Thursday, December 12, 2013

in the U.S. Code, the term "United States" is said to have any of three meanings

Dear Devvy,
I Devvy. I hope you and yours are doing well. Just a quick question, as to the below.
Does this mean that the below definitions aren't valid, per the "corporate" US?
" ...Editor's note: Actually in the U.S. Code the term "United States" is said to have any of three meanings:
US CODE: Title 28,3002. Definitions (archived here)
(15) "United States" means —
   (A) a Federal corporation;
   (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
   (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

So much for Larry Beacrafts' "theory" (further below). Perhaps he was referring to the United States land mass?
Sincerely, pjr

Today I have been absolutely deluged with mail regarding my new column on Glenn Beck. Seems a whole lot of people have concerns about his coverage on certain issues. I cannot answer 600+ emails every day. Today has been overwhelming. This auto response is going out to 3200 emails that have accumulated over the past few weeks.

Please see this updated list of most asked questions and answers:

I will soon have an email alert for my web site to help keep up on breaking events like these today:

This is very important.

Several months ago, I sent two letters to Janet Brown, president of the Commission on Presidential Debates in Washington, DC.

I politely requested all documents submitted by the DNC, Obama and/or his legal representatives to prove his qualifications under their guidelines.

Ms. Brown has never answered my letters or returned my phone calls.

The CPD has stringent guidelines for allowing any individual to participate in the presidential debates. They must submit proof they are eligible. The fact that Ms. Brown has refused to even respond to my requests screams something is wrong.

Because the CPD is private, I can't file a FOIA or state records act.

Now, go look at these two documents submitted by Pelosi and company:

This is clearly evidence of a cover up.

Canada Free Press is very credible in their work and research.

Dr. Orly Taitz has an expedited hearing tomorrow in the Rhodes case. She is on a plane right now to Georgia:

The next hearing for Orly's California case is supposed to be Oct. 5, 2009 re the govmint's 11th hour motion to dismiss. I have been told Judge Carter has granted her an expedited hearing on that. I have NOT confirmed this as of yet. Waiting for a friend to check the docket on PACER.

My column on Monday will deal with this issue and all updates.



----- Original Message -----
From: pjr
Sent: 8/9/2009 12:33:58 PM
Subject: Reply/ The Corporate U.S. began with the DC Organic Act of February 21, ...

Well, Devvy,

I know you're a busy lady and that this is a sore subject, but have you seen the below? I don't expect you to drop everything, but it would be nice if, at your convenience, you could apply your investigative prowess (as a person of "knowledge in depth" on these issues) to the below and then tell me what you think about it.

You requested that one do due diligence and research the viability of the information one finds on the web. It is in the pursuit of the goal of due diligence to verify whether or not the US government is a corporation that, I am hunting for answers and have found this. I also found, which is a larger description of a GIANT corporate type entity that makes more money by investment then it does from the (tax) revenues that it takes in.

The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more it looks like a duck. Of course, the question is, "What's a duck doing in a rabbit hole?" I think therein lies the answer; the duck is just that wily, old wabbit in disguise.

Sincerely, pjr

Sent: 7/23/2009 11:59:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Reply/ The Corporate U.S. began with the DC Organic Act of February 21, 1871

The US is not a corporation. People need to stop spreading this crap around - especially when it comes from fact challenged people who write bilge.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 7/23/2009 10:41:35 AM
Subject: The Corporate U.S. began with the DC Organic Act of February 21, 1871

