Monday, December 9, 2013



     I started as a child atheist and did not believe in God nor the Bible until around 10 1/2 years old. Scientific logic suddenly showed me the existence of God and from that hour on, I became a strong Christian but always used the scientific approach in reading the Bible and approaching other Christian topics.
      I am going to mainly use mathematical logic to show the scientific approach to reading the Bible. As they say in Algebra, if a equals b and b equals c, then a equals c! Simple logic and obvious deductive reasoning. Also, outside reference sources relevant to Bible study may shed light on Bible references otherwise hard to identify what they seriously mean. I use a test verse to see if a Bible translation tried to show integrity in interpretating Bible verses or just wrote it for a copyright notice on it to sell another "modern language" version of the Bible.
    In early Christian writings, they show the correct translation of Matthew 24:28. If the Bible translation says such as, "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together," then I know that they tried to translate the Bible with integrity even when they were not sure what the actual Bible verse meant that they were translating. When they say such as "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the vultures be gathered together," then I know that they are trying to insert aggresively human explanations for a Bible verse they do not understand!
     Early Christian writings explained that this verse was a play upon a Greek word meaning "to fall" or "the fall" or "a fallen body" or "carcase." The actual meaning according to the early Christian writings for this Greek word is "the fall" symbolizing where Adam fell which is Paradise also called the Garden of Eden. Now let's play this verse as early Christianity saw it. "Now wheresoever the fall is (represents the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve fell before God), there the eagles (eagle Christian meaning the upright Christians who are ready for the return of Jesus Christ to earth, not the lukewarm Christians or psuedo-Christians also in Christian ranks) will be gathered together." So to state it clearly, where the Garden of Eden also called Paradise is located, there the upright Christians will be gathered together. Understood time just before the world tribulation. Jesus appears out of the Eastern sky like lightning just before this happens (verse 27).
     St. Jerome, translator of the Vulgate version of the Bible which was written so the common man in the Roman Empire could now read the Bible in his native Latin, explained this Christian teaching further. In his treatise on virginity referring to Matthew 25, he writes that the wise virgin Christians (the eagle Christians) are hidden away with Jesus in hidden chambers (Paradise) while the world tribulation occurs and the foolish virgin Christians are fleeing for their lives on the surface of the earth from the Antichrist pursuing them so he can kill them. In Matthew 25 when the foolish virgin Christians ask to be allowed to join with the safe wise virgin Christians now with Jesus Christ in Paradise, Jesus replies to them verse 12 of Matthew 25, "But he (Jesus) answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not." They are in trouble and as early Christianity wrote about, they flee for their lives in utter terror being pursued by the Antichrist who hates them and wants to kill them. Such is the explanation of early Christianity as recorded in their early writings surviving the fall of the Roman Empire. 
     Every Bible verse translated correctly and understood correctly has powerful and true messages from God recorded in it. But even early Christianity wrote how not all Bible verses would be clearly understood until the appointed time. If by the will of God, these verses would still be a mystery in clear explanation until God raised up an "interpreting prophet" in the Last Days to show them the correct explanation to the involved Bible verse. St. Augustine of early Christianity was among  those referring in his writings to "interpreting prophets" would be raised up in the Last Days so the people would understand correctly Bible prophecies that were not clear to them before.
     On my mother's side of the family, they claimed the gift of prophecy and that it was hereditary in the family line. There are old family stories stating this gift was truly hereditary in the family line. Once trying to trace this family line back to the origin of this family claim, I was not sure if I wanted to believe this true, but evidence seemed to indicate that this line originally descended from the Apostle St. Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament and was a blood relative of Jesus Christ. I won't say this ancestry has to be true, but neither did I see any evidence that it was not true and the family coat of arms showed the incidence of what the Roman Emperor noticed about the arms of the two grandsons of St. Jude when he met them in Jerusalem and debated whether to slay them or not because they descended from the royal line of King David of Israel. For whatever it is worth, one man successfully told me a secret about myself others did not know and said that he was also inspired by revelation to know that I did descend from the Apostle Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament.
     When in Israel many years ago, I was talking with a colonel in the Israeli Army who made an interesting comment to me. I am not sure of the correct figure but think he stated it this way. "We have 3 million Jews in Israel and 3 million amateur archaelogists in Israel." He was talking about since the return of the Jews to Israel,  how nearly all the sites mentioned in the Old Testament had now been found in Israel and the Bible was reliable history, not fiction or myth.
      Bible scholars both Jewish and Christian have found mathematical codes in the Old Testament which follow set patterns of equal space between Hebrew letters. The names of 60 Jewish rabbis for nearly the last 2,000 years had been found in this Bible, where they were born or else died and what year they were born in or else died in. This defied odds of I think around 2 & 1/2 billion to one against this being in the Bible by random chance. Key world events of history before and after Christ covered by endless mathematical Bible codes in this math language giving names, dates, or whatever so they were clearly identified as prophesied correctly before the involved world events occurred. Also, events after time of Christ clearly identified including Napoleon and Hitler. America was there in these prophecies also. No other book in the world has these maybe hundreds of thousands of prophecies which are in the Bible in this mathematical Bible Code. They all defy incredible mathematical odds of up to to nearly infinity existing there in the Bible and cannot be by random chance. This is God's signature to the Bible that He wrote it supernaturally through His servants and that it was not written by man. The Koran does not have this nor any other book in the world. Math is the universal language of man and the Bible is loaded with these mathematical Bible Codes. I know a secret the Bible scholars have not realized yet. The New Testament also has these Bible Codes as I checked them out years ago by computer means but the Bible scholars maybe need some hints from me how to find them!
     The Old Testament has prophecies the Bible scholars seem to either not notice or else deliberately ignore as they are afraid of not being "politically correct" so Wash., D.C. and the liberal scholars will approve of their tainted, corrupt studies of the Bible instead of honest scholarship.
     Remember the math a equals b and b equals c so a also equals c? Now follow the following.
     Genesis 49:10: "The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (the prophesied savior of the human race) come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." The kings of Israel from the line of Judah have long since disappeared and so according to this prophecy the prophesied Messiah and Savior of the human race has already occurred. This has to be Jesus Christ according to Jewish prophecy! Also, the Book of Daniel gives how many years until the Messiah comes. According to the count of Daniel, Jesus is the only one who fits the time schedule prophesied in Daniel! He is therefore the prophesied Messiah of the Jews and of the entire human race. I find the Jews smart in many ways, but pride blinded them and so in this area they did not use their brains but let emotions short circuit their reasoning on this subject matter.
       St. Justin Martyr a bit over 100 years after Christ wrote how those who were people of reason before the time of Christ were also saved but through Jesus the Prince of those being reasonable or decent in life. It was the people who loved evil and not good in pre-Christ days who were the ones who would end up damned before God for all eternity. St. Justin Martyr, the golden orator of his day for Christianity in the Roman Empire said such as Socrates of Greece should be among those who would be saved through Jesus Christ since they were "reasonable" men by the standards of God. Sounds like Jesus said, Jesus came for the sick, not the well in life, to save their lives with life with God for all eternity. But all who are saved are saved through Jesus Christ.
       Early Christianity said that when the number in the mind of God was reached for those to join the family of God for all eternity, then God would end the age and the good rewarded for all eternity and the evil punished for all eternity as they hated God and did not want to ever live with God.
      Jesus was once asked whether this man was born blind for his sins or else those of his parents. This was a question based on the concept of reincarnation which many in the ancient world believed in. Jesus answered that he was not born blind for his sins nor for the sins of his parents, but that God might be glorified by him given his sight by Miracle of God in effect by Jesus praying for him. And he was healed by Jesus Christ and given his sight that he had never had before from time of birth onwards.

