Sunday, December 1, 2013

Slow down aging these 4 ways

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Slow down aging these 4 ways
Hi John
According to popular legend, Spanish explorer Ponce de León was searching for the Fountain of Youth when he discovered Florida.
Not exactly
He was checking out the area at the request of King Ferdinand, stumbled upon what he thought was an island and named it "La Florida" after the Spanish term for the Easter season, Pascua Florida.
But stories of supposed "vitality-restoring waters" had been rumored on both sides of the Atlantic long before Ponce de León.
Hmmm...Even back then people were interested in preserving their youth!
Well, here we are 500 years later, and we may be a LOT closer to that Fountain than Ponce could have ever dreamed of being!
Here's what I mean:
It's all in your "telomeres"
In order to understand how you age, we need to take a peek inside your cells.
Inside the center (nucleus) of your cells, your genes sit on twisted strands of DNA called chromosomes.  At the ends of your chromosomes are stretches of DNA called "telomeres."
Telomeres protect your genetic code and make it possible for your cells to divide.  Cell division is needed so you can grow new skin, blood, bone and other cells when needed.
Telomeres are like the plastic tips on your shoelaces.  They prevent the ends of your chromosomes from fraying and sticking to each other, which would in turn mix up your genetic information and may lead to cancer, other diseases or death.
What's the catch?
Clearly, having strong telomeres is where it's at in terms of maintaining healthy, youthful cells.
But alas, my friend, nothing lasts forever and that includes your telomeres.
Unfortunately, each time one of your cells divides, the telomeres get shorter and shorter.  When they eventually get too short, the cell no longer can divide and becomes inactive or dies.
And if this happens enough, so do YOU.
Don’t put the pedal to the metal!
Although telomeres naturally shorten over time, there are factors that can accelerate this process.
Number one is a poor diet--especially eating foods with trans-fats, vegetable oils, sugar and refined carbs. 
So the more you rely on things like junk food, packaged foods, sweets and Burger King or Taco Bell, the faster you can count on aging.
It's guaranteed.
Stress and exposure to environmental and household toxins can also speed up the miniaturizing of your telomeres...and speed up your arrival at the pearly gates.
Whoa, Nelly!
Now, don't think this scenario is all gloom and doom, and there's nothing you can do about your incredible shrinking telomeres.
Because there's PLENTY you can do.
Here are 4 ways to help S - L - O - W down the process and help maintain the vitality and youthfulness in all your cells:
1) De-stress
There are many ways to help de-stress: Meditation, exercise, yoga, counseling, deep breathing, prayer and seminars, to name a few. 
Also taking up a hobby or getting a pet have both been shown to reduce stress in various studies.
Pick what feels right to you and help get rid of that stress.
You just might end up living longer if you do!
2) De-tox
The first step here is to avoid common sources of household and environmental toxins like unfiltered tap water, bug sprays, weed killers, cigarette smoke and medications (both prescription and OTC) as much as you can.
Every little bit counts. The biggest bang for your buck may come simply from using a filter for your tap water.
Another biggie is buying organic produce whenever you can. I know it's typically more expensive than commercially grown crops, but is there a price on your health and life?  Plus you can help control the cost by shopping local farmer's markets or participating in community supported agriculture (CSA) programs.
I know this one should be obvious...but if you smoke, stop now.  Millions of people have done it before you, so it's not impossible.  Believe me, you couldn't do anything nicer for yourself or those around you that you're poisoning with your cigarette smoke.
Harsh but true.
3) Keep it real
The best way to avoid trans-fats, hydrogenated oils and sugar overload is to eat REAL foods that don't contain those telomere shrinkers.
I can guide you on exactly how to do that, while still enjoying delicious, mouth-watering food.
In the Great Taste No Pain system,
or if you're gluten-sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten
I explain ALL the health dangers of the typical modern diet, show you how to structure delicious meals made from nutritious, health-enhancing real foods, and even give you a book of scrumptious recipes to try. 
Believe me, you'll see there's nothing bland or boring about eating for great health once you taste these recipes!
And here's the best part-once your body gets used to the natural flavors of real foods, chances are great that you'll lose your taste for the processed junk and sweets!
4) Supplement with Omega-3 EFAs
Studies are showing that the Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA can play a crucial role in slowing down the telomere action associated with the aging process.
Researchers from Ohio State University have published the result of a study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity that shows how taking Omega-3 supplements can alter the ratio of a person's fatty acids in a way that helps preserve telomeres by lowering systemic inflammation.
To conduct the study, the researchers broke the 106 disease-free adult participants into 3 groups. 
Group 1 was given supplements of 2.5 grams of Omega-3 fats (combined EPA/DHA), Group 2 received 1.5 grams of EPA/DHA and Group 3 was given a placebo.
Groups 1 and 2 (both of whom took Omega-3 supplements) showed, on average, lengthening of their telomeres.
And the placebo group?  Their telomeres either stayed the same or declined
The research team concluded that improved Omega-3 to Omega-6 fat ratios from fish oil supplementation resulted in a reduction in total body systemic inflammation, which can lead to reduced telomere shortening.
Very exciting!
So if you want to jump on the fish oil bandwagon to help preserve the youth of your cells, as well as help lower cholesterol, experience fewer joint aches and improve your memory (among other things), pony on up to VitalMega-3.
VitalMega-3 gives you a full 1,200 mg. of health-enhancing Omega-3 EFAs (including EPA and DHA) in every 2-capsule daily serving.
Our manufacturer uses an innovative hexane-free, low-temperature processing technology which concentrates the essential fatty acids from the fish without altering their quality one iota.
As a result, the fatty acids reach your system in the same pristine form as they existed in the fish itself!
Like Ponce de León, we all realize there is no magical body of water called the Fountain of Youth.  
However, with the safe, natural measures I mentioned above, you can help keep your cells healthy, youthful and free of disease for years to come.
And likely feel GREAT well into your golden years and beyond!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: At age 70, Marcus is down 10 pounds and is walking 2-3 miles a day!

Hi Sherry,
I am 70 years old and I have been on your Great Taste No Pain plan for about a month.
Before trying your plan, I was sleeping about 3 hours per night because of the pain in my lower stomach and acid reflux.
I have had problems off and on since I was 18 years old. I have been on all kinds of stomach pills.
My pain was so bad at one point that I went to the emergency room. The doctor gave me three different antibiotics and a pain medication. He said I had Diverticulitis and Gerd. The scan showed everything was clear, except for some ridges. My pain became worse.
I told my wife that I wanted to try your Great Taste No Pain plan. Wow! After just the first day of the four day trial plan, that night I slept 9 hours with no pain at all!
I said this was too good to be true. I was always taught if something sounds too good to be true leave it alone. Well, I'm not leaving this alone because it's really working!
I go back to my Doctor soon and cannot wait to tell her about how I am doing.
I've lost 10 pounds. My blood pressure has also improved and I have no more stomach pain. Ha!
I am a much more active person now--I walk two to three miles a day now and I take care of my own yard and garden.

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 1-888-724-4366 FAX: 315-468-5818

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