Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Cancer Industry

Hi John,

please post many, many lives will be save with this most important information, there are millions who are not aware.

The Cancer Industry

The Cancer industry knows the American people want a miracle pill that they can just pop into their mouth to knock cancer out (which will NEVER happen). The American people want this because a miracle pill would allow them to keep living lavishly and frivolously while eating their beloved degenerate, denatured and devalued Standard American Diet.

No pill will ever knock out (cure) any disease. A single pill didn't cause the pathology. It was the thought process (mindset), diet and lifestyle (or death style) of the person that caused the pathology. And yes, consuming various or multiple pills (drugs) plays a role in the development of pathology. Disease is multidimensional and not one-dimensional. Unfortunately for Western allopathic medicine, they treat disease in a one dimensional way.

Nearly one million people die from cancer in the United States every year. In all due honesty cancer patients/sufferers are not dying from cancer. They are in effect dying from the cancer treatments - chemotherapy and radiation and the belief that they are going to die (thanks to the unwise doctor telling the cancer patient this).

Folks, chemotherapy is POISON! If you give chemotherapy to a healthy person, the person will become sick. Now how can that which will make a healthy person sick be given to a sick person and expect to make them well? Where in the world is the logic in this?

The human body is NOT made up of chemotherapy (petroleum). Therefore, petroleum is a foreign substance in the body and will cause the body's defense mechanism to kick in. But in cancerous persons, their bodies are already too weak to resist and fight the foreign substance.

Chemotherapy is so toxic, poisonous, and injurious that it makes the hair fall out. This alone should tell you something. You're going to treat the cancer but one of the many side effects is that the hair on your head and face is going to fall off and out? This is outright insane and absurd, but yet in still hundreds of thousands of poor, frightened and ignorant individuals unwisely subject themselves to this insidious invasive process and to their great doom and demise.

The other widespread insidious technique used on cancer victims, oops, I mean "patients," is RADIATION! Now you've really got to be out of your damn mind to undergo this treatment. Radiation has no place in the human body, at least not in the body of a healthy and sane person.

Radiation is based upon the toxic element "radium oxide," a serious poison to the human body. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body? Folks, radiation kills ALL cells in an indiscriminate way. This treatment and process literally burns and cooks your flesh and have you ever smelled cooked flesh of a living human being? It STINKS something terrible, people! 

This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer! 

You be the judge. 


Anonymous said...

I can attest to the statements made concerning deadly radiation and chemo. This 'protocol' has killed family and friends through the years. Add to this the fact that prior to receiving the treatments, the patient is REQUIRED to sign RELEASES from ANY and ALL responsibility for negative outcomes, including the patient and family can NOT SUE these 'doctors' for MALPRACTICE. I tried to talk my mother out of undergoing chemo but she proceeded. Within 3 months she was dead - thank g-d - because she suffered horribly during that time. TODAY THERE IS NO NEED FOR THESE KINDS OF BARBARIC 'TREATMENTS' - CANCER CAN BE LITERALLY CURED - WIPED OUT - WITH NATURAL MEANS. DON'T BE A FOOL AND GO TO THE DOCTORS WHO PRACTICE 'medicine.' Push your way OUT of the DEATH MATRIX mentality propaganda and go after LIFE. REMEMBER, the doctors and the pharmaceutical industry make TONS OF MONEY OFF YOUR MISERY AND DEATH, and the 'powers that be' WANT YOU DEAD. Don't give any of these that benefit. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH DECISION AND FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. SEEK THE NATURAL MEANS AND THOSE WHO DISPENSE IT WHICH IS HEALING PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

Damn straight. I hope when the Republic is in place, the real truth about cancer will no longer be suppressed, specifically, that cancer is curable through diet. Cut out the animal products and eat plenty of raw fruit and vegetables...that's it!

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't hurt to STOP using products that contain toxins and/or carcinogens so that you can limit your chances of getting cancer.

EVERY .. and I mean EVERY home cleaning and laundry product that you buy and use from a grocery store contains toxins and/or carcinogens.

The most dangerous product has to be Lysol. It comes in different fragrances. You never ever inhale Lysol. Don't touch it because it will be absorbed thru your skin. Don't use it around children or pets. DON'T BUY IT

Other common dangerous products include Clorox, Windex, Formula 409, .. I could go on and on. Get yourself a copy of The Safe Shopper's Bible. It will list thousands of dangerous products.

Look into boosting your immune system and maintain a safe ph level.

Anonymous said...

I can cure any cancer in 30 days by ingesting Organic Turmeric; Ginger Root and Apple Cider Vinegar powder that I put into capsules without a change in diet.

Anonymous said...

Please elaborate for us on what, when, where, how much, and how often.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering whether Brown's gas can be used to neutralize radiation in victims exposed to hot particles through inhalation, ingestion and skin contact. Here is an interesting video discussing Brown's gas HOH that is extremely effecient in neutralizing radioactive substances.

Keshe foundation has developed a method that employs gamma rays.
