Tuesday, January 14, 2014



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Anonymous said...

This is an old video from 2012. There hasn't been any mass arrests.

Anonymous said...

as much as i want a goverment of integrity, there are too many self -serving groups who manage to charge the tax payers for everything they can steal, and not pay a dime for.
the cabal banksters are too clever to be not aware of the actions before them.
all of mankind i.m.h.o. would feel relieved for the arrest of the banksters who are nothing more than lieing despicable scamers and the master of the goon puppets who slaughter in the name of justice of the policeman military force, and just invade other countrys at will. the logic is why are they allowed to enter other country's soil and then to proceed and take what they want, for if the other country's forces landed and started to invade and take what they want, would this be a true act of war, that no citiezen of any country not see the actions only as a act of invatison and those people who's land is being invaded, would naturally come together to defend and now to be called the bad guys terrorist, but who is the terrorist. when buildings and land get destroyed, the banks have a party, for everybody needs a loan, and a lien and contract of ownership of that asset. funny how the war making machine factories get really rich, at the expense of the blood of the victims. at times i wonder of the love of creation and who is favored, for what lessions, and for for what love will be received on this planet.

Anonymous said...

An arrest is when one's daily activities are abruptly interrupted by an authority over one, usually for alleged wrongdoing, and possibly unexpectedly and or against one's will; could a "resignation" or perhaps encouraged/ forced "retirement" perhaps be considered an "arrest" amongst those in either banking or so-called govmnt?? I believe this expanded definition allows there have in deed been "mass arrests" with many more imminent and perhaps much more public.
God give us eyes to see and ears to hear what You are DOing in accordance with Your Will and promises to Your faithful people.... Halleluyah!!!

Anonymous said...

Show me a video of when is ACTUALLY DOES HAPPEN

Anonymous said...

"Imminent" on a long timeline means you need to be a little more patient.

Anonymous said...

Show me that there hasn't been. Old vid, or not it's happening...

Do you like that the way it is now?

There should be more arrests...

Anonymous said...

From the perspective of the Galactics, it already has since they are not under the conditioned illusion of time like we are.and past, present and future are all in the infinite now. Since we only see .003% of the electromagnetic spectrum, we are pretty next to blind when it comes to seeing things meaning that we don't see .997% of what is happening around us. This is why we need our consciousness restored and our ability to see restored. Trying to understand how higher dimensional beings work using our lower third dimensional perception as a reference is like to trying to play pro base ball when you are just barely a bat boy. When things start happening, you will not need a video!