Saturday, December 28, 2013


     The two prophecies that control your life are one "I CAN DO IT" or plural version is "WE CAN DO IT." The second prophecy pronounced by you is "I CANNOT DO IT" or plural version is "WE CANNOT DO IT." A Don LePre who swiftly came back from bankrupty to be a self-made millionaire used to comment that if you wanted success in life, surround yourself with positiive people who would say that you could succeed, not surround yourself with negative people who would say that you could not succeed. An old Middle East saying before the time of Christ said, "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD!" Jesus Christ said that if you had faith enough, you could move even a mountain. I think Jesus was using an old form of an Aramaic saying meaning that you could win even against what others called "impossible odds" if you had faith enough to tackle the challenge and commit yourself to victory. As Jesus said elsewhere, even kings consider the cost before committing themselves to battle to try and win victory.
     My formula I have used over the years is use common sense logic and if I see a way how to win at something I want to win at, then weigh the cost in time, effort, and money, and if I still want to win at that goal I judge I can win at, then commit myself and see it out until I win. Let me share some stories with you of my own stories of experience and that of others to illustrate how you can win if you seriously want to and judge you see a way how to win.
     A couple of old sales stories which are supposed to be true and illustrate how if you have faith and act on that faith, you can win the goal you are out to win at. A man owning a drugstore in Atlanta, GA had a soda fountain and sold a drink there that he had invented. A stranger tried it out one day, liked it, and made this man an offer. If he showed this man how to nationally market this drink in two words, would this man make him his national sales manager and get paid $50,000 later on when the business owner had made the money in business to pay this. The business owner agreed to these terms. Then the man said the magic two words of marketing, "BOTTLE IT!" And thus was born the Coca Cola Company out of Atlanta, GA.
     Separately the story goes a woman had a recipe from old plantation days from the Old South. She was told a two word marketing formula how to market it nationally. The two words were "BOX IT" and a great pancake mix company was born.
     Two things to look at from these two stories. The owners of the food products had things they believed could go national but did not know how to do this. They listened to two word marketing formulas that made good common sense and so they had the faith to act on these two word formulas and as they say the rest was business history in America!
     If common sense tells you how to do something that you want to do or can turn into something important, then time to say "I CAN DO IT!" and not "I CANNOT DO IT!" and then sing your song of "I am a poor helpless butterfly" as your explanation why you don't have the guts to carry out what your common sense brains tells you can be done!   
     Faith and a little bit of common sense can deliver powerful results. Look at John MacHaffie of Nesara News. When I first saw his blog, he had maybe had a million views if that. I saw potential with him and his approach to running a blog. Today he has had over 40 million views so he must be doing something right! I once talked with him and he told me how humbly he started this blog with. I think it even amazed him how far he has gone since with this. 
     We had a housewife who did not like the type bread offered in the grocery stores. She started to homebake her own loaves the way she wanted it done and soon neighbors wanted loaves she had baked. This grew from a home kitchen and became Pepperidge Farm which is big and national today. As the Bible says, "Do not despise humble beginnings!"
      One TV evangelist years ago talked of the principle of 4. From people you know, if you have the right angle other people would want to know about or to reach someone important in any nation of the world, you tell one person and they tell another and by 4 people away leaders in foreign nations can hear about you or what you said or did! I have seen this principle work in my life and in the lives of others. When I first reached Wash., D.C. years ago, I first stayed at a boarding house while working for a top newspaper in Wash., D.C. Later I lived in apartments and then rented out a large house while owning a showpiece mobile home (had been in trade shows) on a large piece of land I owned and used for weekends in Virginia while living in the Wash., D.C. area. But starting at this boarding house, there was this Greek boy living there, nice, and worked a nightshift with a fastfood restaurant with someone else who he thought was very smart. He also thought I was very smart and arranged that the two of us met. We became fast friends and two of his best friends were a retired Pentagon general and an exile Cuban leader. Through them I became the youngest member in America of a prestigious international organization composed of top leaders in America and Europe including  9 Pentagon generals, royalty of Europe, top brains in America and Europe, one of the top two leaders of the UN from years earlier, etc. They later wrote me up as "The Einstein of American Economics" after I had studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. See the formula of 4 working here! Another friend I met while he was briefly basically down and out was a top retired Pentagon official from World War II and had connections across Congress and other federal sources. He pulled strings for me and I had inside connections to federal sources the public would not. The formula of 4 working here. I tell this formula 4 story to you so you realize that you push some of my reports on the Omni Law and by the formula of 4 you may already have reached top leaders across America whether you realized it or not. You are more influential in America than you realize! And you can help swing the nation to what you want America to stand for and freedoms you want for yourself!
