Friday, December 13, 2013

U.S. Federal Corporation Bankrupt Since 1933/ Also Known As “The Bank Holiday Of 1933”

U.S. Federal Corporation Bankrupt since 1933/ also Known As “The Bank Holiday Of 1933”

Please pay “Special Attention” to this portion of the Law:
The present law forbids member banks of the Federal Reserve System to transact banking business, except under regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, during an emergency proclaimed by the President. 12 U.S.C.A. § 95. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 146) ----> FDR's Emergency BANKING Relief Act of March 9, 1933 still in effect today.

People seem more inclined to research and investigate root causes and actual conditions in hard times, so I am posting this information, in the hope some of my countrymen who do not UNderstand what is presently happening will become aware that they are UNaware, and in awakening, awaken others to the end game.

If you don't mind, this isn't a thread about the merits of metals, but about recent history, and things we can expect if we don't wake up and HOLD some accountability from our alleged servants in government.

The fact of the matter is, the United States did go "Bankrupt" in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and by Executive Order 6260 on March 9, 1933, under the "Trading With The Enemy Act" of October 6, 1917, AS AMENDED by the Emergency Banking Relief Act, 48 Stat 1, Public Law No. 1, which is presently codified at 12 USCA 95a and confirmed at 95b. You can confirm this for yourself by reading it on FindLaw. Thereafter, Congress confirmed the bankruptcy on June 5, 1933, and thereupon impaired the obligations and considerations of contracts through the "Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard And Abrogate The Gold clause, June 5, 1933" (See: HJR-192, 73rd Congress, 1st Session). When the Courts were called upon to rule on various of the provisions designed to implement and compliment FDR's Emergency BANKING Relief Act of March 9, 1933, they were all found unconstitutional, so what FDR did was simply stack the "Court's" with HIS chosen obsequious members of the bench/bar and then sent many of the cases back through and REVERSED the rulings.

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”

For the full picture please see;


Dan said...

Those Good Guys that Claim to be in Charge better get their act together and find out what is True and what is Fact!
Are the Court Decisions by FDR's Judges Official?
Is the Bankruptcy of 1933 Official?
Is the Charter of THE UNITED STATES, INC. being Revoked Official?
Is the Charter of the FEDERAL RESERVE, INC. have been Revoked Official?
Is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Official?
Is the 16th Amendment to bring in the IRS Official?
I have already seen that from Bill Benson in his 2 volume; 'The Law That Never Was,' that ALL 48 States' documents of the False Ratification he has verified.
Is the 'Act of 1871' Official?
Are ALL Laws that came from Congress since March 1861 Official, as that is when the Southern States' of Congress Walked Out without Properly Adjourning?
Is the Original 13th Amendment in 1819 of the Loyalty Official?
Is the US Constitution of 1789 Official, as it was NEVER Properly Enacted and Signed?

Anonymous said...

That was the third chapter 11 bankruptcy. We are now in the fourth.

Anonymous said...

What people are missing is how good this all really is! BTW, the Trafficant speech quoted in the article is not correct. Only the first paragraph is correct. Everythi9ng after the first paragraph is not part of the speech. That is something someone else added to it.

You need to read 12 USC 95a and comprehend it. That is a piece of solid gold in itself. 12 USC 95a is also repeated word for word under Title 50 appendix 5 which is part of the War Powers.

All TITLES have been SEIZED stripping man from holding any TITLES including title to the fictitious legal Name created by the Certificate of Live Birth! Everything starts with that legal Name! That legal Name is held by the State as legal title holder and all the interests in that legal Name title was purchased from the State by the Federal United States of America government via the Social Security Act where the Feds purchased the interests with its federal funding paid to the States for the registered birth certificates.

The United States of America federal government having purchased all interests in that legal title Name created by the Certificate of Live Birth became a protected purchaser whereby being exempt from any suit unless the federal government gives its consent to be sued. This is why most claims against the federal government are dismissed per rule 12(b)6 for failure to state a claim in which relief can be granted.

The GOOD NEWS is the end result means all MEN AND WOMEN were set FREE and became EXEMPT from ALL LIABILITY for ANYTHING DONE in that fictitious legal Name.

Paragraph 2 of 12 USC 95a shows how all interests were assigned, conveyed, transferred to and for the account of the United States resulting in the States turning all interests to the fictitious legal Title Name to the account of the United States, and stating NO COURT shall hold ANY PERSON liable for ANYTHING DONE in good faith in reliance on that section of their code!

All YOU have to do is just ACCEPT IT and UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDER all CLAIMS AND INTEREST in that fictitious legal Name you USE over to the United States since it is the beneficiary holding all interests in that legal title! Once you do that then ALL liability for ANYTHING in that legal title Name becomes the obligation of the United States where YOU as a FREE MAN have full and complete INDEMNITY from ANY CLAIM against that Name you merely USE for the benefit of the State and United States! This means YOU no longer can be presumed and construed as the debtor liable for ANY debts owed by that Name you are just the USER of! All DEBTS owed by that Name are obligations of the United States, not YOU!

But as long as you continue to CLAIM that Name as YOURS and claim any interests in that Name as yours, then YOU are CONSENTING to be the SURETY for that Name which how you become liable for everything done in that Name! Stop making CLAIMS to that fictitious legal Title Name that belongs to the State and correct your past MISTAKES of having made claims to it and surrender all your past claims to that Name and all interests in it back to the United State who is the beneficial owner of it all. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, will you be FREE and obtain full IMMUNITY from ANYTHING ever brought against that Name!

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Well said Anonymous # 2
The people being (only) the "Authorized User" of the "NAME" (legal fiction) authenticated by equitable title to "Property" the "STATE" holding "Legal Title" as the "Creator" of the thing (the "NAME") legal fiction.
I am not the "NAME" (legal fiction) and the "NAME" (legal fiction) is not me.
the U.S. Corporation created the "NAME" legal fiction.

Anonymous said...

"In 1760 George III surrendered the revenue of the Crown Estate to HM Treasury as part of an exchange which relieved the monarch of all responsibility for:

the cost of the civil government
the national debt accrued by previous monarchs, and
his own personal debt.