Sunday, August 3, 2014

Late Sat.PM/ Early Sun.AM Dinar Chatter

Late Sat.PM/ Early Sun.AM Dinar Chatter


Frank26:   Gold.

In the Coming Hours ........... I will be in Church Praising God !

In the Coming Hours ........... You will hear DELTA and I on Your M CC ........ AND TUESDAY's !!

In the Coming Hours ........... The re-calculation will be done in the Budget. (already done)

In the Coming Hours ........... Banks in Iraq will do the same.

In the Coming Hours ........... 99.99 % of the anti M politicians will crawl over to his side ....... For Survival.

In the Coming HOURS .......... "But that is NOT my favorite color" ........... Will turn into ........ " I was just kidding ...... I thank You".
In the Coming HOURS .......... Melons will stay bitter with Myrrh.

In the Coming H O U R S ....... They will finally tell You what we have been sharing with You KTFA Family.

No Ta Da from DELTA and I .... Look at Your notes at what we said about the 3rd... 5th... 8th/9th. IOO ......... It is on TARGET. Therefore we Both NEED to be with You on MONDAY and TUESDAY'S CC and ask You to pick up with us from where we shut down last TUESDAY. Many wanted me silent as they wanted NOT M as PM.

In the Coming HOURS ........... I will be with You on our prayer CC. Look at Your notes ......... Said I may wish to pick up with our INTEL SHARING ........ AFTER our Prayer CC SUNDAY. Appears ............ So.

In the Coming HOURS ........... They will TALK so much MORE.

KTFA,   Frank......... Amazing .......... Grace.


DLR » August 3rd, 2014,

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -- Robert Louis Stevenson



Topic: Politicians should have 3 hats - 1 to throw into the ring, 1 to talk through, 1 to pull rabbits out of. Sanburg



Rocker286:   8-2-14 Oldschool @ Stage3Alpha, source lines up with the Goat for the 5th.

Found this during my mid-day Hopium hunt. Enjoy...I guess. :)

"Our window does not open intel the 5th posted by Oldschool on August 2, 2014 at 9:29am"

Guys enjoy your family for the weekend. Put your bank shoes by the bed. Relax it's coming but not quit there yet. It takes time for the ripple to cross the pond. We will probably hear good stuff this weekend.

That will work up to the event.

Our window opens on the 5th and we should be done hopefully soon after. People are rolling into position to roll this thing out. And I am not talking about bank personnel .

All the you guys in dinar land should be happy because at the end they can't hide it anymore. And we are at the end.

My source lined up with the goats dates and it's always good when you can match up more then one source. I am very hopeful that the 5 th till the following Sunday looks golden!! Enjoy the weekend!!! We are almost done!!


BJJ: Constitutionally, they have until August 8 to name PM, they have said they will open a new Parliament on Aug. 5 Jabouri came within one day on naming the President-so I am thinking he is keeping to his word and we'll see the PM announced between now and the 8th. They are doing this in an organized fashion-something we have never seen from Iraq.


Lilypad: The Estimated Loss For Delay Budget in Iraq is $400 Million: Virtue


Late Saturday Night:


Rodeo: My Bank Story:   I have read about all the bank stories and thought to myself wish I had one… well after all these years it finally happened!!!!!!!

8/1/14 employee of mine went to a festival and got to talking to a guy ended up the guy works for PNC Bank

So he asked him about currency this guy actually told him that PNC Bank has been training for what's to come and that the big four banks are ready and gave him his business card and told him when it happens to call him.

This sure got me excited.



OMEGAMAN: the only thing i believe is that once the TRNs are finally US live, we can proceed with the PBX and Projects, etc. when that happens, we're at the finish line...

 RUMORS are that the TRN WAS live as of last eve. but others are holding back on confirmation; Reno is hopping with bigwigs; things are heating up ; i am looking for santa...this week..

Goomba1:The NEW currency will flow 8/6/2014...

tman23: Between Sunday and Tuesday morning is looking RED HOT


Ajeocci said...

An interesting article has been posted by a Judge on the other NESARA site. Read what she has to say about the much-ballyhooed Treasury Notes. Brought to us by the same folks who brought us the Federal Reserve Notes. Same song, second verse. Like I said before, where's the gold that is supposedly backing these new "dollars?" Looks like the same ol' shit.

Anonymous said...

how area the pp packs being distributed east to west what states have received ,any in the south west (thamks KEESA)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I am getting damn sick of this bullsh$t !!! Seriously, WHERE and from WHOM do these so called "gurus" get their information?? These announcements and proclamations are aptly titled when the word "Rumors" is used. On and on it goes with perpetual "information" about how the RV is just around the corner, always just beyond reach. It is read, "This sure got me excited," as stated from above, working its magic across the nation. The result? Here we are, constantly sitting on the edge of our chairs, hanging on by our fingernails, paralyzed from taking the action needed to facilitate the events that must be accomplished prior to an honest, genuine Global Reset on the behalf of ALL those who inhabit this planet. Please wake up. Victory of the Light!

Anonymous said...

Might as well forget it Anon. You ain't gonna get one. PP packs are non existent as is all the rest of the bullshit like St Germain funds, Nesara funds, Global funds and what ever else fund you can come up with. When are you going to wake up. This is all internet hype.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you! End the Fed Reserve and jail the banksters.... Then lets put an effective now banking system together to welcome in the Global reset!