Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Finally Figured Out Barack Obama, and it's Worse Than You Think

I Finally Figured Out Barack Obama, and it's Worse Than You Think

The first time I ever heard Obama speak, I instantly recognized his use of deceptive hypnotic language, used for the purpose of manipulating the listener. Combined with his statist views, I was instantly turned off and never really listened to any of his speeches since.
However, the guy's hidden past has been a mystery that I have for some reason found fascinating and interested in figuring out. Is he a Marxist? Is he a Muslim? Was he born in Kenya? Where did he come from? Why do so few people remember him? How has he gotten away with using a stolen social security number?
There are a lot of questions and a lot of theories. Recently, I found a few unrelated facts that complete the mystery.
Barack Obama is a CIA operation. He is a CIA experiment, used against the American people. Just like the CIA has installed puppet dictators around the world, they have now installed their own puppet within the United States. He is not a Manchurian Candidate in the sense of being brainwashed. He is fully aware of his mission, just as the puppet dictators are.
Here is the evidence.
To start with, his maternal grandparents were CIA agents. This has been known for some time. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was also a CIA agent. This can be inferred by a few facts.
When she moved to Indonesia, every company or non-profit organization she worked for was a CIA front. She worked for Timothy Geithner's father at the Ford Foundation (CIA front). She worked for USAID (CIA front). In addition, she worked in a number of jobs that were completely unrelated, such as teaching and bank finance. Her mother was Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii, as well as a CIA agent. The BOH was the known CIA money laundering vehicle used to fund Asian dictators supported by CIA.
Besides working for CIA fronts, Dunham also married Lolo Soetoro, who it turns out was a high ranking Indonesian military officer. It is important to know that the CIA attempted to overthrow the Indonesian government since the mid-1950's and they were finally successful in 1965-1967. The government was distancing itself from association with the US and becoming neutral regarding US vs. USSR. This did not sit well with the CIA. There were claims that the old government was communist, but that may have been propaganda due to the government being neutral, rather than pro-US.
During this period, the new government (which Soetoro was a part of, and which was backed by CIA), rounded up the leaders of the other side (who either were -- or where claimed to be -- communists). The CIA created a Kill List of 5,000 prominent Indonesians to be targeted for murder.
Obama's mother was a CIA agent who pretended to be a communist so that she could infiltrate the communist organizations and help compile the Kill List. Her husband, Soetoro, was a high-ranking military officer who killed many of those people. The mass killing eventually turned into a genocide, where it is estimated that upwards of 1,000,000 people may have been murdered by the CIA-backed new Indonesian government (of which Soetoro was a high-ranking officer; and afterwards he would become an executive with Exxon, which is part of the Military Industrial Complex).
Soetoro returned to Indonesia in 1966, and Dunham (now his wife) went in 1967. This was right around the time that the killing was taking place. In addition, Dunham was an anthropology student at the University of Hawaii, and the head of that department wrote a letter complaining of CIA interference with some of the students of his department.
When Obama returned to the USA and went to school, where did he get the money? Why doesn't anybody remember him? There are rumors of Saudis financing his education. Remember, the CIA does not fund covert activities directly. They use friendly government and CIA front companies or organizations to do that.
But first, let's take a look at history and the CIA.
Originally, the CIA was supposed to be an intelligence gathering organization. But it morphed into a covert operations entity with a rogue element within that has engaged in paramilitary operations (illegal, but well-documented). This has been a recurring theme: the CIA starts doing one thing, but then it eventually morphs into something much bigger over time.
At the end of WWII, the OSS (the intelligence agency before the CIA was created) operated X2. X2 was a spying operation to infiltrate the governments and political parties of Europe to learn where communists might be gaining a foothold.
This morphed into Operation Gladio, run by the CIA, where it infiltrated governments of Europe. When certain European politicians that CIA heads did not like started to gain strength, Gladio operatives would foment civil unrest. If that did not work, they would engage in false flag attacks to blame it on the people they did not like. If that did not work, they murdered people to blame it on the people they didn't like, sparking outrage in the local populace, and thereby getting their guy elected (or installed by the military).
This became so popular within the agency that they took the show on the road. It morphed into Operation Ajax, where they overthrew the government of Iran in 1953. Then, they overthrew the government of Guatemala in 1954.
