Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Project Blue Beam – TV Station in the Sky

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Project Blue Beam – TV Station in the Sky
Posted By: RobDaven [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Dec-2013 12:18:02

In the mid 1990′s a new conspiracy started to make the rounds, a conspiracy of epic proportions. To the uninitiated the conspiracy, Project Blue Beam, was proposed as a secret NASA program to develop a cutting edge display system which would allow the powers that be to project a 3D holographic image in the sky. A single individual named Serge Monast emerged as the thought leader on this conspiracy and his conclusions seemed epic in its scope. Prophets in the sky, earthquakes and massive UFO fleets but to name a few of the events which were to take place, all of which we designed to usher in a new level of panic as the populace ran to the powers that be to protect them and usher in the New World Order, the conspiracy theorists favorite end game – a totalitarian state rules with an iron fist.
The claims were controversial to say the least, and Monast’s claims have yet to materialize. But does that mean that its all wrong? As with so many things in the conspiracy world, the truth is somewhere in between I think. Its also a good time to point out that as with so many situations his information was only as good as what his handlers gave him.
That being said, it is very possible and likely that deep within DARPA there probably is such a project. So my intent here is to discuss why Blue Beam is not only possible but reasonable based on what we know. Monast may have gotten the events wrong but I think he certainly got the technology right. A technology we have not yet seen used, but that doesn’t mean it wont be.
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Anonymous said...

Really Karen Hudes, you know some may not doubt your sincerity yet I do doubt your motives, all of your motives. Further, I'm going to demand the De Jure Grand Juries start placing some of your associates under arrest for simple fraud. And with Article V approaching these arrests will be without mercy. After of which lets see how long Rothschild can remain.

There is no requirement of any approval from Congress, or government for the Article V Convention to take place. This has been the case since the Constitution's ratification.

What Jesuitical sources are telling you this load of garbage? It is all a fictional psy op and the Zionists you are listening to are playing deadly games. Forgive the public if they don't jump on your bandwagon, an Article V Convention for the States is already arriving shortly.

It was the next logical step and only step save you want to see a police state invasion. They are outnumbered and outgunned, so the next step is simply to force their surrender. The Article V convention will do this and it won't come lightly. Your "evidence" has been passed onto Rand Paul and other lawmakers, who don't have any kind of ties to Marxist Jesuits and others that are affiliated with your firm Karen Hudes Inc.

Why is it you and Ben Fulford et. all, make all these claims yet never disavow your oaths to the corporation on which ALL claims are based? The "fictional corporation", the straw man on every single how they succeeded. Perhaps you might remember this and start applying the law instead of your pocket book.

Anonymous said...

i too agree i.m.h.o. we ALL WANT THE TRUTH, ugly or not it is the truth. la la land stories are getting sloppy,or maybe we ALL are getting the veil of b.s. to disolve and see life for what it is.
the concept of eat or die like every living thing on earth must do, is the truth and the many layers the statement implies.

Anonymous said...

You might be interested in checking this out --- "Initiation Into The Incunabula" There is a guy who's brain is cybernetically enhanced to think decades ahead. He is working for the illuminati. He might even be this Serge Monast, but who knows? The people have to realize one thing. There is no need to have fear. Fear is just sparked by the "unknown". The curtains of the "wizard of oz" have been pulled back to reveal an evil manipulator of men. As FDR said in his inauguration address... " There's nothing to fear but fear itself".