Monday, November 10, 2014



The good samaritan - - Culture Club / Contributor/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

         Culture Club / Contributor/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Scripture Reference:

Luke 10:25-37

The Good Samaritan - Story Summary:

Jesus Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan was prompted by a question from a lawyer:
And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,

     Jesus asked him what was written in the law, and the man responded: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27,)


     This newsletter quoted in part below shows the bad future for America if this disastrous Obama leadership is not replaced fast enough in America. I thought this brief summary of the situation in America today was well stated, so copied it. I assume they have product offers also with their newsletter, but as I have had no time to review these, I leave up to your judgment what you think of any product offers of theirs. I show this first before my message on behalf of John at Nesara News to show how messed up America is now and the importance of John's Nesara News to you the American people as the answers that can save the future of America are clearly posted there on a regular basis every day of every week.

Obama Is Coming For Your Bank Account (Don't Think It Can't Happen!)

Dear Patriot,
I just got my eyes opened. Obama and his cronies are at it again and from what it looks like, he thinks that "anything" can be "legal" as long as it comes in the form of an executive order.
Get your hands on this report NOW - (it's free.)
Here's what we know:
The future of the U.S. Dollar as the "main" currency in the world looks like thin ice.
Why? Here are three eye-opening reasons:
  • China and Russia have called for the end of the USD as the world's currency.
  • Obamacare and the Welfare State are destroying everyone’s wealth in the United States.
  • For the first time in recent history, the government is actually considering how to default on its debt, which will drag all government T Bonds with it…
Here's the million dollar question though:
What will replace the U.S. Dollar as the world's reserve currency?
Gold? Sure it's great, but have you ever tried lugging around enough gold to pay for your daily needs?
I can promise you it's not going to be gold. It might not even be a "physical" currency like we've been accustomed to in the past.
So what will replace the dollar for everyday use, online transactions and international trade?

     Now as for John with Nesara News, he was blocked from being allowed to carry any more advertising with his news blog which cut off key finances to run his original news blog with, so I assume the power elite tried to suppress his news blog by this tactic which implies that he must carry too much in truth in national reports so they tried to silence him by cutting off his finances for his national news blog if they could. John's website that you should visit often for the latest news and major truths the main news media is trying to hide from you is . His appeal for at least minimum finances to keep this blog operational is 
Your Donation Support For John’s Family Survival Is $250 URGENTLY REQUIRED by Tuesday! BLOG MAY BE COMING DOWN WEDNESDAY! Use the Pay pal button on the upper left or Checks/MOs can be mailed to John MacHaffie, 141 Partridge Circle, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Go to his website and use the Pay pal button on the left side to send him a quick donation if you can to keep Nesara News alive and operational!
     Now I know how many of you think and rationalize why you must first advance your own financial self interests before you can spare money to help John with. So let me give you a cunning offer and I used to be a financial consultant who often rokhelped people with cunning answers in finances and business operations when needed. A quick capsule form of what is involved here.

