Wednesday, December 17, 2014

To The People from Anon 8

To The People 

The people of the world have been lied to since 1934 when the bad guys made a the corporation. Of course, they couldn't get away with this unless the Nazi's and the bad guys got together and found the ways to program the masses. We all know this. Most don't want to believe. Well, the programming was a big FAILURE!!!!!!!  They missed a lot of us. 

I would like someone who says they own the people tell us the TRUTH for a change. I AM GOD'S CHILD and a slave to no one and that includes the reptoids in human bodies to fool the masses.

These guys have and continued to dip, double and triple dip the entire year while they continued to allow the people of the world to starve and die.. why are they not in jail for Willful mass murder of the people???? 

How many more people have to die ???

We know that Obama, Michael and the lot of them don't care about none of the people. So. Why are we still having to deal with their lies, stalling, and the rest of their crap ??????

Why is this continuing knowing that Obama has no authority over the people ????
Depopulation has been around for a long time. It's past time these guys and the bankers go away permanently.
I think it's past time to. Announce the Republic and stop the thieves and murderers now.
The people need their money NOW, not tomorrow, next week or when these guys decide to give it up.. so far, nothing has been seen but the dead !!!!

How many years of Christmas and other holidays do we have to suffer through????

I think it's time that all monies to the bad guys cease now.. Since Obama decided that he can tell the people how much money we can have; How about giving the Usurper $500.00 to live on so he can live on our planet as he has made the people live..If he can't live with that, then he either gives the people our money that they have all stolen and go to jail for all his crimes or exile him back to the planet he came from!!!!

Maybe he ought to put his family and himself in the peoples  shoes along with the rest of them. They are NOT better than we are.
If the people were doing this, we would be in jail for the rest of our lives and then some. 

All of this needs to be over !!!  Enough is enough !!!!!

Anonymous 8


Anonymous said...

What are you waiting for? Do something about it. Talk is cheap.

Anonymous said...

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain — that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”
~ Lysander Spooner, Written in: No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, 1869.