Thursday, December 12, 2013




     There once was a small town in Maryland and only had 10 citizens. One owned a local general store which sold to the other citizens and to strangers driving by this small place which was way out of the way of major traffic on the road. One was a carpenter, one a plumber, one a baker, one a tailor, one an auto mechanic, one headed the small church there, and the remaining three were all farmers close by. This was a dreary, dead place basically in nature small town which had shrunk down to this size from once a larger local population. 
     They did poorly and between themselves received weekly in net income $200 each. One of them got a bright idea. Create a local currency equal to the $200 in income each brought in weekly. They had local products and services to back up this locally issued currency. At first, they did not spend much with each other and averaged per month $100 extra in income. But that was basically $900 per month income versus the prior basically $800 per month income. But extra income was extra income, so they spent more often with each other for their products and services. Soon that was an extra basic $400 per month income or $1,200 monthly earned versus $800 per month earned prior to these locally issued community dollars to speed up spending in this community. Since this was backed by local products and services, they spent with each other faster and soon they doubled their weekly income to $400 per week or $1,600 monthly total income. They figured out ways to spend more with each other for products and services. They were now up to $600 weekly or $2,400 monthly for basic income for each. They continued this increased spending and soon were up to $800 weekly and up to $3,200 monthly income for each of the 10 citizens here. They finally pushed their weekly income up to $1,000 and monthly up to $4,000 per month. If they had had local industry for manufacturing, they could have gone even much further in spending with one another, but creating around $52,000 annual income instead of the prior around $10,400 was an improvement over the local economy increased by using just $2,000 in additional local community currency to add all this new economic growth to their local tiny community.
     This little example of economics in action taken from our local "twilight zone" of the nearly wiped out tiny town shows that Wash., D.C. does not know economics. They try to flood the economy with more stagnant money not spent effectively and the economy does not grow such as has happened with America. Back your money with products and services but at fixed prices and let the people spend until they have bought all they want and prosperity begins to arise from a dying little community. Add true local manufacturing to this and as people spend with each other for the new products and services they offer, the economy can keep growing up to the limit that products and services can back the money being spent. Increasing the spending rate of money basically held at stable prices and the economy can keep growing in assets and prosperity up to the limits of resources and services that can be used to back the economic system set up for the people covered.  
Again, Wash., D.C. does not know how to create velocity to money meaning increasing the spending rate of money so instead lowers the interest rate a little and the results are dismal as usual pattern for America. They poured stimulus money into the American economy and the results did not create an economic boom in America, but at best kept the American economy pretty much stagnant and not growing seriously if at all.
     Back the passage of our proposed Omni Law and we know the tactics used before in history to engineer a much higher velocity factor or spending rate to money which in turn creates more and more prosperity without need for inflation, more jobs and more jobs again and again, and more wealth and permanent assets for society making the people, society, and nation richer and richer in the process. This has been done 4 times in history with Jesus Money and 4 times knocked out by bankers not liking the people, businesses, and governments both local and national getting richer and richer all the time while taxes go down and down! They had to censor your books in school so you would not know that there is no reason for unemployment, poverty, or a poor economy in America. Ignorance of serious economic science is how they have kept you controlled by them and suffering hard times when the economy should be booming with all the national assets and land owned by America but not used correctly to skyrocket the economy of America correctly.
     I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. I guess to try and silence me, they destroyed my economic library of economic reports and books supplied me by these economists when it was located close to Wash., D.C. They also destroyed my father's corporation and lab report notes left to me to show all the answers for his Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII indicated was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world.
     Harry Truman after leaving the White House told my father that he would have backed my father from the White House but sources within the food industry lied to him about my father. Harry Truman said that he did not think that these sources would have had the nerve to lie to the President of America, but they did as he found out when too late. Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture under the Eisenhower Administration, strongly endorsed my father's great food discovery as important news and a powerful answer for America to use. The Commissioner of the Patent Office ordered a patent promptly issued to my father after his investigation showed that sources within the Patent Office had been paid off to try and sabotage my father's patent on his food discovery. However, fortunately, my father did not show how to make the machinery that made the industrial food process work. My father showed me the secret components built over in Europe for him so American industrial spies would never find out what made the process work. I am the only one who knows how to make my father's great industrial food process work and I also was trained by six of the top economists in the world meaning that the wealth made by this food industry once set up in America will be used correctly so that America can finance itself into the greatest industrial giant in all of human history and unemployment and poverty forgotten in America what they meant to previous Americans.
     Pass my Omni Law and the America turns around with the greatest food industry in human history set up in America, industry after industry born in America never possible under corrupt and stupid Wash., D.C., we solve the other key problems of America, and America emerges as the wonder of the world with all the world wanting to copy America once America skyrockets into mass prosperity and success nationally and worldwide. Pass the Omni Law. It is the key to the bright future of America. Obama is the key to the dark dismal future of America with a terrible economy and a ruined American people under totally rotten leadership from the White House and unfortunately Congress does not have good answers either! By the way, Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois once told my father off the record that millions in bribes had secretly been passed to heads of federal agencies and members of Congress not to let my father's food process be supported by Wash., D.C. even though a federal law passed by Henry Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture and later Vice President under F.D.R. required Wash., D.C. to technically back my father's food process under national law. They were paid to not enforce their federal law nationally passed by Henry Wallace.
    You throw your support behind our Omni Law Drive which unlocks a bright future for America instead of the Communist nightmare offered America by Obama who only studied economics under Communist leaders and knows nothing how free enterprise works! Visit and support our website  Our email is . Our mailing address for orders from our website or loan program from our website all backing the Omni Law Drive is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. We are growing stronger, but money speeds up our coming victory in America.
     We will win because we have the answers that Obama and Congress lack and America needs.
     Pass this report around and time to put heat on elected officials of government both federal and state to pass our Omni Law and now. Once the Omni Law is passed, America skyrockets into a super future after that instead of the crash of America under Obama and his fanatical but stupid co-leaders who think Obama has answers that will solve the problems of America.
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that person Washington tried so hard to crush, stop, silence, but instead is rising to coming victory in America as the American people finally wake up to reality in America and want a good future for America, not nonsense and brutal hard times under Obama.)


Anonymous said...

I thought he was a genius. Numbers do not add up. $400.00 per week does not add up to $1600.00 per month. $400 X 52 / 12 = $1733.33 per month. But, I get the concept.

Anonymous said...

it only takes an iq of 3 to see thru this fraud. vatican approved food.? the same vatican that brings you monsanto ? he says we should work with the brits... ask some folks in africa,ausralia,india,canada how thats working out for them...yes more polio vaccine please bill gates (of hell) ERASE THIS ASSMUS