Monday, December 16, 2013

How corrupt the vaccine industry and the politicians are as well

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 6:27 PM, Marlene wrote:
be sure to watch the you tube on how corrupt the vaccine industry is and how corrupt the politicians are as well. This should make anyone sick to know that they are damaging innocent children for the rest of their life with unnecessary toxic vaccines. This is excellent to inform you.

From: Phil 
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:47 PM
To: Phil 
Subject: Fw: Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines, The corruption is so vile. How do these people -- congress, phama reps and doctors -- look in the mirror in the morning and not find their image to be totally revolting

Please set aside 45 minutes of your time to watch this all the way to the end. The corruption is so vile. How do these people -- congress, phama reps and doctors -- look in the mirror in the morning and not find their image to be totally revolting.

Congressional Briefing on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
On November 7th, 2013, members of the vaccine injury community held a briefing for congressional staffers to present many of the problems in the Vaccine Inju...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These measures include massive deployment of psychotronics as the pulsed beam microwaves of cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, new top secret designed street
lights, aircraft sprayed chemtrails which dispense smart-dust which is comprised of magnetized nano particles which are breathed in, and eventually cross
the blood-brain barrier after which they can be flashed and activated to entrain desired brain patterns, and these aerosol compounds are highly toxic
providing a secondary eugenics effect too (4).
Many vaccines now are alleged to contain nano-particles of hive-behavior-producing “smart-dust” which can be remotely activated it crosses the
blood-brain barrier.
It has been hypothesized but not yet proven that these particles can serves as a means to id individuals after they have been “set”, serving as an
internal RFID nano-chip. brainwashed05a_3084
29. Some video games have embedded mind-kontrol programs that entrain violent mental images which can be later activated to help strip away the
subjects very soul and make them more susceptible to the cosmic parasite.
Many large public school and retail chains are “rumored” to now have “experimental” HD camera systems and mikes with facial recognition software
hooked up to local fusion centers and interfaced with WI-fi or other proprietary top secret pulsed beam microwave mind-kontrol systems run by the NSA.
Don’t expect the NSA to soon confirm this publicly either.
And don’t expect any informed consent either which is required since it is illegal to experiment on or deliver any medically active events to
patients without informed consent.
30. It is alleged by insiders that many current vaccines contain DNA or RNA fragments and compounds which are either eugenic population controls or
mind-kontrol, or dumbing-down mechanisms.
Many contain catalytic virus and bacteria which can be later activated by cross pollination with designer cold viruses.
Some of these can be activated to become lethal in the young, old or those with current health issues.
Some contain nano-particles (smart-dust) which have psychotronic properties when properly flashed by pulsed beam microwaves.
As with the early polio vaccines, many vaccines still carry certain cancer causing viral fragments such as SV-40 monkey virus going all the way
back to the original monkey cell lines.
Some current vaccines are also based on cell lines obtained from aborted fetuses.;read=287590

- 35 things the cabal doesn't want you to know.