Sunday, March 2, 2014

Your Calling to be an Elect, to do God's Work

Dear Friend,

Russia invaded the  Eastern  UKRAINE,  and the EU is also sending troops.   Russia is being encircled by America, with  Nato one of it military arms.   Russia has special relationship with the UKRAINE, for the naval posts to the Black Sea, to have access to the world.   Ukraine is the gate way for Russian gas, and oil to Europe.  Russia knows that if they loose Ukraine, Syria, Iran, than Russia and China can fall.   This will cause a great persecution of  the true Christians.   America has plans to invade Syria.   Our troops are amassing in Jordan.  Israel knows, and the Russians admitted that in  2003 Iran received nukes from the Ukraine, or Moldova.   Israel has plans to attack Iran.   This tells us that  WW3  has started.

The whole world, and every living being is affected by the Atomic  pollution, death from Fukushima Japan.  It is estimated that 70% of us will die in the next 20 years or before from Cancer alone.  The Pacific Ocean is now  DEAD.   Corexit poisoned the Atlantic Ocean, and stopped the Gulf of Mexico current.   This changed the weather, not to mention the affects of   Planet X, the Bible calls  “Star Wormwood.” 

We know that our money system will crash, this summer, and the outsourcing of jobs from America make us homeless, and by it to starve.   Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and the nations in Africa are starving thanks to our help already.  The new laws / codes makes us the “enemy of the government,” and if we run in conflict with it  “enemy combatants.”  We have no  “remedy”  in court, for we changed the law, into “codes,” of the Anti-god, on   June 5, 1933 with  House Joint Resolution  192.    We changed to the   ONE  WAY,  of   Only Evil  of the Anti-god, Satan the Devil, and its  tyranny, from God’s way of   “good and evil”  LAW, and its  “checks and balances.”   On this fateful day, America Changed by President Franklin D.  Roosevelt, from God’s  “money” of the Old Testament, and its Exchange System the  Dollar, to the “fiat money” the dollar.   On this date it became a “crime” to  PAY  our  DEBTS,  as the Bible demands,  to “discharge”  debt in the IRS’s  credit, accounting credit system.   This is the proof  that we changed from obeying our Creator, this country was founded on,  to the Anti-god, Satan the Devil.  

This national  ACT  on   June 5, 1933  officially made us  IDOLATERS,  the greatest sin, for which the punishment is  “death.”  Christ use our government to  EXECUTE our death sentence.  God gave us  80 years to   REPENT,  but like Israel who was given 40 years, did not repent.   Our Judgment is  HERE!  This is why we are   EXECUTED,   softly, in a quiet war,  called  “the war on drugs!”   This  war is waged upon us with silent weapons, with Atomic, Biological, Chemical, and Electromagnetic radiation.    This is why we are  poisoned by the air, by chemtrails, and it kills the soil also, to starve us to death.   Our water has fluoride, and other pathogens, and our food is embalmed with chemicals, and additives.  We are  killed with GM genetically modified products, and radiated by our  TeeVee, and brainwashed, and the Cell towers, phones, smart meters, computer, electrical wiring, the  GWEN and  HARP and other instruments. We are sick, and we can’t die, being “tormented” for our sins. 

Christ, our Creator declared, that anyone who is His  “enemy,”  who would not allow Him to reign over him, be killed front of Him.   Our  80  years was up on  2013.   We are killed by the police, and by medications, and soon plaques, winds, quakes, famine and war.  More than one third of Americans are dope addicts, called  “substance abuse.”   Our nations is dying, if you have eyes to see it.

Why is America falling?  We are because our Creator will  “sacrifice” humanity, as He did in Noah’s day,  for the salvation of the angel kind, when this  6000 years given Satan to reign over humanity is finished.  Now  let us remember that our Creator promised that before He intervenes in human events, He will   WARN  us.  This is why we have the rainbow, to remind us.   The truth and how great our Creator, and Father is,  HAD  to be  HIDDEN,  as  God’s  “mystery,”  that we may learn God’s sacrificial love,  by  experiencing  “evil,”  and to choose eternal life, we must sacrifice our human life.   This is why God promised to  “restore” the truth to us, which was  HIDDEN  from us.   This is why God put us all into “confusion,” and also pre-ordained our “deception”  by the Anti-god.  This is why our Creator forced us to  accept the salvation of the Anti-god, that we  ALL  be as the people were in Noah’s day.

