil DRACOS their power here.
This is why I use every moment I have to talk about the: Removal of Consent.
Please see this DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE written to remove all consent!
It’s long – but you will know why when you get into the parts that deal with off worlders.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a license and a certificate.

The license includes the state, why else would you need a license to do something.
The certificate is like a notification of your union, making it public
it's best to get a legal dictionary to know both.

Some religions marry with only a certificate and some marry with licenses even though certificates are allowed.

Some people get the state of their marriage by divorcing from their license and remarrying with their certificate.
If it matters to them that they have two wedding dates, well that's a shame, to keep one date and be entangled with an entity that has employees representing it who would love to take your kids.

Best thing is if anyone from an agency saying they represent the state try to take anything from you, your children (legal term, I prefer to use offspring or youth or toddler or what you created cause they haven't claimed those terms legally) or try to take your money, or your home, or your car, that you go to court and get a temporary restraining order so they can come to court and prove who gave them the right to take what is yours.

If it's your car, no one can say anyone gave them permission to take your car, they just hope you'll show up and pay to get it back,

for your property that is young and alive, who can say they have the right? some employee is going to point to her supervisor, who's going to point to her manager, and if the manager said she made the decision, they better have a criminal complaint on file otherwise they have to give them back.

We read these posts about what they've done to others and I admit I didn't always know what to do, but the courts in this matter seem to think that since we didn't use them to stop the offending party, that there must have been some sort of signed agreement to allow it to happen.

Yes, if they steal your kids you sign something, if they steal your car you sign something when you pay to get it back. an attorney will not tell you that side, if they knew and told (and people love to talk and say who told them the 'secret') well they'd not have a form of living (the lie) and they need money to pay for them learning in law school how to sell their soul and confiscate the soul of others.