Monday, September 8, 2014


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 8-Sep-2014 11:49:58

Monday, September 8, 2014
MH370 and MH17 Updates...
I have had a lot of requests to do an update on the planes and passengers, so I thought I would tune into this topic today...
Q. Where do you see these planes?
A. I still see that the MH370 was flown to a secret location (around the Great Cocos area) and remained there while the Chinese (and their allied governments) extracted important intellectual information from some key passengers and implemented the intel onto the MH370. To test this intel (which I keep seeing images of cloaking or hiding technology that is so sophisticated that it feels like something that would be related to ET technology) they camouflaged the plane to look like the MH17, and flew it out to do a "swap" with the real MH17. The "real" MH17 was brought back to the secret location at the Great Cocos Island.
After the swap, at the airport I see the pilots and passengers oblivious to what happened and thought they were boarding the MH17. Once in the air I see the old MH370 (disguised as MH17) being taken over by another party on the ground and it looks to be control remotely (I see an image of a toy plane being driven by a remote control). The pilots were not aware of what was happening or how this plane was being controlled, or that they were even flying over a war zone (I get the instrument panel was malfunctioning so the readings were not accurate- for example, the direction may say northwest, but in they were heading north). I also get the black box will never be publicly furnished (and in some cases privately released) because there is evidence of the confusion and talk of this plane not flying right- something secret about the analysis of this box is happening.
The US got some kind of "chatter" (I see chattering teeth) of this MH17 (the old MH370) stating that this cloaking technology was onboard this flight and is being tested. I also get the US was looking for this plane frantically (I see an image of people scurrying about, but not knowing where they were going as if complete chaos was about to break out). Then the plane was spotted and the Ukraine shot it down with the US support in order to keep this intel out of the Chinese hands.
I see the original plan was to take the modified MH370 and keep it for massive transport. They would replicate the technology and use that for their own defense. The MH17 would be destroyed and "strategic pieces" would be sprinkled in the Ocean and played off to look like the MH370 "false crash." This would give families closure and also end this story. When the plan failed, I see a huge amount of scrambling occurring.
As of now I see the MH370 (painted to look like MH17) as shot down over the Ukraine. The REAL MH17 is being housed in a hanger, and the Chinese are trying to frantically replicate this new technology (and fix what didn't work before). I get the error in the way it worked was you can hide from above, but on a flat plane they can be seen. They are trying to see how to hide on that horizontal plane.
I get (and I don't have an exact date) that the real MH17 is going to reappear and I feel a certain "shock" factor to it. It feels sudden and abrupt. I also get it will not look like the MH17 (or even any commercial plane) as if there is some pictorial on it or something odd with the paint job. There is an illusion factor to it.. I get a certain amount of eye opening events will be tied to it, but yet people are in denial too????
Q. Where are the passengers to the MH370? Are they OK?
A. [This part of the reading comes from me with very heavy heart.] I see that many of the passengers have passed away that were on this flight. I have tuned into this over that past few weeks, and every image is the same- I see Hitler when he mass killed the Jewish people with gas, and my most recent image was a scene on a show where many people were put in a room and the oxygen was cut off, creating them to fall asleep and not wake up. I will say in every image the passing felt peaceful, and the passengers were unaware, it looks as if they drifted to sleep and passed away. I do not see pain or torture in any way.
The bodies were taken and I see them being put in the cargo area of the MH370 (painted to look like MH17). I see when the modified MH370 was shot down over the Ukraine, both the deceased MH370 passengers and the MH17 passengers were killed.
Q. Why move these bodies? Why not bury them there?
A. I get that there was a ship located at their destination and the plan was to take these bodies on the ship and put them at sea in a location where they would most likely wash onshore or be found. They allowed the bodies to age post mortem to give the illusion that they were at sea for a while. When the plan failed, the bodies went down with the plane.
Q. Where are the survivors of the MH370?
A. I get the people that have proved to be useful are still being held at this secret base around Great Cocos. They feel like prisoners, but have some free range (trapped in a large building, but free of handcuffs or shackles). They look to be clean, fed well and hydrated- they are keeping them very mentally sharp.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Narrated reading to be posted on YouTube.
Links to previous readings on MH370 and MH17:
Better start take serious what you, can, learn here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" I see Hitler when he mass killed the Jewish people with gas"

first pulling in the Chinese into this story was a nice indication.
this line in particular should be convincing enough to put you in the trash can with the other Zionist psy op garbage.