     In Chapter 48 of Genesis, Jacob also named Israel gives his blessing to the two sons of Joseph his son. One son was Ephraim who was the youngest and Manasseh who was the oldest. Both are covered for blessing under the name of Joseph as one of the 12 sons who would be the fathers to the 12 tribes of Israel. But Jacob over objection of Joseph gives the biggest blessing first to the second born son of Joseph. This blessing is that Ephraim shall be greater than his brother Manasseh and Ephraim's seed shall become a multitude of nations. Only two nations would really fit this historical description. One is the Roman Empire and the other is the British Commonwealth of Great Britain.  I evaluate that this by logic should be the British Commonwealth as the Roman Empire boasted it descended from refugees from the fall of Troy and ancient history indicates Troy was founded by some of the tribe of Dan who were frustrated with lack of land in Israel.
In Genesis 49:16: "Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel." If part of the tribe of Dan became the Roman race, then Rome ruled over Palestine and other lands where descendants of the other tribes of Israel lived in. As I showed in another report, early historical reports including that of Josephus showed 10 tribes of Israel massive beyond number in what is called Russia today. They migrated and became the barbarian races invading the Roman Empire where they could and settled in lands ruled at some point by Rome. So Dan ruled (judged) his people as one of the tribes of Israel. And under Dan (Rome) was Jesus Christ crucified in Jerusalem in Roman occupied Palestine then.

