Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Born into slavery

Shahid wrote: "Via 
Karen Kasold

Whether we realized it or not, until recently, we were all ‘legally’ debt or ‘labor’ slaves, as were our parents, our grandparents and great grandparents before us.

Since 1933 every new child born was required to be ‘registered’, thereby creating a Corporate Person, effectively denying that child any rights as an owner of Real Property.

The act of registering a child contracted them as chattel, and the birth record was a deceptive legal way of getting the parents to sign the baby away. The birth record was in fact a promissory note that was converted into a slave bond, which was then sold to a private reserve bank effectively giving ownership of the child to the bank.

Each new baby’s contract was sealed by either a drop of their blood or by an ink impression of their foot onto the birth record. This ‘signature’ was used to create their lifetime value, evidenced by their labor and the taxes and costs of that labor as monetized currency – all designed to keep people in servitude for their entire lifetime.

The banks have been the modern slave owners and as the saying goes, “He who owns the debt owns the people.” The way the Slavery System was imposed on us meant that even if we did end up paying off our house or our car, we never actually owned it, because our right to any Real Property ownership was given away at the registration of our birth.

This has been legal process since 1540 via something called a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, and this was still in effect until the recent UCC Rulings changed the legal landscape and reinstated the un-rebuttable fact that no-one can own our ‘selves or own our bodies.

The slavery system remained intact for so long because of educational doctrines, the influence of our community at large and because so many people accepted and embraced their slavery by waiting for others to help them or to tell them what they should/could or should/could not do. Enforcers like the police and courts made sure we stayed within the slavery system and incarcerated us if we chose to live as FREE individuals.

In fact, the slavery system was imposed on us all (and maintained for centuries) by building walls in our minds through propaganda and conditioning, creating the false belief that we did not deserve better, that we were not part of a greater plan and that we should instead be happy with the handouts, crumbs and ‘indulgences’ given to us by the Powers That Were (PTW), while the system itself reaped in millions of dollars every year, directly from the sweat and blood of our labor.

But no more. Now you are FREE.




Anonymous said...

No babies are signed away. How stupid can people get?

The only thing registered was the NAME, not any babies. The State took all LEGAL TITLES nothing more! All property is in the State!

The registering of the Name created you INDEMNITY from ALL DEBTS, ALL CLAIMS, AND CHARGES against that legal name "IF" you use that indemnity receipt correctly!

No one uses it correctly. Everyone CLAIMS it as their property thereby consenting to remain liable for it. Stop making CLAIMS to anything and you cannot be held as surety. USE it in the proper manner it was created for and all your bills get paid by the STATE! This was part of the NEW DEAL. To completely free man from servitude but only if he accepts it! No one has accepted yet and instead claims it because everyone wants to OWN everything.

Why OWN when you can CONTROL?

Let me have CONTROL of everything I want to USE and I care not who holds legal title to it! Sound familiar? GET IT?

Anonymous said...

Private remedy is no remedy. Glad the one above figured it out while the rest of us forage around for access to the same info.
If it were a public remedy. We could pick up the phone and say. "I'd like to learn to stop claiming that things that don't belong to me. Where can I get help on that? "
Genius who can control and figured it out seems to be under non -disclosure.
Why food stamps? Why mortgages if New Deal covers it? Why isn't New Deal taught anywhere? Why homeless don't have New Deal benefits? Why travelers get tickets and judges enforce them under New Deal? Why bonds? Bondage of people by jailing them and getting them to bond out which is slavery to the system to conviction. Why bond election s to pay for what the people need? New Deal should pay for that. Bond election enslaves people through taxes to pay for bondage of the bond they voted for to build a school or road or recreation center or whatever.
One sets their self free and bashes the rest of us for not seeing the remedy. Thanks so much for finding the "underground railroad' and keeping it hidden so others can't find it too. Since the goal is to keep as many from using it as possible. Some New Deal!

Anonymous said...

It seems you figured it out.
No one should be jailed for nonsense.
If the New Deal was for the people; then they owed us a fiduciary duty to teach us how to use it.

Even you say it's our fault with no information as to where to go to get the bills paid or what to read to learn to control the person.

If the information is in the New Deal documents; then One would expect it to be as public as the statutory codes used against us by the people employed to do "New Deal" activities for our benefit.

Millions kicked out of our homes due to fraud.
Millions jailed for being homeless. (I know this as a fact); to get them to sign a bond so their city can trade it and gain revenue.

The New Deal may be your remedy but a private remedy still means slavery for the rest regardless of how it happened; it's real.
People have been jailed for not speaking to the police when he wanted to 'ask' them why they were not wearing a seatbelt and they remained silent. The city got the bond. The people got a criminal record for "interfering with the obligations of a public servant" and you get to state its our ignorance is why this happens to the people as if we deserve this for not knowing what you know.
Come soul redemption time. Saving yours while knowing future generations would be even more ignorant just doesn't put you with 'us' since you figured it all out.
When slavery is over; people will be free of debt bondage. No more bonds. No more bondage. If they want to fund something; no bond election to put the people in debt. Let the New Deal do it. No food stamps. Let the New Deal pay for the food we need. Let the New Deal pay for medical. Let the New Deal buy us clothes to wear. New Deal pay our bills and rents. Let us grow our own food under the New Deal. Let us travel without flashing lights stopping us under the New Deal

Anonymous said...

It all sounds good to me, the people must awake and begin understanding how their lives have been controlled from birth all the way to death.