Friday, December 27, 2013

1 Pissed Off American

1 Pissed Off American

RV when?
What the hell, I am so tried with all these intel messages. This is the third X-mas that has come and gone where we were told it is happening. What makes this X-Mas worse, my wife and I was going to the use the exchanged RV money to help out my parents and other family members who is hurting physically.
To add more crap about these delays from this administration “O”, “Lew”, “B SR” … impacts our Vets. On a personal note, these vets are my Father, Father-In-Law, Brother, Brother-In-Law, Friends, etc. They need help and have gone to the VA and VA said we will help but they continue to delay.
This administration continues to shows they really do not care to support our vets. This just pushes me over the top, I am so mad that these fine men gave their life to protect our ways and the administration just abused them. To make it worst, this Administration and past continued to manufacture WARS for financial gain for their banker friends, themselves and others. They cared less if our Vets or their family got injured or not.
To all the Vets active and inactive, why the hell are you standing for this continued delay of currency exchange and the mistreatment from this Administration and past? To the Pentagon, you seem to be useless leadership with skirts, no leadership, no guts, no nuts, you girly B’s. The Declaration of Independence tells us:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
It is time to get rid of the Administration for the restoration Republic and get these finances released to the people who will rebuild this country and take care of the vets.
One Pissed off American that had enough.


Anonymous said...

"This administration continues to shows they really do not care to support our vets. This just pushes me over the top, I am so mad that these fine men gave their life to protect our ways and the administration just abused them. To make it worst, this Administration and past continued to manufacture WARS for financial gain for their banker friends, themselves and others. They cared less if our Vets or their family got injured or not."

Nice contradiction there! LOL

The did not give their lives to protect our ways. There was never anything to protect! They gave their lives solely for big business to be able to profit and gain off foreign resources. Your second part is correct, but your first part nothing can be further from the truth.

Now the men may have THOUGHT AND BELIEVED they were actually fighting for this country, but they were lied to and deceived and merely told that BS. They were lied to so they would invade foreign lands so government could take control of its natural resources and make huge profits by sacrificing the lives of these men in addition to all the innocent lives in those foreign countries. This has been the case in every single war in the history of mankind!

Anonymous said...

There is no Americans anymore sir. Only Humans exist. If you'd like to be one come join us brother!

Anonymous said...

I agree! RV.....? REALLY.......?

Anonymous said...

Well Sir... You know not what you speak of .. I am an American, was born an American, and will be until the day I die ! GOD BLESS AMERICA !

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone keep calling this corporate fascist slave plantation a government and a regime a administration?
The entire District of Criminals is soon to be cleaned out among all the other cess pools of the world. It will not RV until then. What would be the point? It's coming and when it does, hopefully we will all help and educate our vets and what if there was a war and no one showed up will become a reality.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone trying to get rid of a corporation they didn't create, or tell people who took an oath to defend a corporation what to do while inside of it?
Just as the founding fathers did. They didn't like a government and created their own. They got OUT of the government they didn't like and made their own.
What's so hard about that?
It's their money and we are to tell them what to do with their property for us to use?
Get out if you don't like it. That's your power.
If you were at someone's home and they were rude, you'd leave.
If you were a member of a club and they did things you didn't like, and the club existed before you were born, you'd drop out, give up your membership.
What's wrong with you?

Anonymous said...

This is a NESARA site and they don't know that the President must announce NESARA first,
then the gold standard, the new Republic, and then the prosperity packages are delivered, and THEN the RVs!!
Currencies must be exchanged into asset-backed new banking system or they would be worthless
and subject to confiscation by the dark side....but I hear the dark ones are toast, so just hold on a bit longer
for our blessings to arrive. Our freedom and sovereignty is the most important!!!

Anonymous said...

this post is prime evidence of how dumbed down America has become over the last several generations.
What did you expect putting your faith in a bunch of scammers.......probably think your vote counts also!
The only person to blame is yourself.....YOU let this country go to hell in a handbasket, not the Veterans
You let the government dumb you down and make you dependent on it.

So go on and believe your Internet wannabe guru's who have never been right about anything......with their bogus
phone calls and bogus contacts.

Be advised....when the dinar rage first hit, most believed a few cent to perhaps a nickle or a dime people
have been conned into believing 30 plus dollars? (let me know when Santa arrives on a unicorn alright?)