Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WHY - RV QUESTIONS ---- Your help requested

I receive numerous email RV questions on the following and need your help in answering them.

1)     Why are currency dealers still selling dinars at wholesale? We heard dealers were supposedly stopped from selling several days ago.

2)     Why would this administration want to block this RV?

3)  Who does Jack Lew of the Fed/UST work for?

4)     The RV gurus saying always tomorrow and tomorrow --- and then nothing? WHY?

5)     We are being told it has RV in 9 countries but No one can provide proof?

        John MacHaffie 


Anonymous said...

Then maybe you should wait until someone does provide proof before you post any of this bull shit.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be wise for everyone to remember the things that Dove of Oneness and Casper said for a long time about the Omega program. Dove made many claims about her inside information concerning packages, banks, deliveries, mortgage debt forgiveness, "new" money. Likewise, Casper talked endlessly about the Omega packages being flown all over the place, always being prevented from actual delivery by the politician Casper hates and is obsessed with. Now everyone knows that both Casper and Dove were totally wrong. I suspect that the majority of what the Gurus are now saying is also total garbage.

Anonymous said...

No proof no posting, that should be your motto concerning information about the Dinar. The excuse that you want to bring the information
that is available is not valid anymore, all you are doing is aiding the spread of misinformation. The Gurus said the RV happened in Australia and Iraq, this is a blatant lie, the Gurus said some people cashed out, another blatant lie, The Dinar wouldn't be selling for cents if this was true. the worst part is people like ZAP AND SUSAN start repeating this lies and next thing you know everybody is bringing the same propaganda to us. We voted to have the Gurus censored and you didn't follow thru, so what's the next step? take one back and don't even bother to read the Gurus postings, is gotten so bad that like ZAP we can predict what lame excuses they are going to bring forth in their next posting!!!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with asking questions, Mr.Think-You-Know-it-All? Why should we sit around and wait for someone to tell us what is going on and what to do next? That moment may NEVER come. There is nothing wrong with trying to find out the facts and/or truth! Get real!

Anonymous said...

And when I say that they were totally wrong, I include all those claims about the big, important people getting funded. No one got funded, no one!

Anonymous said...

I believe you are all looking at this the wrong way! Whether the Gurus are right or wrong, their message has always been a better life; one of hope, prosperity and comfort. We chose to regard this selfishly as a life of great wealth because that is the way we have been indoctrinated to think and believe. Consider this: If you are reading this message, then you are not one of the millions who are in prison, destitute or infirmed! How selfish we have become.

The Cabal is still too strong and we and our narcissistic values are at fault for allowing them the time and ability to infiltrate every aspect of our lives. What good is a new financial system and revaluation of currency, if it all can eventually become controlled by the Cabal once again? Certain changes need to take place and more people need to wake up to the terrible ruse that has been played upon them. What good is prosperity to a spoiled child who has always known prosperity? What lesson is learned from that and isn't that what life is all about?

The best thing these Gurus or their disinformation agents have done is disappoint us. What better way to make us think than to shatter dreams? Our Galactic brothers and sisters asked for 144,000 people [a governmental body] to invite them and their intervention into our lives and the best we could do was 14,000 when some 70,000 people invested in the Dinar?

I believe in my mind and heart that this revaluation will take place and that our future will be prosperous. Our Creator gave us a wonderful gift; the ability to change our circumstances. We can turn this all around if we collectively just have a little faith, think positive and imagine a better life!

Anonymous said...

The answer(s) can be found at:


and by going back to its beginning post "RV Reality Check" on Sep 23, 2011:


(A Public Service Message)

Anonymous said...

1) Because "they" are testing American Awareness and want to control how much MORE we can take before being known as the most complacent people on the face of the earth.

2) To further the NWO's depopulation agenda, which also maintains control over us remaining slaves for them to profit from. Whether we are dead or alive, we generate cash for "they're" selfishly greedy coffiers.

3) The White Dragons, obviously not in any position to call the shots, otherwise it would be done.

4) Because "they" want us to be as "they" desire, mind controlled into insanity. Watch how many new brain programming trainings begin to arise, under the disguise of enlightenment.

5) Because Americans are gullible!! Most are to busy serving the money god to look at the deeper aspects of love, life, and laughter. Also, see #1.

Anonymous said...

I say not another word or post on the Dinar until it happens

Anonymous said...

#1....selling currancy wholesale is because ....sellers well always sell to a greedy market.... currency is always availiable.

#2....in order to keep the poor-people down to work for the wealthy....DEPT SLAVES, thats why.

#3....Jack Lew works for the Elit Politicans to help keep the people as DEPT SLAVES

#4....I believe they are telling the truth.... and the PTB's are messing things-up....DEPT SLAVES.

#5....not real sure ...but I think the proof will show in time....we will see ....wait and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Onlyone

Anonymous said...

You might also consider a blog re "Adam Montana":


Anonymous said...

There will never be an rv while Obozo, THE SOCIALIST, is in office.

If and when there is an rv .. we will never see a dime.

Dinars will eventually be rendered worthless.

Anonymous said...

Here's the situation: the gurus have never been right, but they have never lied to us...their sources have lied to them!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, the questions in this post have all explained themselves time and time again.

We are continually deceived for a multitude of reasons, yet people still want to get a 'false high' with the dreams of other dreamers.

.....Its time to move to a stream reality, and let the horrors of dreamland reside with the deceived who perpetrate them!

Anonymous said...

You dumbass, their sources are each other.

Anonymous said...

Stop reading this nonsense Hopium blog. Buy a mega millions or powerball ticket and check for yourself whether or not you have won the big prize. The odds are actually better than this BS game!