Sunday, January 26, 2014

Our Father is Calling His Elects

Dear  Friends, 
One of you asked questions, which I believe will not only
help my friend, but many of you also.
Please read my letter.

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your response, to my letter Titled "Our Father is
Calling His Elects."   You are allowing me to explain a little
better what  I have written in my short letter.

Your ask,  Why is my UCC filing rejected? 
My letter attempted to respond to this question, and  why it is
important for you, and all of us that the Governor of California
REJECTED  my  UCC filing, as did the Secretary of State
refused to file my documents of my UCC-1, and its Indemnity
Bond, Security Agreement, and Financial Statement.

Why did they not file it?

The reason is in a way simple.   It would let me, us go officially 
FREE  from the plantation and slavery.  Like the Pharaoh
resisted Israel his slaves to be free, Satan resists us now to
be free also.

This is Satan's created function to  "resist" us, and by it to
 "try us." IPet.1:7, and to "steal" our wealth, and  LIFE,   and to
"destroy us,"  and the earth  Jn.10:10, if we do not "obey" our
Creator Eph.3:9.

Why am I making a deal with the Devil?

This is over simplification of the truth.
You see, we, you  ARE  a  "slave,"  by the system, forcing you,
 as I say in my letter, and articles,  to obey Satan's   CODE,
which prevents you, to obey God's   "law of faith."

I have an article on this "how to live by faith" which is not as
simple as it looks.  One reason is that we do not have God's
"holy spirit," so faith is a very difficult task for us.  Please see
my letter on  this, and the relationship of Jesus and the
12 Disciples, and Christ and His Apostles in Mat.16.

So, we, you like it or not, have a   CONFLICT  with the
Devil's system, for God "created evil"  Isa.45:7,  or this
conflict that we may through conflict / evil learn our Father's
"sacrificial love"  Jn.15:13.

How are YOU planing to solve this conflict?

My friend,  what I say is that only  GOD can set us free, if  we
"obey  HIM!"    The problem is that you,  and us are prevented
to obey God, and His  "law of faith," or His    "law of the spirit,"
by you / us  "obeying," without you / us knowing it, Satan's,  the
Devil's   "codes."  We can't obey Two Masters Mat.6:24, we
CAN'T  obey the "codes," and God's  "laws" at the same time.

It is difficult to  SEE,  and to understand the truth, because to do
it we must apply Christ's  "operation of salvation" Col.2:12, which
we naturally  do   NOT  want to do ICor.2:14. 

To see and understand what I say,  we must
#1 apply Jn.7:17 or to  DO  what Christ  is telling us.
#2  then we must offer a "sacrifice" to God, who is spirit,
so we can't give it to Him directly, so we MUST  give a
sacrifice to God's physical servant, and His "work,"
whom we want to understand.
#3  After we offered our "sacrifice" a  LOSS,  we are comforted,
and then  Christ  OPENS  our understanding by giving us His
"earnest" of His "holy spirit"  2Cor.1:22. 

So you see, gaining  understanding of the "truth"  has a few
"requirements!"   I did not include this in my letter.
Spiritual truth is gained a little differently, than intellectual truth.

I see that many are not yet seeing what I am saying.  This is why
I am spelling it out, that  my friends may see it.  

It TAKES  effort, sacrifice, and  TIME   to study what I been saying
in the past  25 years.

You say that we need nothing to start a church, but faith, and not need
the 508 church.

Again this looks so "easy!"   This approach is the Anti-christ's shown
to us in Mat.7:13.   "God's way"  is the "difficult way"  Mat.7:14.
Let me clarify.   You "obey" the government, by using its "fiat money,"
and its "Codes," and  "insurance." 

To do this you had to change your  "legal status," of a living man,
to obey God's and man's  LAWS,  to be a "corporate person,"  
a   DEAD  corporation,  NOT a  HUMAN  being.

At the moment you are a  "corporation"  which our Creator will
NOT  recognize.   Christ only recognize a   "living man,"  not a
"dead corporation."  (This is why Satan is the Anti-god, or the
OPPOSITE  to our Creator). 

This is why you need the UCC, and its Indemnity Bond, Security
Agreement, and Financial Statement, to   SEPARATE  your
"dead" corporation, from your   "living" human being,  "legally" for
the Devil, and "lawfully"  for our Creator.

Let us not miss this vital issue.

Yes, I know who and what is the IRS's function.  I and you need
to be aware that we are  NOT  under its jurisdiction, IF
#1  we "obey" our Creator, and "come out" from this system Rev.
18:4 as I say it,  and
#2   "enter into"  Christ's kingdom's Embassy Mat.6:10,33, by
setting up our 508 church.
#3  As I said in my letter, we also  MUST  take a "Vow of Poverty"
to obey  Lk.14:26,27,33.

Satan try to  PREVENT  us to obey Christ, and by it makes us
"subject" to his   "codes," and the IRS.

Satan by doing this makes us  IDOLATERS, which is the
greatest  "sin"  IJn.3:4,  which has God's penalty of DEATH 
Rom.6:23, which Satan, the Anti-god then must "execute"
on us, He being the "god of death" Heb.2:14.

This means that we like it or not, have a   CONFLICT  which
need to be solved.

There are "many" ways to solve this problem.
Man's way of solving it leads to   DEATH  Prov.14:12!  

I  am trying my best to sow  HOW  Christ is showing us, how to
solve it  "His Way,"  which lead to   LIFE,  and to have it more

I pray that I  cleared some of the points you allowed me to
address in this letter.

All the best, and  THANKS  for your feedback.  Please let me
know if this helped.



Anonymous said...

