Wednesday, December 18, 2013

RV/GCR/800#s to the USA public

Intel Puzzle Pieces - The RV / GCR Is Now Upon Us

Intel Puzzle Pieces … the RV/GCR is NOW UPON US
Post From TNT By LifeBPerfect

I did this analysis of the puzzle pieces I have, for me.  Thought I would share.

 In a few words, everything I see concludes that the RV/GCR is NOW UPON US.  If that is the extent of your studying for the month … then there you have it … no need to read any further.

 While the UST & IMF are working together, we KNOW that the UST is squarely deciding the timing of the release of the RV/GCR/800#s to the USA public.

 So, I begin with Mr. Jacob “Jack” Lew.  Basically, JL has been around through many Presidential administrations and … was part of Authoring the Iraq RV plan. JL is STILL in charge of the UST.
Read More Link On Right

JL is personally invested in this plan.  He doesn’t want to piss this prosperity away for his country, the USA … JL does not want to take the place of Benedict Arnold as having done the most harm to his country.

JL helped author this plan allowing us to purchase IQD/N.  JL KNEW he was allowing us to take advantage of this opportunity.

As Mr. TNTDinar has told you … with the stroke of a pen the repeal of 13303 could just as easily cut us out of this GREAT BLESSING.

So NO, I don’t believe that “THEY” are trying to not allow us to have this Great Blessing.  I think the opposite is true as their plan … DEPENDS on us having this GREAT BLESSING.

I do believe that they want us to boost the economy. They know each of us will spend far more before Christmas than if we CE’d after Christmas.

 While we are on the subject of the UST, let’s look at the latest from the UST.  A number of weeks before, UST had personnel changes.  Basically, on a recent call once again we were told that personnel changes (firings, hirings, and promotions) were made.

Mr. DC & Mr. Tony both stated with some specificity that personnel changes did occur.  A lot were fired (after playing the world leaders about the RV happening.)  We are to believe the firings took place because of a lack of getting this done … probably pissing off those in power globally didn’t help their job security!

Others were promoted from within the UST (who most likely were actually doing the RV/GCR work already), while some other staff were moved over from other areas into the UST.

Knowing what they just stepped up or into … meaning they saw people fired for non performance … the new guys said that THEY WOULD GET IT DONE IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!

They also know that they cannot enjoy their Christmas Holiday until the systems have been working well for at least a few days.

 While they want to make sure the rollout is smooth, they have had to recheck all systems.  Plenty of time has been allowed for that.  Yet, these systems to some extent worked to CE the “Privileged,” so as we have heard many times … timing is the ONLY thing left.

 Updated rates would be the only other thing I could contemplate that should be done first, which Tony updated that status for us this morning.

 Continuing on the subject of the UST, we were told that the UST was PURPOSEFULLY reducing our time down to where we didn’t have time to think … only have time to act … just get in CE and leave.

This was referred to as UST’s GRAND PLAN.  We were told that the UST figures that this can be accomplished in a 5-7 day time frame.  We are also told a number of times that CE centers would be staff 7 days a week … so weekends are included.  So let’s look at the calendar.

Going backward, Christmas is on Wednesday the 25th.  Shopping at a minimum needs to be completed on Tuesday the 24th to enjoy Christmas day itself as well as lots of places would be closed Christmas day.

So the 24th is day one. 23rd is day 2.  22nd is day 3.  21st is day 4.  20th, this Friday is day 5.

All of this means that funds are INSTANTLY AVAILABLE.

It also means the last person in our 5-7 day line CEs … HAS FUNDS INSTANTLY AVAILABLE … AND COMPLETES … ALL OF THEIR SHOPPING … ALL ON THE 24th (NOT LIKELY).

Continuing on in our day count, the 19th on this Thursday would be day 6.  Wednesday, the 18th would be day 7.  Today is Tuesday, the 17th.  We know yesterday, Monday, 16th, that the IMF got the ball rolling by moving rates out to at least 7 Central Banks.

This is a GLOBAL currency reset. It makes sense to me that the IMF, the INTERNATIONAL governing body made this move.  We have been told that the UST & IMF were working together to get this done.

Considering what I know about Ms. Christine LaGuarde, Director of the IMF, this makes sense to me.

 From everything I see, my sources also think we will have the USA’s contract rates available to us.  They didn’t see how anything else could work logically or legally when numerous things are considered.

 When developing such time frames, I’m sure consideration was given to how the MUCH CONDENSED TIMEFRAME affects the last person(s) in line to CE.


Surely, no one is that cold hearted to not help those truly in need by allowing such a GREAT BLESSING especially when you consider ALL OF THOSE WE, CURRENCY HOLDERS, CAN HELP.

Nor do you want to piss off 5,000,000 Dinarians as well as those holding other currencies that are part of the Global Currency Reset.

I’m taking the new guys and Mr. Jack Lew (WHO IS STILL IN CHARGE OF THE UST and had to have AGREED TO THE “GRAND PLAN”) at their word … as they are working their “Grand Plan.”

The explanation was that they are simply trying to control the CE environment.  I don’t believe that they CE’d those that were “privileged” just to piss the majority of us off.

 If the RV has not occurred by THIS FRIDAY, the 20th, then the new UST guys and Mr. Jack Lew lied to us, the majority (not to be confused with the few … “privileged”)!

We know Iraq had stated earlier that they were not going to do a thing until after it officially has RV’d.  That gives us confirmation of the RV since they are making such announcements publicly as well as their cards are working internationally in the region.

 Tony told us this morning that the system was loaded with updated rates.  He also told us what has been called the turn signal (they’re working … they’re not working … they’re working … they’re not working) bank staff are in place.


 16th … IMF got the ball rolling … RV of Iraq’s currency … out to at least 7 countries’ Central Banks.

 17th … today we learned updated rates have been loaded.   That is a regular occurrence … as rates fluctuate.  Hopefully 800s tonight so the 18th is a full day available to us.

 18th … IS THE DAY if WE, the MAJORITY, will be allowed the full 7 days of the 5-7 days in the Grand Plan that allows this to be DONE IN TIME TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS.

 19th … Cuts us from 7 days … to 6 days.

20th … Would ONLY ALLOW 5 days of the 5-7 day Grand Plan.


Mr. Jack Lew and HIS UST STAFF WILL HAVE LIED TO US.  The UST had staffing changes when the UST staff played (nice way to say lied to) the world leaders.


 A number of this majority are very influential and privileged who have not CE’d yet.

This is not the path of choice.

The privileged who have CE’d and are enjoying their experience of having plenty of time to Currency Exchange given more than 20 minutes to set up whatever they desire, Christmas Shopping at their leisure, Enjoying their SPENDING SPREE RV’d CHRISTMAS will instead be feeling ... MIGHTY uncomfortable about now.

 When viewing the two paths available, RVing NOW and no later than the 20th is the ONLY thing that make sense to me.


 With everything else we know, nothing else makes a lick of sense.

 In conclusion … OUR TIME IS NOW!!!  I have my action plans ready to rock and roll.  You should too.

 Hope that helps.    LifeBPerfect

 (PS … If you don’t play well with others, or if someone took the surprise out of your cereal, or you have not been taking your meds, or in general you have a nasty attitude … simply lurk if you wish and leave.

If you think this is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN FOR YOU … please give ALL of your currencies to your favorite charity.  With such a gift lots of people will truly appreciate such a blessing.

If you can CONSTRUCTIVELY comment, please feel welcome to do so. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously?! You think the timing of the world's prosperity is predicated on Xmas shopping?!?
Surely you jest.