The United States is a corporation. Last week I received an e-mail so typical of the junk being hawked:
The British legal system of mixed common and Roman Law has been used to enslave us!!! Editor�s notes: Apologies to the original author of this treatise. It came into my possession with author anonymous.
"The UNITED STATES is a corporation, and Congress is a 'body politic' - both being Roman style incorporations (make-believe ships) under the original creation/ownership of the Pontifex Maximus (Pope) of the (still existent) Holy Roman Empire. All Roman Law documents (so-called constitutions; but, in fact, are 'ship's orders' of make-believe ships), when used as the guide to operate a country under Roman Law, always contain a "notwithstanding" clause (In the US Constitution, it is the 'general welfare' clause).
This allows the "captain of the ship", the President, or a designated officer (judge or Cabinet member) leave to disregard any provision of such a constitution at his discretion. 'The CAPTAIN may deviate from ANY 'rules or regulations' when he DEEMS it necessary for the GOOD of the ship.' That is a basic maxim of the Law of the Sea, and totally within the 'common sense' realm of operating a ship relative to safety and profitability; however, it is devastating to the unalienable rights of an individual free will man or woman living upon the land.
"Also, it has recently come to light that the court systems operate their admiralty type law within the confines of a 'contract' in all of the British, and former British Empire. The clerk of the court, the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges proffer the contract, and the defendant blindly and ignorantly accepts the offered contract by acquiescence and obedience to court orders and sentences. A defendant convicted and sentenced, even by a jury (in an admiralty/equity court) only need to inform the judge that he/she refuses the offered contract and/or sentence of the judge.
As a contracting party, the defendant does not have to accept a contract by imposition against his/her free will. As has happened, when such a refusal of the contract is made, the judge will use legal trickery and bluster to attempt to get the defendant to accept another contract. The defendant need only to continue with: "I do not accept your sentence." Or, where applicable: "I do not accept your offer of contract." The latter statement may be placed upon served court documents and returned (signed and dated) to the clerk of the court."
Tragically, too many believe such fiction without doing a lick of legal research. Constitutional attorney Larry Becraft has penned several responses to this garbage being peddled around the country, i.e.,
From: Larry Becraft
February 13, 2007:
"That article, �The united states Of America is a corporation owned by foreign interests� is the worst sort of BS I have seen this week. For example, it contends that Congress had no constitutional authority to create DC, �With no constitutional authority to do so,� but Art. 1, �8, cl. 17 of the Constitution expressly authorizes it. It alleges, �Congress cut a deal with the international banker (specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers,� but where is the proof beyond mere �say-so� of the author? It asserts: �The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin.� * * * �Congress formed a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES.� I attach the complete 1871 act itself. Does this act show what is alleged above?
All this act did was establish a form of govt for DC, which incidentally ended 7 or 8 years later. In my view, Lisa Guliani of Babel Magazine is full of BS. I am particularly angry at the constant reference to 28 USC 3002 as the �proof� of this argument. That section is merely a part of the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 4933. The first section of that act is codified at 28 USC 3001, which is posted here.
"Please read this section, then click the �next� button on the bottom right corner of this page to read the next section, which is the section alleged to support this argument. There are lots of federal corporations, and this act applies to the debt collection activities of those corporations, among others. Wherever the act uses the term �United States,� the definition in 3002 declares that it applies not only to the debt collection activities of the United States, but also the federal corporations. Of this I am certain: there are many �rumor creators� in this movement and you are ripe for the deception if you never do any research to confirm what is alleged."

(below, are excerpts from comments)
"...When you realize we haven't had "THE REAL Constitution of the United States of America" as our law for almost 140 years... AND you FINALLY understand that the system that is operating every aspect of what now is considered "our" federal government is actually a foreign power, with the corporate name United States Inc... incorporated on February 21, 1871 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia... that operates outside of our true law... then you will see how much of a fools errand you are truly on, by going after the REAL Constitution instead of the imposter... Which your effort could never touch! since they are outside our law. ..."
"...Once it is understood, that the government in place, the one calling itself the United States federal government, is not the lawful federal government of the United States of America, rather an imposter... A foreign controlled and solely owned subsidiary of the British East India Company... namely the crowned heads of Europe, and the Rothschild Bank, the Bank of England... Once you understand this you realize how insane the idea of petitioning the government is... it has no intention of even answering such a petition let alone considering it.

What people should do, is realize that their congressmen and senators, are either for or against this foreign federalized power... if they are for it, then get rid of them! If they are against it, then get behind them and reinforce them...

A small number of people, I don't care how influential, in some smoke-filled room trying to hammer out some agreement with the rogue federal government... is like a mouse running up an elephant's leg with amorous thoughts in its mind! Futile! ..."

"...I was wondering when people would finally figure out that this is not really a country as they were brainwashed to believe, but rather a corporation, a company run by a corporate entity in washington dc , which is not even officially part of  the united states of america and the country itself is nothing more than their possession, a play toy to enrich themselves and produce their weapons of mass destruction. You folks that think the USA is being hijacked now have to realize it was hijacked 140 years ago. That's right, the matrix is as real as can be. Isn't it nice to discover you lived your whole life in some kind of corporate dreamworld? Very few people are aware of this because they were not supposed to be aware that the USA is a fake, a phony, nothing but a political corporate military machine. Sorry to pop bubbles here but we have all been involuntary slaves in many forms already. ..."

"...First off it must be understood by all that the New World order, has been engaged the ongoing process through the media, through the schools, and at the water cooler, subtly or overtly, demonizing as ineffective and outdated... the Constitution of the United States of America... Chances are most people have been exposed to this kind of rhetoric... in one of the places mentioned... this needs to be understood before I continue...