Also in 1954, they tried to overthrow North Vietnam. In 1956, they tried to overthrow Indonesia. In 1957, they tried to overthrow Laos. In 1959, they did overthrow Haiti. Also in 1959, they set plans for overthrowing Cuba, which they tried to carry out in 1961 (Bay of Pigs).
By 1965-1967, they finally succeeded in Indonesia, which is where military strongman Soetoro and CIA operative Dunham came into play.
Since the 1950's two programs were instituted which have continued to this day, despite claims to the contrary: Operation Mockingbird and MK-ULTRA.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation to infiltrate all the major media outlets to control the flow of information -- and the propaganda -- fed to the American people. During Clinton's administration (NAFTA, governor of Arkansas where the CIA ran drugs), the laws were changed that allowed for media ownership to be concentrated into just a few Big Corporation hands. In the years since, that is exactly what has happened.
MK-ULTRA was a mind control operation by the CIA designed based on what they saw in North Korea, to find out if they could control people's thoughts and actions. Although we associate with MK-ULTRA such things as brainwashing, the Manchurian Candidate, and assassination, the bigger picture is that the program was an organized effort by the CIA to learn how to influence the mass population of the people.
Laws had to be passed to prohibit subliminal advertising in movie theaters because they were effective and covert against the people. These ideas about how to influence people covertly is probably what the CIA was most interested in doing.
And that brings us to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is associated with this type of research. When I first heard Obama using it in speeches and his campaign slogans, I recognized it instantly. But I quit listening to his speeches.
Then one day, on the car radio, I heard Rahm Emanuel (Obama's right-hand man) speak. He uses extremely heavy doses of NLP in his speech. It is so obvious to anyone who knows about NLP. But most people do not know what it is, or why it can influence large numbers of people.
During Obama's run for office in 2008, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons published an article questioning if Obama was using psychological manipulation in his speeches. That article has been scrubbed from the internet, but there is another one that details the same topic.
So, why has Obama gotten away with a fake birth certificate, stolen social security number, and intimidation of judges regarding this topic? Why has he gotten away with sealing school records and much of his past history? Why would Arabs pay for his eduction? Why would he continue with Gitmo and the Middle East wars when he claims, and his party wants him to do, otherwise? Why has he gotten away with gun running in Mexico? Why has he gotten away with the stand down order in the execution of the US Ambassador to Libya? Why has he allowed the NSA to spy? Why has he allowed the IRS to spy and intimidate? Why did he support NDAA?
Ladies and gents, Barack Obama is not a Manchurian candidate in the sense of having been brainwashed into not knowing what he is doing. Instead, Barack Obama was identified early in his college days, in part due to his family's history of CIA involvement. He was groomed (probably along with some others who did not make the cut -- so far), as yet another way the CIA has morphed their operations.
The CIA started out spying on Europeans. Then, that morphed into interfering with European elections. Then, that morphed into overthrowing European governments. Then, that morphed into overthrowing governments all over the world. Then, that morphed into controlling governments all over the world.
And probably around the 1970's or so, when the CIA was fresh off their success in killing JFK and fresh off a couple of decades of success in controlling governments, and possibly worried about the next JFK who might take the White House and castrate the CIA, they probably started a top secret operation to begin grooming their own political candidates, complete with proper "background" and education, as well as training on MK-ULTRA learned psychological techniques, to put their own puppet into the White House one day.
Obama just happens to be the guy who made it through all the hoops.
The CIA has a history of controlling and overthrowing governments around the world. They have a history of controlling the media, and the resulting propaganda the American people will see and hear.
What would be the next logical evolution for the agency to morph into? Would it not be to see if they could install their own puppet(s) into the office of President of the United States?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the US public knows is false." CIA Director William Casey, 1981
John Perkins talks about his role in Indonesia at about 17:00. The whole interview is amazing, but this part is about controlling Indonesia for the oil, and for controlling Southeast Asia:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I discovered the CIA tapestry of connections more than a year ago. So, who controls the CIA? Say out loud, "13 satanic family dynasties using international banker families to direct the funds to make the game plans become fact. The Earth has been a private rigged game and playground for dark cabal participants to provide a way for the general public to either choose or not choose to go through the various houses of mirrors or selected scary tunnels that are "real" houses of horrors in order to send chills of terror to those who choose to stay and experience the ongoing perpetual risks of existing on the fragile edge of maintaining one's life on Earth or experiencing and feeling the death transition out of the game. What are your choices, observation in relaxed comfort or roller-coasters?