     In military school I had once stated I could start a business for the price of a postage stamp. Some cadets said that was impossible. This led to a bet going on with some military cadets and so I sent to Shotgun News which in those days would run an ad for you and you not have to pay until after the ad had appeared nationally with them. For a little while, I ran a mail order business from the military school selling rubber stamps for people ordering them and a source dropshipped them for me so I never paid for an order until first paid for a rubber stamp. It was just a bet since I was told I couldn't do this, but it introduced me into the mail order field as a business field. 
      I was known in military school as a supposed "brain" in history because I predicted correctly in advance big world events before they occurred by analyzing what events had to lead to and knowing how foreign leaders thought. I suddenly saw something big the Soviet Union was going to do to potentially defeat America in the "Cold War" and being a teenage military cadet in military school, I knew no one in Wash., D.C. was going to listen to my warning. I had studied British military intelligence tactics and set up a British style military intelligence ruse on the Soviet Union. I figured being a teenager, they would never think me smart enough to trick them out of the likely defeat of America at this Cold War time. My tactics worked so well, I finally got to meet the head of the Soviet spy ring in America who wanted to interrogate me directly and not leave this to a subordinate to interrogate me. He made one mistake and said that he knew that I had secretly contacted the I.R.A. in Ireland which Wash., D.C. did not think I did. I had figured only Soviet intelligence would know this and not Washington intelligence. Having blown his cover, later an associate of mine with National Detective Agency in Wash., D.C. met the head of the Soviet spy ring at an F.B.I. cocktail party and knew who he was because I had told him the story of my meeting with him years earlier and he had blown his cover by the I.R.A. comment which I caught right away. My associate tricked him into thinking that he was a new Communist spy sent from New York Communist headquarters and they had suggested that this new "spy" learn all the top operations of the Soviet ring from him. He fell for it and in great detail told how the Soviet spy ring operated and how powerful the Communists were in the federal government and in civil society in America also.
     Later when J. Edgar Hoover and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon saw the report from this associate what this Soviet spy leader had said, I was in solid with the Joint Chiefs of Staff who congratulated me on what they said they evaluted was the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the national history of America. And likely saved America from World War III or else Communist takeover of America from within. I had figured out correctly Khruschev's plan for the defeat or else military takeover of America during the Cold War. And according to the Soviet spy head, I had disappeared the day before I was to be kidnapped by Moscow orders and then murdered by the Soviet spy ring for having cost Moscow her big chance to defeat America in the Cold War with my "Slavic Royal Alliance" Ruse. The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon secretly shared with me among other things their favorite joke about the White House as they were not in real agreement with some policies of the President then. It was "the hot line" joke!
     It is too late to tell me that I "cannot win" with my Omni Law Drive. I have a background of winning against "impossible odds" many times including in business angles. I once bought a commercial building for $1 with a strategy of mine that worked! Another time I bought half of a small apartment building for free and sold it as half owner for income that went to me monthly for years after that. I once had two yard sales, raised $200 and went to Atlanta, GA to buy flea market merchandise. I sold at flea markets for four months and then rented out a large retail building in Seneca, SC with my own local flea market composed of local dealers I had become friends with during this 4 months of selling at other flea markets. I had enough dealers to cover my building rent, utilities, etc. and as dealers left from their spaces, I took over their spaces and expanded my share of the retail store building. By this tactic, in a short period of time I had pyramided $200 into around $150,000 in merchandise and a large store building in downtown Seneca. Another time I took $70 as a mail order idea and six months later a C.P.A. said I was worth $660,000 off of that $70 idea 6 months earlier.
     I call myself a smart common man as my tastes are common man in many areas and so many of the things I did successfully any common man in America with a bit of brains and common sense could likely also have done! But why I have been able to win so many times is I know the formula if your common sense shows you something can be done, then likely it can! You have to weigh in the price in time and effort, etc. to make this goal become reality but if seriously committed, you probably can do it! I see no reason why the Omni Law cannot be passed into law and the American people suddenly find that they have won their freedom back from a federal government intent on setting up a total federal police state under Obama who under constitutional law is not legally president of America, but a clever con artist and savage hater of America and the American people. He has his game he is trying to play to sucker the American people in with so he can end up dictator of America and for life. I used on him some of the same tactics I used on Soviet intelligence over the years and a frustrated Obama has seen several of his plans for the military takeover of America collapse because I knew where to apply the pressure so his secret military support, etc. collapsed that he was counting on.
      Anyone who says that the American people cannot win and pass the Omni Law is either a con artist, a liar, or else their brains are maybe fried with some drugs or other angle to short circuit their brains from thinking effectively. When the American people say "I CAN!" or "WE CAN!" and mean it about passing the Omni Law, then they should win! The first panic among Monsanto Chemical stock owners is starting now as they realize that the public is waking up to the GMO threat imposed by GMO foods and public reaction is getting dangerous for Monsanto Chemical. I understand some Monsanto Chemical sources are starting to dump their stock while they still can. People learn from this. The power elite are afraid of your public opinion and this includes the criminal cabal secretly running America.
