Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Guru FlimFlammery; Their Record Speaks For Itself 100% “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.” ― Mark Twain

Guru FlimFlammery; Their Record Speaks For Itself 100% “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.” ― Mark Twain 

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ― Adolf Hitler

“To those who abuse: the sin is yours, the crime is yours, and the shame is yours. To those who protect the perpetrators: blaming the victims only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse. Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest.”

“There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.

“An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood.”

“Truth only has one story, while a lie has a dictionary.”

“How 'bout a shot of truth in that denial cocktail.”

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.”


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful! I read recently where a "banker" was having difficulty lying to his employees/coworkers about what he knows about the dinar.

Let me ask you good people out there? Is this behavior common in the business world now.

I joined a company and was hired because of my character. I told them upfront that I will not lie and don't ask me to lie! Wow was that difficult but yes doable. After a customer rants and raves because we didn't meet his expectations all the time, he calms down and the truth is not arguable.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if these ( apparently ) self appointed gurus are enjoying just making shit up, know they are lying, are told to lie, are forced to lie, are threatened into lying or just plain enjoy lying, it is quite certain one or several of these apply. After listening for over 2 years to an inexhaustible string of failed predictions and " drop dead " dates, the question now is who, if any, will be caught telling a truth ? This deception is way too coordinated to be accidental or mistaken. How many lost homes and dashed hopes will litter the trail of friggin' dinar deception ? I used to worry about how to repay the person who told me about this " investment," but it's now too fucking late, he's dead. I do believe we are more likely to hear the REAL RV announcement from Sponge Bob. TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

As I see the majority of our problem is us.
Why are we mad at someone else for telling us about the Dinar that never comes to fruition? Blame does not belong to anyone other than ourselves.
I have lost my home and business, I don't blame anyone. I move on and thank God for each trial. For each one I get through I am purified again so that I may be acceptable on that day.

Look within and accept the ups and downs. Have hope and let go and let God. Peace.

Anonymous said...

It is because these Gurus are making a lot of money off the lies that they give. They belong in jail, look up MR.IQD and see the real story, video of Tony running a scam before his dinar scam.

Anonymous said...

I really cannot believe the immaturity in this post, nor the people that commented. You are no better than the woman who sued Mcdonalds for serving her hot coffee WHAT SHE ASKED FOR--she is the one that spilled it..
.There are several "gurus" that just tell it as they hear it and pass it on and receive no money for doing so. If you don't believe them--WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO THEM? Do you even realize that your attitude is the same that has caused this country to have laws for this and laws for that..taking away our rights every which way but loose because poor little immature person can't be a grown up..has to go cry and complain cause he doesn't like how he got treated? Or somebody told him something, he acted on it of his own accord and got screwed...Asking God for guidance in all things is key.
the gurus have not caused you to lose anything..most are just trying to put the info out as they get it..they are waiting for this too..WHAT YOU DO WITH THAT INFO IS UP TO YOU AND YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY......With common law, there must be an injured person--was that injured by someone else of was it due to their own stupidity or ignorance? No case.
In my opinion the author of this post is a perfect example of how our country got in the position it is in in the first place.
."please take care of me, I cant think for myself.--YOU DO IT" AND THEY DID.