     A British scholar checked out the origin of early English words used before the land became Christian and found many to be of Hebrew origin which suggest by deductive reasoning that at least many who ended up colonizing England in the early days were descendants of one of the tribes of Israel driven out by their enemies to seek new land elsewhere. An old report of Scotland said they still remembered living in the Middle East in Israel and driven out fighting their way across Europe until they settled in Scotland. Ireland in ancient legends tells how the Danites came by ships to Ireland, conquered it and defeated the race of giants, and so many locations in Ireland still have the name of Dan to them. Ancient Greek culture told the story of how the race of "divine origin" came to Greece, defeated the cave dwellers and took over Greece as their new homeland. The tribes of Israel considered themselves to be of "divine origin" as God had founded them through Abraham and Jacob. The City of Sparta, Greece once contacted the Temple of Jerusalem in Israel and told them that they found in ancient documents that they were also descendants of Abraham and related to the tribes of Israel.
     The prophecies of Jacob what would happen to the tribes founded by his sons have all come true! When Bible scholars get bold enough, they will see that all the prophecies came true about the 12 tribes of Israel as prophesied by Jacob in Genesis. See how I bring in different parts of scholarship to make clearer many things said in the Bible?

      Now I don't have the time and don't want to give you all the answers I seem to see. But if you see the techniques I used to come up with the answers I did, this may suggest ways you can develop a much deeper appreciation how inspired and truthful is the Bible of the Christians and Jews.
     Now what became the Greek Orthodox Church started when Peter was Bishop of Antioch and central leadership was there for the Middle East, moved to Smyrna and eventually to Constantinople. The Roman Catholic Church was organized by Peter and Paul and from there it spread in control over other churches. I found the early statement reported issued by Peter that he was giving authority to the Bishops of Rome in succession to be the President of the Catholic bishops in the world. They could act as chairman of councils of bishops in the beginning mass elected by the members and clergy of their mother churches first founded by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. The councils of elected bishops was the main government of early Christianity, but so long as the Bishop of Rome spoke on traditional grounds for early Christianity, his authority in issues already understood and accepted was pretty well accepted in early Christianity. Look in books like lives of the saints recorded in listed Christian festivals and see how the bishops were recorded elected by the people through much of Christian history until more modern days.
     I have hopefully opened up Bible scholarship to more fully serve Jesus Christ by showing you the rich material in the Bible if you look for it. What I have written above by early Christian standards was acceptable without having to have a final ruling so long as I did not say that I assured you all these speculations of scholarship I have shared with you are facts beyond dispute and that these positions have to be infallible. I may be correct but Christian scholarship also allowed scholarship of speculation and new angles so long as friendly to the firm teachings of first Apostolic and historic Christianity.