      By the way, push for passage of the Omni Law soon as you can! The report is out that the bankers of Wall Street with White House support under Obama are planning to collapse the American economy soon with Washington backed tricks to overnight bankrupt the American people, businesses, and America as a nation. If the Omni Law is fast passed and it can be, vote me by national referendum to be the Economic Czar of America until the crisis is over. We will use fast tactics of economics to save the American economy and your money as citizens and businesses of America. Then we will arrest the traitors in Wall Street, White House, etc. and put them on trial for high treason against America and if the judgments are against them, it is predictable that the American people will want all these traitors to America executed as authorized by the U.S. Constitution. I and the Omni Law once passed represent the authority of the American people over the federal government.
      If they try to pretend that there is no legal way to stop them and try to destroy America from control of Wash., D.C., then my hand will be forced and I declare the reestablishment of the Confederate States Government of the Confederate States of America to be the new national government of America for all 50 states this time if this happens! I had several branches of the Jefferson Davis family sign over to me all legal claims to the Confederate Government years ago. Under the Confederate Constitution, the Confederacy never surrendered to Wash., D.C. and this was recognized under a British Commonwealth Parliament to be valid under international law. As already stated, I possessed all legal claims to the Confederate Government due to the Davis grants of legal authority to me for years now and witnessed years ago by delegates representing all states of the Confederate States of America at our national convention at Hot Springs, Arkansas that year! By legal maneuvering and legal ambushes on Wash., D.C. under Obama, I let Obama pull the legal mistakes that gave the Confederate Government legal claim to all land of the 50 states of America. All Confederate claims can be submitted to the UN and other international legal bodies for verification that the Confederate Government has legal claim to all land for the 50 states of America at this time. This will hold up as valid under international law. I am not an amateur at law, but a reputation as very deadly at law when the chips are down!
     So my position is clear, if the Omni Law is passed, I plan to legally sign the Confederate Government land claims and authority over to the reformed federal government now controlled by the American people instead of the criminal cabal currently. But if they try to collapse the American economy and create a national military dictatorship under Obama, then I reserve the legal right to set up the new national government of America which will first be headquartered in Roanoke County, VA until a final capital location is decided upon. All U.S. military are asked to join with the Confederate National Government of America in that case as you didn't join the U.S. military to kill off up to even half of the American people as planned by the power mad and utterly insane Obama in the White House who is not even an American citizen. We will be the totally accepted new national government of America once we submit our final updated Confederate Constitution to fully represent all 50 states and have all 50 states ratify this as the new national constitution of the United States of America but now headed by the Confederate Government representing all of the American people as Wash., D.C. if committing all this planned high treason is no longer in any sense moral or legal in any way the national government of America once all this high treason is committed against the American people and America as a nation. Obama better flee America fast if trying to mass kill off the American people or collapse the national econonomy of America. Everywhere the American people will scream out for his execution and those with him if these planned disasters happen to America as Obama is trying to engineer on America. My intelligence is accurate on Obama and he is planning all this with Wall Street bankers backing him at this time!
     I suggest Obama immediately resign from the White House and we will let him flee into exile saving his life and those with him. We already know the names of many of those who are trying to put him up to crash and destroy America from within!
     I really do not have any special fear of death, so freely release this document on Dec. 28, 2013as intelligence information leaves me no choice but to do this out of personal honor to protect the American people from the wrath of the wicked now running and controlling Wash., D.C. And if I die, the Southern state governors may elect who they want as the new President of the Confederate States of America and execute those after trial who should be executed so they can never again plot to kill off up to even half of all the American people and end America as a nation.
“When government fears the people there will be liberty.  
When people fear the government there will be tyranny”
                                                         ~ Thomas Jefferson ~
"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, 
when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
                                                        ~ Patrick Henry ~

    The drone license offer below gives people a symbolic sign that they oppose America becoming a dictatorship under Obama or having the American economy collapsed by Wall Street bankers with Obama White House support planning with happiness to do this to the American people! Also, it gives an angle how to produce more funds to solve this national crisis by peaceful means through passage of the Omni Law rather than by the violence that Obama is trying to figure out how to engineer in America so he can then try to kill off even half of all the American people in North America.
     Since I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and studied as star engineering student with an engineering school, if Obama and his evil cabal backers are committed to violence at all costs to try and crush the American people, I have a trick weapon system with the potential to wipe out all 30,000 federal drones if they try to use them against the American people. I have a trick weapon system that can kill all the traitors hiding in underground cities under Denver, Colorado or any other place they try to hide under. If any foreign power tries to back Obama militarily, I commit myself to wipe them out with the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb which technology for I got when cracking the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. If the UN tries to side with Obama, then I will see the UN kicked out of America and we will set up a new international organization to replace the UN in the world to represent nations on the earth.

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