Brother's, first the real name of our saviour is yahshua no christ, our heavenly fathers is yahweh, pronuning like yah-ooooo-ah and holy spirit is ruach hakodesh. and only through these names are real salvation no under other names under heaving and earth we can be save.
blessings to all.

Anonymous said...

You mean there are still people stupid enough to be fooling with UCC Financing statements ? How is that mixing of god crap/religion working for you ?
" It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master. " - Ayn Rand
If you insist on following god crap/religion ( slavery ) remember churches are TAX EXEMPT for a reason, i.e., SACRIFICIAL OFFERINGS, not to your god, but to man, who is wholesale involved in mixing MONEY with BELIEF. Enjoy the entity of your choice, forget donations, LET THE FUCKERS EARN THEIR OWN LIVING. Clergy doesn't teach ' faith,' you already have it or you wouldn't come in ! Why don't priests work for a living ? Why are they exempt ? How well has feeding the bottomless money pit known as the Vatican been working for you ? TYJM frj

Unknown said...


This is not to put down or condemn Tom but as a gentle correction. I hope it accomplishes my intent. PART 1

One reason is that we do not have God's "holy spirit,"(this is not an accurate statement) so faith is a very my letter on this, and the relationship of Jesus. So, we, you, like it or not, have a CONFLICT with the Devil's system, for God "created evil" Isa.45:7,(This is also in-accurate, God says he created light and darkness, the word used for darkness is the same word from Gen1:2) or this conflict (to equate conflict with “EVIL” is simply a misunderstanding of what EVIL is, “The absence of GOD”, that we may through conflict / evil learn our Father's "sacrificial love" Jn.15:13. To see and understand what I say, we must #1 apply Jn.7:17 or to DO what Christ is telling us. #2 then we must offer a "sacrifice" ( From what scriptural reference is this drawn?The only sacrifice, if it be one at all, is to obey God and offer Him Praise) to God, who is spirit, so we can't give it to Him directly, so we MUST give a sacrifice to God's physical servant, and His "work," whom we want to understand. (Are you saying we should offer up a sacrifice to “The Church” to the Pastors, to the Teachers, to Apostles”. To whom should WE give these “sacrifices”)
#3 After we offered our "sacrifice" a LOSS,(this “sacrifice” is not LOSS but gain and the gain is in our Spirit [see Rom 8:9-11]) we are comforted, and then Christ OPENS our understanding by giving us His "earnest" of His "holy spirit" 2Cor.1:22. (Your understanding here is clouded, please review the following scripture carefully, [ACTS 1:5, Joel 2:28, ACTS 2:38](NOTE all these say upon all or as many as God shall call)this is a generational promise. Now see [Rom 15:13], PLEASE now read carefully the following,[ Matt 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16,]all refer to one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit, (refer back to the above scripture) Matt 3:16, Luke 3:22, John 1:32-33 [Christ first]Luke 24;49 refers to the Passover event in the upper room. Why the Holy Spirit is needed( John 3:5, [Acts 2:1-4, 38 & 41 about 3,000 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit],READ THIS PASSAGE CAREFULLY ACTS 8:12 -19 especially 15-17this speaks of Samarians that had believed on Christ but the Apostles went to them to lay hands on them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and also ACTS 4:31 and also Acts 10:45-47 and the amazing part of this scripture is that those had not yet been water baptized even though they had accepted Christ. See also Acts 11:15-16 they received the same gift as the apostles and they were gentiles. Now carefully read ACTS 19:2-6 (this says these believers had not even heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit)Ask yourself what Paul did so that these believers might receive the Holy Spirit. What was the outward manifestation that these believers had, in fact, received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 1COR 12:13, Titus 3:5-6(ask yourself if these are the same thing why mention both separately) IF you want additional resources concerning these things read “Words of Light and Life” by F.P. Moller.

Unknown said...

You say that we need nothing to start a church, but faith, and not need the 508 church. At the moment you are a "corporation" which our Creator will (God does not “SEE” the corporation, He sees His Creation which He does” recognize” else NONE born under the government of men would know salvation)
NOT recognize. Christ only recognize a "living man," not a "dead corporation. This is why you need the UCC, and its Indemnity Bond, Security Agreement, and Financial Statement, to SEPARATE your "dead" corporation, from your "living" human being, "legally" for the Devil, and "lawfully" for our Creator. ( My Brother, do you really believe that you can add to the salvation of Christ? Do you really believe that God cannot save us if we do not separate our flesh and blood bodies from the “Corporate” body. REALLY)
Yes, I know who and what is the IRS's function. IF #1 we "obey" our Creator, and "come out" from this system Rev.18:4 as I say it, and #2 "enter into" Christ's kingdom's Embassy Mat.6:10,33, by setting up our 508 church. (You are right on here, The 508 is our remedy to the privilege granted by the government with a 501) #3 As I said in my letter, we also MUST take a "Vow of Poverty" to obey Lk.14:26,27,33. (Again my Brother, these passages refer NOT to a vow of poverty but rather to the larger issue of priorities. It matters not what we have, or do not have, but what we cling to. If I cling to my family rather than God, I have family to the exclusion of God and yet we are admonished not to mistreat our wives, servants and cattle, and to raise our children in fear and admonition of the Lord. We must cling to God while we minister to our other responsibilities, including our riches that God gives.
Satan by doing this makes us (satan does not MAKE us do anything, we do what we should not and fail to do what we should because we decide to our own actions)(we are idolaters precisely because we desire those things above God) IDOLATERS, which is the
greatest "sin" (This is NOT the greatest “sin” this is a reference to the LAW of Moses and how man cannot be justified by the LAW and how “sin” was overcome by the death and resurrection of Christ and those who are in Christ do not sin because He takes away “sin” which is nothing less nor more than separation from God and His LOVE, GRACE and MERCY) IJn.3:4,