Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Djinn Predator Parasite Class Gets Unruly When You Call Them Out

The Djinn Predator Parasite Class Gets Unruly When You Call Them Out
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 22:12:08
If you haven't figured it out by now, the 'djinn' parasite predator class is the demonic hierarchy of Planet Earth.
What is/are 'djinn'?
A djinn is a spirit from (Arabic mythology)? - that can be either good or evil.
The djinn are less powerful than angels, but can assume the shapes of humans, animals or whirlwinds.
Belief in djinns has been wide-spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia; the spirits are even mentioned in the Koran.
In fact, Satan often is believed to be the most prominent of the djinns.
Belief in djinns may well predate both Christianity and Islam.
In Zoroastrian Persia, before the coming of Islam, evil female spirits called jaini were thought to cause disease and misfortune.
The word djinn comes from the Arabic "jinni," or demon.
Its root is janna, meaning "to cover or conceal."
In English, the word is often translated as "genie."
Pronunciation: "jihn" - the initial "d" is nearly silent
Also Known As: genies
Alternate Spellings: djin, jinn, jinni, djinni, dhinny, jinnee
"According to traditional Islamic belief, the djinn are creatures made of 'smokeless flame,' which have free will."
Let me tell you a story. Take it as you will.
The djinn are not just 'mythical folklore'.
They live. They infect humans. They infect planet Earth.
They affect suffering, confusion, evil, destruction, death and mayhem on humanity - which is their purpose for existing.
The djinn are masters of disguise and deception, who are are skilled in the art of pretending to be human, and manipulating the minds of Human Beings.
They are the self appointed rulers of men who feign the appearance of man, yet are NOT human, are NOT of planet Earth, but are instead the demon factions who INVADED OUR EARTH millennium ago, and still infect planet Earth today.
Down through the centuries, throughout all previous six civilizations of planet Earth which have come and gone, the djinn have survived and prospered, even into the seventh civilization in which this current 3-D existence resides.
The djinns are directly responsible for the destruction of every previous civilization in Earth history.
The djinns - disguised as human - rule over every political system, every religious system, every governmental system, every banking system, every military system, every weapons manufacturing corporation, every large corporate entity, all professional sports corporations and franchises, all of Hollywood, Disney - every corporate owned media system, every state sanctioned education system, every drug cartel, every pharmaceutical corporation, every pornography producer, and every human trafficking organization/human slavery system.
Take a close look at the above...
The common factors in every system described above, come to fruition with an end result of profiteering from - control over, manipulation of, the demoralization of, or the destruction of - Human life, and the destruction of our home, planet Earth.
To a thinking, uninfected, compassionate human who can still remember WHO THEY ARE - the very existence of the djinn will be a repulsive insult to Earth's Original Human Beings and to the Earth itself.

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