The men who convened the first Continental Congress in 1775, were not just ordinary Joe sixpack off the street... they were representatives of the colonial states that met in Philadelphia... they were the existing body of government that spoke directly to the government in London.

Secondly, the men who constituted this group that finally signed the Declaration of Independence, did not have at their disposal at that time.... the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and Bill of Rights of December 15, 1791... specifically they did not have the Bill of Rights... which is part and parcel of the Constitution.

Even though it is seldomly used, the Bill of Rights is still the law of the land... and can be used as such by people who will take the time to study how it may be used, and then use it... There won't be any money in it though... there never is in these sorts of things, because the money men will not support it since it runs contrary to the monied interests best interests.

You might begin, by reading the link to the prison planet forum under my signature.... Because unless you have a large group of sitting legislators ready to follow the instruction of your present scheme, you're that mouse spoken of earlier...

It took a gifted young writer named Thomas Paine, to galvanize the colonies to the degree that independence from England, mother country... was seen as in the best interest of the colonies... Contrast that with what we would be separating ourselves from... and thus giving legitimacy to... namely, a rogue, band of royalists sco undrels who have taken our most wholesome offices, and have obfuscated and perverted our laws...

No new Constitutional convention or Continental Congress need to be convened... the Constitution still exists and already provides the means... all we have to do now is wake up enough people, and show them how to use our LAW, to defeat these Bastids!!!!

Please do not waste your time on triviality... put your time behind the REAL Constitution, and the people who have been fighting for it for almost a century and a half now... Those who have passed down information outside of the public realm along with documentation, and information as to where much-needed less known facts are hidden... most of it is right there in your face when yo read the LAW... don't waste your time treating these rogues as though they are legitimate... because they are not!!!!!!!!

At least the founding fathers faced a government, that was truly their legitimate government... and prevailed against it...

All we must do now is convince the vast majority of the American people that the rogues in power here, are truly a foreign power that has wrongly usurped control of America's rightful federal government... Then, use our rightful LAW to eradicate them!  We must do this, or we will surely lose.



Anonymous said...

Fact of the matter is that the United States has never been anything else but a corporation! The original 13 colonies was created under the Virginia Colony Corporation, which belonged to the English Monarchy. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was treated as lip service by the Crown. The Revolutionary War didn't change a thing because nobody won anything! The Crown was attempting to quell an uprising and not win a war and that is exactly what happened because the Virginia Colony Corporation remained in full force and affect until 1933! The Organic Act of 1871 help to create a new corporation to conceal the Virginia Colony Corporation. North America was never Constitutional or a Republic! George Washington saw to that...You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

The entity entitled "THE UNITED STATES" is, for a fact a registered foreign corporation under all codes and regulations. Not for a guess, for a fact. This is now undisputed law.

It spells out the plain truth that "all territories were merged" and deceitfully placed under a new corporation, without consent if no one bothered reading the text to reclaim their entitled rights. "Rights" were changed to privilege, stated clear as day in the very text of that piece of legislation. It is therefore clear as day, that Devvy, Larry Becraft, and the rest of the mutts claiming the sky is "red" when it is blue are nothing but shills for the cabal and scared shtless. They always were evidently because there is nothing in that act, except the proof that the U.S. is a corporate fiction.

Why bother denying it?

Anonymous said...

As Obama stated in his speech in September about invading Syria, He stated that he IS the CEO of the UNITED STATES. Obama also referred to the DeJure Constitutional Government 3 times during that speech.

Anonymous said...

The United States is a corporation. See SUPREME COURT of PENNSYLVANIA, April Term 1779, Respublica v CORNELIUS SWEERS.
Quoting from the court: "The United States became a body corporate from the period of their association."

Contrary to those who believe that the US incorporated in 1871, the UNITED STATES has always been a corporation. You have to ask yourself, "Created by Whom?" Then the fun and the dissolving of the myths begins.

Radical changes did occur after the Civil War, but that was not one of them. One of the great defects in the Constitution was the War Powers, which were used by the UNITED STATES entity to conquer the states in the Civil War. As a lawyer wrote in an article in a well known law review magazine a number of years ago: "The republic died along with the 600,000 in the Civil War."
In the 1930s all the governors met and agreed to change again, forming new corporations to operate under the bankruptcy, and they all pushed through legislation provided by puppet Roosevelt's cronies to put it into effect. That is when all the current licensing and the majority of taxes started to kick in.
Most of what we all were taught in school is lies. Most of what we believe about how the gov't works, how the courts work, about money, even a lot of science ... is simply quite different from the truth.