Thursday, March 27, 2014

Potential Good News for the RV/GCR

Subject: Potential Good News for the RV/GCR

This from a banker in Baghdad........Iraq is under great banking pressure and citizens are going wild. Yesterday a banker in Baghdad was shot to death and all banks across the country immediately closed due to the displeasure of the national money situation. The banks are out of money...and no big bills available to do business.

Today, 60M Dinar arrived in small bills for the common man on the streets...but business is still dead for lack of the big bills.

Maliki is being seen as the self-serving power hungry political idiot he really is....who can not solve the financial crisis of his country. The RV has to happen immediately to keep the nation alive and away from social chaos.

The IMF contact is saying that Christine has the handle in her hand and will orchestrate the US "pull" when she so desires.

The people of the world need this GCR and RV to happen so that Heritage Bonds, World Heritage Packages, Prosperity Packages and numerous businesses can be jump-started to help prosper nations.

All indications are that the RV will happen between now and late Sunday night, 30 March 2014...and the announcements made for the public people on Tuesday, 01 April 2014....just my conjecture.

Cheers, Bob


Kevin Mills said...

It's amazing to me how we've been hearing over and over that the RV has happened and at the same time we're hearing that the RV has to happen soon. Go figure...

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,
This is what I am seeing as well from several sources that April 1st has a lot of different things happening that may or may not be all connected. For example the "Volcker Rule" is to be in place April 1st. Basically it strips the major banks from current investment practices. This is something that has been on the table since the crash of 2008, and coincidently is now to become law.
When it comes to the IMF, hmmm.
The IMF has a small board of directors of which Christine sits as chairman. A majority of the directors represent shareholders of the Federal Reserve. A huge "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" wouldn't you say? So who really is in control?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't count on it if I were you.

Anonymous said...

Maliki is just a puppet of the Cabal {USA) he's doing as he's told.

Anonymous said...

So how does the SDR of the IMF originate? An important global fiscal and macro-economic policy reform should the IMF choose to manage it would be to stop the creation of (fiat) money out of thin air. Strange that never does one hear from them about this core issue at the heart of mankind's economic woes.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, it has always been hard to work out if and how the IMF could really be on the good side, as you say. Also, because they still haven't manage to change the voting rights so the decisions are still unfairly controlled by the G5 countries.