Saturday, September 27, 2014

STAGE 3 Intel

Coffeeone >What types of folks are being arrested?  What are their crimes?

EXOGEN > Coffeeone   Fake SKR's for starters


BaNDiTo.RoX September 26, 2014 at 3:58pm From one of my friend @ a brokerage house said the dollar is @ Up 85.64 as in this min.  

G T  So the Dollar Index is getting closer to a One to One Transaction......THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!!!

Aloha Leslie > GT could you explain that?  Am I correct on this? The IQD is worth .00087 or thereabouts, and we are waiting for the USD to match that. Still not quite sure how that plays out or makes a difference. Thanks!

G T > Read Ron Burgundy's Post Below....He's Exactly Right!!!  We want The Dollar Value AS CLOSE TO 1 for 1 because once the GCR Is Love the Dollar Value will drop for a short time SOMEWHERE between 1% - 3%!!!  But only for a shortwhile!!!

Ron Burgundy > Aloha Leslie This number does not reflect a correlation to the IQD itself.  This number reflects a valuation related to an index of currencies. 

The reason this is important, IMO, is when there is a GCR, the USD (fiat paper printed by the FED) will be replaced by USN (new asset backed currency issued by the UST).

It has been widely speculated that Americans will take a hit in the devaluation of their currency (USD) when this takes place.  Therefore, the speculation here is that they are trying to drive the value of the USD up as much as possible prior to the changeover, so that the devaluation realized will be as small as possible. 

This is the theory anyway.

 G T > Ron Burgundy   Exactly!!!

BaNDiTo.RoX > Aloha Leslie Ron posted this yesterday I believe.. 

Dollar is VERY high right now.  The theory is they are pumping the USD up so when the USN is activated, there will be a 1:1 conversion (or as close to that as possible) to ease the blow to the American people

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