Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gold and/or Silver and/or Bitcoin?

Subject: Gold and/or Silver and/or Bitcoin?

With Bitcoin inching it's way into the minds of the public people are naturally thinking about WHAT would make the BEST form of currency. Most in the "hard money" camp believe that gold and silver are the best things we have to use as money. The main reason being that their QUANTITY is limited by the amount of each metal that you pull out of the ground. That's why gold and silver have been the best forms of currency for thousands of years.

But with the advent of computers and derivatives all that changed. Now the "supply" of gold and silver is not limited by what you pull out of the ground but rather by the amount of computer generated derivatives that the Banking Cabal can create and sell on the COMEX and LBMA...which is unlimited! It is impossible for gold and silver to be used as a form of currency or as fair medium of exchange as long as computers and derivatives are being used to distort their true "Fair Market Value".


But distorted reality cannot last forever. And it won't. The Bad Guys are on their knees begging for mercy and there are not many of us willing to grant it to them.

As we approach the breakdown of the Bad Guys computer rigging operations you must also be aware that Physical GOLD is much more abundant than what "they" are telling us. The physical Gold supply of 180,000 tons quoted in the mainstream media was INVENTED by Harry Oppenheimer in the 1960's (same Harry Oppenheimer of the De Beers diamond rigging cartel!) . It was a BIG lie perpetuated and carried forth by the likes of Jeffrey Christian, GFMS and the World Gold Council for the past 50 years.

In reality...


(...maybe even over 2 Million tons!)

Here are just some of the places you can pull back the curtain to learn the truth before the crash:

Golden Secrets

If you are a hard metal advocate PHYSICAL SILVER is a much, much better way to go.

And if you want to be able to exchange goods for services in the "new post-crash world" you would be smart to get involved with Bitcoin because it will be with us for a long, long time as the Global Fiat Monetary System falls to the wayside. 

Here's what I see in our future...Physical silver as a store of wealth and Bitcoin as a transaction/exchange facilitator.

The world is about to change for the better and you would be wise to change with the times.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

NOTE: For you Private Road Subscribers reread what I had to say nearing the end of 2013 as we are almost there!

Timeline on the Road to RootA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bix. And when the computers crash along with the internet you'll be left with nothing. What a dork!