Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bulldog ALERT


[..Sambo] got a call from Bulldog - he is traveling and asked me to post this:


I have been contacted by the powers that be, PTB, concerning the CE. I am absolutely super serious about this message, more than I have ever been about anything I have ever shared with you.

Every Dinarian must unequivocally specifically stay away from any bank and it's parking lot! Do not call any bank about the CE. This includes but is not limited to any and all major and or small banks in America and in the world.

Security and quietness is absolutely Paramount at this point and this time on this planet concerning this CE. We are instructed to sit back relax and do absolutely nothing. Make no phone calls or contacts with any banks at this time under any circumstances and if you do not understand this, read this again please until you totally understand this alert. 

There is to be absolutely no communicates or communications of any nature with any banks large or small concerning this CE as of this moment, and in the immediate future.

We are meant to be here at this place in time for God's reasons. We are here to change this world and our planet to be a better place to live.

This can only happen with a smooth transition into the CE. Please rest easy and relax for what we are about to experience but we can only experience this with: respect, quietness and gratefulness.

Please Under all circumstances cooperate. I love you all and God bless you as This Event manifests. 


Anonymous said...

Fear Mongering and Secrecy ....WOW!!!! and the PTB called him to give him this info? I am calling every Bank in the Country and I am going to the parking lot of several here in town with signs and some friends!!! I will not listen to some IDIOT that wants me to be RESPECTFUL, QUIET, AND GRATEFUL???? ENOUGH!!! WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SILLINESS !!!

Anonymous said...

They said let us exchange and be quiet, until we are done.