      It is time for the Christians to stop their civil war in Christianity, find common grounds of unity, and also respect some differences of opinion so long as not challenging the fundamental teachings of first Apostolic Christianity as recorded in the early recognized first writings of official Christianity.

     As early Christianity had, so practice I now this. We pass on some Christian messages to our friends elsewhere. Our friend from Canada, we received your package today and thank you for it! As for our friend John from Wyoming, you are welcome to send us the interesting thing you mentioned, but send it well packaged and by certified or else registered mail so it does not get damaged in mailing during the Christmas season. I will try to call you once I can, but this is to let you know that we appreciate things of support sent to us including rare Christian books to add to our coming library at Camelot!

      For those needing it, our mailing address when needed is NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Our website is Our email is .

     As I assume all know, we plan to pass into national law our proposed Omni Law on our website. As some rotten eggs in Wash., D.C. want to mass kill Christians in America if we let them, I had to be tough towards them in order to paralyze their plans to mass hurt Christians and other fine people in America. The only reason I helped organize a national and then worldwide movement for all real Christians is that they needed help and the ordinary politicians and other political leaders were willing to let them be ruined in their futures, mass killed, and other evils occur to them due to evil leaders in government. I don't like being tough but it was required as evil plans are afoot in America and abroad against Christians and other decent people which cannot be allowed to happen against them. My real heart is in building this Camelot Project which is my dream and gift to build and give to America and other nations on earth.
     Pass this report around if you like it!
     Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in case I don't have the time to say it later!

     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who will not surrender Christian America to those who want to suppress and wipe out if possible the Christians and other good people in America!)


Anonymous said...

For more information on "the lost tribes of Israel" go to There is a wealth of information there about each of the ten tribes with all kinds of historical documentation. There are not only historical references to the tribes but linguistic and cultural traces as well. The word Saxon was originally Isaac's sons but over time was shortened.and Denmark is really Danmark or mark of Dan named after the Danites.. David's line was not "cut off" but has continued to this day. Read "America and Britain in Prophecy" by David C. Pack at or The English monarchy has traced their ancestry to King David and I suspect other European royal families have also since there was much intermarrying from time to time.

Unfortunately, the Catholic Church has adopted many pagan customs and simply renamed them so Christians would accept them. The church has assumed authority over things it was NOT authorized to change. We must be careful and not adopt, accept or practice doctrines of men.

Anonymous said...

Whose doctrines are you accepting then and what do you refer to as doctrines and why do you refer to it as doctrines?

Anonymous said...

Whose doctrines?? The only doctrines as stated clearly and fully in the Holy Bible. To quote Christ in Mark 7:7 Christ said, "In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Man (the Catholic Church, its protesting offspring aka Protestants, et al) has taken the 4th commandment and changed it from the 7th day worship (Saturday) to the 1st day (Sunday) and excused themselves for breaking a commandment by saying it was "nailed to the cross" or Christ "authorized" its change through the church, yet the 7th day was SANCTIFIED and made holy at the time of creation 2000 years before Christ and emphatically stated to be kept FOREVER in numerous places throughout the Bible. (Read Gen. 2::2-3) Man was ordered to keep the Passover FOREVER, yet man has instituted Easter, named after Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of fertility with the rabbits and eggs as symbols representing her fertility. This is Christian??? SUNrise Easter service? The doctrine of the Trinity? None are Biblical. But of course if you take only half a book (the New Testament) you won't get a true picture of the entire story. And if you rename pagan holy days and practices and call them Christian, you have a counterfeit manmade religion. Man has done to the Christian religion the same thing politicians have done to our Constitution: twisted it, turned it, and ignored it outright. Man was not authorized to make any changes in His Word. In fact, the last verses in the Bible in the book of Revelation (Rev. 22:18-21)state that whosoever adds to or takes away from His Word, that person's part shall be removed from the Book of Life.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...that should read 2000 years before Moses, not Christ. In other words, the 7th day was sanctified long before even the ten commandments were given to Moses. Christ came long after Moses.