Saturday, April 19, 2014

Obama desecrates Easter

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Dear Judy,

Many in America still do not believe that President Obama is pushing the Homosexual Agenda on the whole country.

But now Obama has desecrated Easter -- one of Christianity’s most important celebrations -- in the name of the Homosexual Agenda.

On the first day of Holy week, Obama hosted the fifth annual Easter Prayer Breakfast Monday.

And Obama chose homosexual Bishop Gene Robinson to lead the closing prayer!

It’s outrageous to have a priest who defines himself by a sinful lifestyle representing our nation during Holy Week.

Obama’s action is meant to elevate the Homosexual Agenda in America.

And to push it on the Christian church.

He and his radical homosexual allies cannot stand that American Christians refuse to kowtow to the Homosexual Agenda.

They are already exploring ways to force churches to perform homosexual “weddings” and hire homosexuals, transsexuals, and pedophiles.

Obama's elevation of the immorality of homosexuality during Holy Week and Easter celebrations is an affront to a loving God who has richly blessed America from its founding.

That's why I'm committed to keeping Public Advocate on the forefront in the fight to preserve morality and Christian values in America.

Please say a prayer for me and Public Advocate as we continue to do the work our Lord has given us to do.

Thank you for your prayers always, especially during this very holy time, and Happy Passover to our friends who celebrate it.

May you and your family have a Happy Easter.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Late last week, I wrote you an urgent email asking you to help a fellow pro-Family activist, Peter LaBarbera, after he was detained in Canada for promoting Christian views on morality.

Thankfully, he was promptly released by Canadian authorities after an incredible response from Public Advocate supporters.

Will you chip in $5 or $10 to help Public Advocate stay on top of urgent fights like these?

God bless you and everyone who made calls to the Canadian Embassy on Peter's half.
Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax deductible. Public Advocate is a nonprofit organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone (703) 845-1808;

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