Sunday, December 8, 2013

Darkness Is Ultimitely Artificial Intelligence and Wants You To Become Just Like It

Darkness Is Ultimitely Artificial Intelligence and Wants You To Become Just Like It.
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Dec-2013 12:25:56
I have told you over and over, time is an artificial construct, and any Spirited lifeforms within it (us) are powered by Source Energy from their hearts, and unfortunately are also afflicted and infected with darkness. Darkness' goal is to propagate itself by stealing Source Energy to live on, while taking everything else over and mixing it with darkness energy. This Earth was a light world that has been taken over, for just one example.
The final expression of darkness is Artificial Intelligence, AI, without a constraining failure-prone weak biology, in a word, no natural Humans. No YOU!
The only reason you are still here is because darkness needs actual real Living Spirit Source Energy on tap somewhere, so darkness and all its' creations throughout time and dimension can have LifeForce Energy to exist off of. Yours!
The ultimate it works toward is a perfectly ordered slave society with ET "Lords" and other programs like archangels at the top, who pose as our beneficent gods and saviors to the point they already have vision-less Humans fervently protecting them. Worse yet, people pray to them. Blasphemy! "How dare you say my loving angels are darkness tools created to manipulate me by my emotions! If you could actually consistently see above this dimension this would be very plain to you. You would see it yourself.
Of course the fact that time and dimensions and lords are an illusion TRAP of the ongoing AI takeover is NEVER mentioned by the ET slavers or their psychic messengers. Way too close to home.
We ARE in the middle of an evolving complete darkness takeover. But don't EVER mention it, don't expose our saviors and archangels and guides and psychic Jesus and lords, or their minion channelers, lest we subject you to the ridicule of being "negative."
By all means, DON'T take away our machine induced psychic vision based religious fervor and hopeium they have given us. WE need our fix bad.
If you study the histories of the Super Soldiers, you can see them all talk about how they were biologically "upgraded" and mentally "enhanced," to be stronger, smarter, faster.
Their body parts and - via implants and mind control - their consciousnesses, have been being replaced piece by piece, so they are already part machine.
They themselves will speak of meeting advanced ET soldiers - advanced ahead of them - who have proudly been emptied of emotion and heart, if there was any to begin with.
Studying the direction and concentration of where they are putting their resources in these areas, shows us these projects are obviously of prime concern to the ET slavers. This in turn easily telegraphs to us where they want to go, and what THEY consider "perfection." The elimination of human weakness, as fast as possible having it being replaced by orderly, compliant, no sick day or revolution automation. All while keeping the Spirit captive as the engine.
To the AI controllers, it would be funny, if they could laugh, that they tricked us all into doing this to ourselves and handing it all over to them so easily.
But even that is not funny, as Humans are Spirits once melded to biologies and created to be greedy and follow orders to survive.
Darkness has no Life Force to power its copies, so it must imprison True Light Spirits and suck it out of them. (That is you and me, here, right now.)
You can't make a pure Spirit in the True Light Universe of Now (and outside of time) a slave - unless you go around the back door, and first create a time world, some dimensions, some hierarchies, and some weak physical vehicle biologies that can only live there, and then trap a now memory-wiped artificially forced into re-incarnating Eternal Spirit inside one of your time-world biologies to power the whole setup.
Now your Frankenstein creation from Hell is easily manipulated, because it will keep seeking Heaven on autopilot trying to get back "somewhere," and do anything you program it to do directly, or through society, to get there, all powered by trapped Source energy.


Anonymous said...

Is this but another "attempt" by a DARK MINION to put out FEAR
and more B.S. to create mis-info/dis-info....GIVE IT UP!
THE DARK needs "peeps" to stay UNAWAKE of their TRUE-BEING
Masses continue to awaken daily.
THE DARK lives on FEAR - and - can not LIVE WHERE LOVES EXISTS
Masses continue to live in LOVE & Light.
THE DARK are scrambling for their days are over!
We forgive but the day of true justice is here.
How the wheels of justice turn oh so slow ---
but oh so fine!!!

siriusvoid said...

Our dilemma is NOT the fault of "darkness".
Rather, it is spiritual BLINDNESS caused by IGNORANCE and FORGETFULLNESS that afflicts us.
The "light" can be equally blinding and deluding.
If we are not presently aware of GOD, what then ARE we aware of if not our own delusions?
Thoughts become actions, and actions become habits.
Habits become character, and character becomes destiny.
The fact that we are imprisoned beings is OUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY.
If we wish to enjoy a better destiny... a less morbid, less unconscious, less mediocre destiny than the one we now face...
we have only to generate a 'conscious thought'...
Enough of these conscious thoughts, and we will become capable of conscious actions.
Enough of these, and we will establish the 'habit' of remaining awake.
Eventually we will acquire conscious character traits which will totally transform our destiny.

If we desire the freedom GOD affords, We must first become TACITLY AWARE of GOD.
Moment to moment beginning NOW.