Saturday, January 18, 2014


To TNt Family,
This is the first time have public posted Intel on our site. Since SEPT my group leader texts directly to ray/tony
But i thought we could use some  hopeful news regarding our HIGH RATE possibility from a man who has been right
on with his intel that matched Tonys other sources
FIRST trader said last 2 days exchange frenzy was the same as about first 10 days in december. And Yes..all rates
that he was witnessing and talking to other traders ALL IN THE 30s.
Then my partner asked him if he can see rates now dropping...and is there any chance that public might get a chance to
start there before floating down?
TRADER said CHINA has put some much money on table for the OIL CREDITS it seeks...That he says YES there will be funds 
available in the 30s for a while to the public. But must get in first few days before dropping.

Closing TRADER told my partner, that not only He and many of his Fellow Traders..are APPALLED AND ASHAMED as US citizens
working abroad at the GREED and ABSOLUTE DISREGARD for any time of MORALS or FAIR PLAY in this DINAR investment.

PERSONAL THANKS from my small group to
We will follow these people of CHARACTER and CREDABILITY through this battle till the end 

Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 6:41 AM


Anonymous said...

I am not a professional investment trader and know little about stocks and currency manipulation, but is it legal for a chosen few who are in the "know," to trade and make huge profits using insider information, before a currency rate is available to be traded by the average investor on the FOREX.?? Would it not make it even more criminal, if the rate of exchange that was given to the privileged were to drop to it's diminished rate by the time it went public internationally? I find this all to be rather preposterous since in the end, the dinar is just another currency that will increase in value where it belongs alongside other international money when the time comes. The claims of $32.00 exchanges can only be propaganda to fuel the sale of more dinar to the public. 800 #s and NDA's can only be covers to add mystery and intrigue to something that will be simple when it comes time to do it. Oil "credits" seems ridiculous when one considers that along with the release of technologies in the near future, there will be the abolishment of oil as a fuel and the natural elements will replace it for unlimited use and minor cost to the consumer. The "THRIVE" documentary that was offered by this very site is an example.

Anonymous said...

China does not need Oil Credits, the Chinese are getting their oil from Russia, my trader just laughed when I told him your reports on a trading scam going on on the Dinar, after he explained the way Currency resets and trading works I am convinced you are spreading lies. It will be impossible to hide the tradings and the Feds will be all over it within days not because only "a few elite are benefiting from it" but because the immense amount of money the people that sell this currency will be loosing, when a scam of this proportion happens it is never about the people that make the money but the people that lost the money, your ignorance in this matters is palpable and I hope people do a little research and understand how ill informed you are.