Friday, March 21, 2014

Examples of Gifting Letters Posted by Hugsart and Daz at TNT

Affidavit of Gift

My name is [my name], also known as [drop your middle initial or add any other AKA here]. I am producing this affidavit to memorialize a completed gift of __[quantity]____________ Iraqi Dinar note to my [relationship- i.e. friend, son, daughter] , [recipient’s name].

The intent of this letter is to establish the time of gift and basis of the gift for gift tax valuation purposes and to provide documentation of the transfer in the case that such documentation is ever necessary for [recipient’s name] to exchange the gifted nonfunctional currency for other currency.

I, [my name], located in the city of [city], state of [state], on the _____day of _______, 20____ did gift a note(s) of currency of the Iraqi government with a total value of __[quantity]____________ Iraqi Dinar to my [relationship], [recipient’s name], living in the city of [city], state of [state] without compensation or expectation of gain for myself.

This gift was accomplished by placing said note(s) in the mail with the USPS, limited delivery, postage paid, and properly addressed as follows:

[recipient’s name]
[street address]
[city] [state] [zip]

On the ___ day of ______________ 2010 I exchanged $[purchase price of Dinar] of United States currency for [total quantity of that purchase as reflected by receipt] Iraqi Dinar (IQD). The above referenced Dinar was received by me in this transaction. I conducted this transaction with [name of currency dealer] located in the city of [city], state of [state] under the order # of [order number].

I hereby affirm and attest that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

[my name], Affiant
This instrument was on the date thereof signed, published and declared by [my name] to be a true affidavit in our presence and in the presence of each of us, and we, at the same time, at the affiant’s request, in the affiant’s presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto signed our names and addresses as attesting witnesses.

_______________________, Witness
[Witness1 Name]
[Witness Address]______________

_______________________, Witness
[Witeness2 Name]
[Witness Address]______________

STATE OF ________________________ )
) ss.
COUNTY OF _______________________ )

On this day, _______________________, 20___, before me personally appeared [my name], as affiant, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Affidavit of Gift, and acknowledged that he[she] executed the same as his[her] voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein contained. Also appeared before me ____________________ as witness personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and _______________________ as witness personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) who did witness affiant’s signature in his presence and in the presence of each other.

Witness my hand and official seal.

____________________________, Notary Public
My commission expires: ______________________


 I don't know if this will work or not but its better than does fulfill the known requirements to establish parties, amount/basis/value, time and intent. Fill in the blanks with the giftees name, (one for each gift recipient) amounts of currency gifted and USD equivalence, state and county and your name and last 4 digits of your social and email them all to yourself and save them.

My intention here is to satisfy the need of a time specific chain of title and to satisfy the difficulties and restrictions we may encounter when considering a gift to others from future reserve receipts or simply a desire to wait till the RV occurs before gifting to known recipients.

This electronically established transfer and gift statement/affidavit is only effective, if at all, if executed prior to any revaluation of any of the currencies or assets described.    ALWAYS SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVISE, IM NOT A LAWYER AND DO NOT PLAY ONE ON TV...YOUR BUSINESS IS YOUR

BUSINESS  ________________________________________________     


 I, ______________________(NAME), do hereby declare the following statements are true and correct to the very best of my knowledge. Any and all property or asset of any nature that I transfer and give willingly, as of this date of electronic record, from of personal ownership, future option or possession to the recipient is intended as a gift without recourse or expectation of recovery.

I perceive no agreement or expectation between the recipient, and myself and I expect no profit, benefit, or opportunity of any nature in consideration of the asset or property that I have transferred. I believe that I am totally within the law, my intent is clear and this date of transfer and notations at time of asset allocation establishes that intent as it pertains to my activities herein described.

My intention as of this date, is to gift amounts of Iraq Dinar / Vietnamese Dong, as may apply, up to and in any denominations/amounts/totals of available amounts held or optioned at a future date, as depicted below, to those named persons and entities listed and described herein, ____________ Iraqi Dinars /__________Vietnamese Dong, (either or both currency amounts representing an approximate USD equivalency up to  $_________)

Gifted to ______________________________ as an individual, and I do not intend the gift as an investment, or as a payment of anything of any value or nature, and I acknowledge that my gift does not entitle me to any future opportunity or benefit.  I have sworn in this affidavit to not reassert any rights to the property that I now give freely to another individual.

I am a fully informed and consenting adult and I have not been misled in anyway. I do hereby swear and declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing statement is true and correct, and are binding upon me to the full extent expressed therein.

I purchased this currency prior to this date of gift and transfer, executed on or before this day of electronic transmission.  

Name: __________________

SS# xxx-xx-______

(Electronic Signature) 

State of _______________________ County of ______________________

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