Thursday, July 3, 2014



EXTRAPOLATED INFO: Would be correct in that Gods Hand is clearly seen in this but leave it up to mankind to want to prove God wrong...Just so they can be infallible. I'm OK with being wrong and YES. It’s good to be back I told you I would see you all in about 29.5 days.

Any ways the Big banks like the top 4 just completed the new currencyexchange seminars and the projected start date is the 9th of JULY.

I predict the & 7th as I give  it all to GOD that he bless himself in all that we do.

So Monday begins Public exchangemaybe that might mean they start making the appointments as early asMonday and to fill the calendars and slots for start day of the 9th.GOOD-LUCK.
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 3:02 PM

7-2-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony  [via Adept1]  In Iraq...We know that the actual vote took placeMonday night;  we know the numbers and the new PM, and what they did so that people would stay and vote instead of walking out.  There are things in parliament that have already happened, that you are hearing won’t happen until next week.  Everyone is prepared;  there were even some preparatory meetings this morning. I want you to understand that we are really, really close to the end of this ride.  We’re really just waiting for announcements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just not understanding this, is this good or bad? I'm still new to all this so maybe putting it in simple terms will help. Thanks for the info though its always appreciate.