     I had a good background in military intelligence and always was good at pulling rabbits out of hats with answers that others could not obtain including C.I.A., etc. I broke the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies during the Cold War and obtained their most top secret nuclear attack plans for the annihilation of America if World War III came. A Pentagon official later told me in a park meeting in Wash., D.C. that one of the items I warned about the Pentagon had not seen before. America would have been annihilated if World War III came. But now they knew the Soviet angle, they could create a defense policy against it so America could survive. I was always good at military intelligence work. I cracked White House security under Obama and found Obama mass lying and deceiving the American people on the Ebola Crisis. The evidence all showed that he had engineered this Ebola Crisis and apparently to set himself up as coming dictator of America. And have to give the boy credit for excessive ambition but he was also aiming to become world dictator is why the Ebola Crisis was also designed to threaten Europe, and the rest of the world. He pretending innocence would come in as the champion trying to save America and the world from the Ebola Virus of potentially killing off even half of all Americans and half of all mankind on earth if an answer was not found in time! Obama was hiding from America and the world that he already had a secret cure for the Obama Virus that had been successful as an Ebola Cure according to the doctors with the military research project. I had secretly located a witness who was witness to the original tests done by the U.S. Military and released to me the basic whole story what happened back then. With leads from that, I knew what I was looking for and traced down key parts of the story showing that Obama is guilty of mass genocide conspiracy by hiding from the American people and people of all other nations on earth that he had an Ebola cure all the time according to the test results of the military team that did the tests years ago. This boy wanted to be the biggest mass killer in human history by hiding the Ebola cure from the American people and people of all other nations. By the way, we don't need Obama supplied vaccines which I was told that he was going to have half loaded with live Ebola Virus in them so the Ebola Virus would fast spread and drive the panic stricken people of America and the world into accepting him as dictator to save them from the Ebola Crisis that he had launched and was behind in the expansion of it across America and the world. According to the military tests hidden by Obama from the American people, you drink the miracle liquid a little while and Ebola gone. Taken in time, apparently you never get sick or die when and if exposed to the Ebola Virus.
     I rate the Republicans are a better answer in Congress than the Democrats, but between corrupt Republicans and morally cowardly Republicans in Congress, they are not the final answer for America either. Pass my Omni Law shown on my national website as fast as possible and the Ebola Crisis shouldn't last much longer after that. Also, having studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist who was endorsed by Albert Einstein when alive as teaching the only true economic science in the world in the 20th century. Einstein was endorsing scientific free enterprise as demonstrated by economic tactics that had already worked super great 4 times in history and then censored from the economic classes after the bankers overthrew these super great economic tactics each time because everyone got employed and rich in society, and business boomed without recessions or depressions. Corrupt bankers do not like too much prosperity for the common people and ordinary common businesses of the nations, so overthrew super free enterprise four times in history. To show how badly your economic history is, even the conservatives in America don't know this, but the economy of the Thirteen colonies was run with super free enterprise tactics until the British Parliament outlawed scientific free enterprise as a favor to English banking interests. Then changing from 100% full employment and nearly all Americans either owning their own farms or businesses, about 50% of all Americans were now out of jobs, businesses, etc. and the American Revolution was born with around 50% of all Americans now suddenly broke due to the English bankers and British Parliament which served them. The Black slaves came to America because no one else was available for common labor any longer when the American boom under true free enterprise made everyone too rich to be common laborers anymore in the Thirteen Colonies!

     You are controlled by being made economically as ignorant as bankers can make you by censorship of key parts of American history from you! You are not supposed to know the parts of national economics that makes a nation fast boom into super prosperity.