God is now “revealing”  the truth, as He gave it to His  Very Elect,  to reveal it to His  Elect, and they to the Christians and Israel.  This is why Christ is going to have a  “refreshing” of the truth, causing a   REVIVAL  to a  “few” in this age, not to the “many.”   God will save a  FEW,  now and the rest in the  “ages to come.”

This is why I written a booklet titled  “God’s and the Devil’s Salvations, the Two Mysteries Restored  by Revelation, to Separate the Two Jesus.”  
I ask you to write for this booklet, to be saved at the End of the World, and its three (3) cataclysmic  WOES,  which will destroy the earth’s population as in Noah’s day.  You must see that we need to  FIND  the way to eternal life, and then accept God’s way, and its “sacrifices” needed, by “counting the cost,” to receive the “Key of Knowledge,”  to open your spirit and mind  to “accept”  God’s true  “Knowledge of Salvation.”   It is required that you step out on  FAITH  to offer your sacrifice, and then to “endure” your sacrifice, to “obey” God’s  “law of faith,” to “live by faith,” as a Christian, who is given “little strength,” or the “law of the spirit” as an Elect of God, to live in the reality of God’s  power. 

For this reason I ask you to write for this booklet, which I need to send you as a hard copy, which has to be printed, and mailed to you.   To receive it you need to offer a sacrifice, for to approach God, a sacrifice was needed from Cain and Abel, down to us.   This is how our Father is “calling”  you  Jn.6:44, out of seven  (7.5)  billion people.   You need to “accept” His call, by offering your “sacrifice,” as all the righteous did.  Remember that you are   NOT  a Christian, being an Idolater, by the use of “fiat money” in a way it is   NOT acceptable to our Creator.   Most likely, you obey the “mystery of Iniquity” gospel of the Anti-god, and its “doctrines of the Pharisees,” of which Jesus said  “SHUT  UP  the kingdom of Heaven,” your Salvation.  By  the USE  of  “fiat money” you can’t  “buy and sell,” and  have the “Mark of the Beast!”

Please remember that you  CAN’T  volunteer to be called!   You were pre-ordained to be saved in this age 2Tim.1:9,  this is why our Father  HAS  given you His “earnest” of His “holy spirit” 2Cor.1:22, that what I say may not be “foolishness” to you ICor.2:14, as to those who are not called.   If you “reject” our Father’s call,  and His   love,  which moved Him to sacrifice His First Son, Jesus on the cross that you comprehend His love for you,  then Jesus will need to “reject”  you.  This may put you dangerously close to committing the “un-pardonable sin,”  which has the penalty of eternal death.

You are “called” to do God’s  “work”  Acts.13:41, to help to  restore Jesus’ and Christ’s  laws, and gospels and government.  You are called to  WARN  all nations like Noah, that the destruction of  LIFE  as in Noah’s day is upon us.  You are called to CONFIRM  other’s calling, as I am confirming our Father’s call to you.  You are called to be in the “better” resurrection at Christ’s coming Heb.11:35.
Please remember that we sound the “MIDNIGHT  CRY” of the Anti-christ’s and Christ’s coming!

Please send your  request for my Booklet, and your gift to “The American Mission” c/o Tom Demeter  120 N. Broadway # 409 Santa Maria, CA  93454.

In the reality of our Father’s eternal love,
Your friend,


Anonymous said...

Atomic Bombs will never be used! The Galactic Federation has warned all of the governments of Earth that this will not be tolerated and the bombs will be neutralized so that they cannot launch so disregard ant FEAR PORN about the annihilation of Earths population due to nuclear weapons. The Cabal is attempting to pick a fight with Russia and if it wasn't Russia it would be China. That is what the Cabal does.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the writer of this ' article ' is a bundle of fucking cheerfulness, ain't he ! Real nice of him to add up the 20 ways we are about to die. I've never been able to understand peoples loyalty ( faith ) to the same god ( remember, he loves all of his children ) who has no problem killing us. In the above rant, count how many times this ' loving ' god sanctions some kind of killing, whether by action or inaction. Could not ' He ' just wave his hand and remove all the radiation ? Could any sane parent stand by and allow their child to commit a fatal act and not intervene ? However did so many become convinced that this negativity was " Holy ?" Religions permanent debt ( sin ) is no different than the money debt the Cabal wishes us to remain bound by. The key in the above rant is easy to spot, at the end of this preposterous manifesto, this wildly irrational guilt trip, MONEY. Like G. Carlin has said, god always needs money ! This ' man of god ' is little more than a used car salesman with a cross. Do yourself a favor, ignore Captain fear porn, and embrace rationality and common sense. Shove your money grubbing booklet, Mr. preacher. TYJM frj