     By fast revival of the industrial and agricultural economy of America, we can head off the planned collapse of the American currency as the reserve currency of the world. You can still use gold as measurement of value for your money, but the vast industrial and agricultural capacity of a reborn free enterprise America will make American money the money of magical appeal to the world and all nations wanting it. As for the Federal Reserve system of mass counterfeiting of money as represented by non-backed fiat paper currency, it goes into the trashcan and replaced by money with real value backing every dollar that America releases one way or another! I am an honest economist and cannot be bought off, so I will be the guiding economic light to the 10 legal trustees created by the Omni Law over the corrupt and dumb and inert U.S. Congress. I predict once the Omni Law is passed, many members of Congress (mainly or all Republicans) will like what they see and Congress will itself massively push free enterprise instead of Obama led Marxist Socialism (nicer sounding than calling it Communism which it is under Obama!). America straightens out and the future of America is bright again.
     A warning to Obama. If Obama tries to nationalize all illegal aliens in America at the end of December, 2014 by Executive Order, this is illegal under the U.S. Constitution as no such legal power was ever granted to any claimed President under the legally stated terms of the U.S. Constitution. If he tries this attempt at dictator from the White House, once the Omni Law is passed, he is under the Omni Law to be charged with legal high treason against the U.S. Constitution and those backing him in such action also charged as legal accessories with him and will be placed on trial for their lives. Once the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights are firmly backed by legal enforcement to be the national law of America, the various forms of attempted obvious high treason stop in Wash., D.C.  and America returns to being a constitutional nation governed by constitutional law instead of attempted dictatorship in America. Since the U.S. Justice Dept. under corrupt leadership refuses to uphold legally the authority of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as the national law over government in America, we may legally abolish the U.S. Justice Dept. under the Omni law unless they return to upholding the authority of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as they swear to uphold by legal oath. I am strictly no nonsense in legal matters and am prepared to lead the drive to clean the manure out of the political stables in Wash., D.C. so Wash., D.C. returns to be a law abiding government of America instead of a corrupt and immoral government hell bend on revolting against the U.C. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights every way that they think that they can get away with.
     Under the U.S. Bill of Rights, Wash., D.C. cannot take private money out of the bank accounts of Americans except first by trial by jury. If they try to evade the U.S. Bill of Rights on this, once the Omni Law is passed, we will put involved federal officials and personnel on trial for their lives in attempted acts of high treason against the U.S. Bill of Rights which in its Preamble ratified with the rest of the U.S. Bill of Rights says that it is higher legal authority than the statute and treaty clauses of the rest of the U.S. Constitution which cannot be used to overturn the higher legal authority of the U.S. Bill of Rights over them. The old saying goes, "When treason prospers, then none dare call it treason." Once the Ommi Law is passed, we will call treason treason and not let it prosper any longer in government.
     Under the Omni Law, the American people have the final legal right to vote in national referendums to pass or cancel national laws and policies they either want or else do not want to rule over them in America.This changes the national government to being the servant of the American people instead of their intended master.
     For an intended short report, this grew in size to larger as a report. Those who back our Omni Law Loan Program on our website now until next Tuesday, we will send half of all such money to John at Nesara News and half we will keep for our Omni Law Loan Program. You will get 4 times credit in our Omni Law Loan Program for money you sent in and we received in time. After the Omni Law is passed, you will be paid back 4 times what you sent in which was split between our loan program and the treasury for Nesara News under John. Also, you will receive 10%  royalty on net profits before taxes for 30 year divided pro-rata between you and others in our Omni Law Loan Program. By the way on the tax issue, once the Omni Law is passed, we will collect in funds illegally stolen through Wash., D.C. as the front which we understand would be enough to pay off the national government debt of America,state government debts of America, and deliver a large sum of money to all legal American citizens 18 years of age and older. So long as the Omni Law is passed fast enough, we see no need for any increase in money made off of the RV of foreign currencies realized at this basic time to be taxed under federal standards. You may keep any increases in money you may realize through this RV of foreign currencies at this time. This will release huge sums of money to boom the American economy at this time. Also, any federal officials or employees saying that you may not deposit abroad money in banks you so wish, this was called "Crimes Against Humanity" under the Nuremberg War Trials starting at the end of World War II. It was considered a genocide conspiracy and punishable by hanging from the gallows if convicted of this. Under our policy Americans may invest in legitimate foreign investments abroad but we do exclude financing terrorist movements as this would be legally considered an act of war against the American people and America as a nation!
     Okay, I have made my stand what happens once we pass the Omni Law. Folks, time to look up the Omni Law on our website and push members of Congress and state legislators to pass this as soon as they can. On the federal side, some national reports of mine posted on Nesara showed legal grounds for suing for $600 trillion to $1,200 trillion in damages for an over 50 years suppression by Washington secret  federal policy to block my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process from being reestablished in America. It had tremendous endorsements from many sources including the Vatican back then under Pope Pius XII saying that this was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. By Washington willful suppression of this great food discovery of my father for over 50 years, they are easily guilty of the willful murder of 2 to 3 billion humans on earth or more by withholding this super health food from these people. At the moment any member of Congress or heads or personnel of federal agencies can each be sued for even $600 to $1,200 trillion in damages as Obama made this a continuing federal genocide conspiracy of over 50 years by blocking $400 million that was committed to me this year and I would not have to pay back acting like a grant would in principle which I was to use to set back up my father's industrial food process. This industrial food process could potentially make America the leader of all nations on earth including making U.S. money undisputed as the world reserve currency and also make America potentially the richest nation on earth. However, Obama did not want this for America as he is a Muslim Trojan Horse in the White House and also Communist. Combination of two extremist world movements not hesitating a moment to mass murder people if they want to and Obama fanatically is committed to both!
     Another comment. I withdraw the $600 trillion to $1,200 trillion dollar legal damage suits from members of Congress who back me and pass promptly the OMNI LAW AND SUBMIT IT FAST TO THE STATES FOR RATIFICATION. The federal government will be sued for $1,200 trillion in financial damages but after some concessions of land, etc., I will pass over Wash. D.C. and forgive what cannot be financially be covered by them. However, the legal claims judged valid under international law will then proceed to bankrupt the secret bosses behind the scenes who considered themselves to be the secret government of America and I intend to see them bankrupted and the stolen money returned to the American people in large sums paid to all legal American citizens 18 years of age and over who are not committed to use this for the Islamic overthrow of America from within by acts of physical violence. 

     My Camelot Project gets 10% of what is collected and will be used to set up the national and worldwide Vatican endorsed trade secret industrial food process my father discovered with world endorsements behind it back then. Those in my Omni Law Loan Program divided between themselves pro-rata based upon their number of loan credits in the Omni Law Loan Program will get 10%of the total cash of what I collect in damages for the Camelot Project which could be astronomical in size. I have won a number of legal upsets over the years, but hid this! I wanted Wash., D.C. to underestimate me so Obama could show how truly criminal he really is in character in the White House. President Ronald Reagan signed the Genocide Treaty and using international law in key areas, corrupt federal courts will be unable to stop me from winning and collecting whatever I target to win! If more than $10,000 comes in between today to and including Tuesday, credits in the loan program reduce from 4 times credit for what money was sent in this round to 2 times credit. I don't expect this but if large money comes in, this offer caps at $20 million actual cash coming in before the deadline expires. Credit is doubled on the loan money sent in, but that is all!
     On the RV of currencies exchanged in at this time, I find any targeting of decent American citizens to be blocked or harassed by federal sources trying to block them from receiving the money that is rightfully theirs under law, once the Omni Law is passed, under the legal standards set up by the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials at the end of World War II, if found guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity" which was a peacetime charge when trying to block citizens of Germany from being able to use their bank accounts under Nazi policy, the international court ruled to hang the offenders which I would push for once the Omni Law is passed.
      I am going to be blunt here. My observation is that most of the American people have become too soft to seriously defend now their legal rights guaranteed under the U.S. Bill of Rights. Having been raised in eleven calendar years in military academies before going to the university as a history major, I have a tough side to my character when the chips are down! I judge someone in the federal government is acting in high treason against the U.S. Constitution and especially the U.S. Bill of Rights, then woe unto him as I will come against him like the Wrath of God let loose against him! It is not smart to be my enemy! The U.S. Bill of Rights on the right to keep and bear arms also covered the legal right of the people to form civilian militias for the defense of society and their nation. And independent of the President of America as their commander-in-chief. When the people are truly armed and a military force to be reckoned with, no tyrant tries to take over the federal government then and as the Japanese concluded after Pearl Harbor, it was too dangerous to invade the continent of America then as the American people were too heavily armed and not smart for the Japanese to directly fight by invading the mainland of America then. When the American people are willing and able to seriously stand up for their legal rights again, then I can withdrew to the background and devote more time to very peaceful pursuits in society. I only become tough when I see bullies try and beat up on the American people! That angers me and I am prepared to fight for the American people then! I have said my piece now!
      My national website is My email  is Remember loan money going through the website through next Tuesday goes half to John and half to my Omni Law Loan Drive. We are going to win! It is only a question of time now, not if!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that maverick leader who know how to win when others do not! And I believe in the "Natural Law" and "God-given Rights" America was founded upon in 1776 ! Obama does not and hates the America founded in 1776!)

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