Friday, November 8, 2013

The Calling part 1 of 8 by Max Igan


All credit goes to the makers of the video:

We took this video down and put the video back up do to the fact it was block by every country in the world. The list was so long of tags we decided to take down the video and make adjustments so that no one can block video for any reasons.
This video is about simple truths of facts of how our civilization as we know it, what was it built on! Keep and open mind to see how we were lied to as a people of world! :-)
This video "The Calling" was sent to us by a dear friend Max. It is a video that was killed by TV. It was given to us to explain the system and how it works. Do your own homework check out the facts as we did. You will see it is made up of simple truths!
In March 2009 I was approached to create a combined and summarized version of "The Big Picture", "Fight the NWO with Global Non Compliance" and "NWO The Final Solution."
The aim was to condense all 3 films into a one hour solution based production that would appeal to a wider audience and be suitable for television.
This film is the result.
Along with some new material this film contains 2 complete chapters of "The Big Picture - Final Cut" that remain virtually unchanged. This has not been done to 'recycle' old material but simply because the information contained within these chapters was relevant and needed to be included.
Should some people you know still remain blind to the urgency of the world situation and to their need to be informed and to act upon such information, it is my sincere hope that this film may help!

The Calling part 1 of 8 by Max Igan
The Calling part 2 of 8 by Max Igan.
The Calling part 3 of 8 by Max Igan.
The Calling part 4 of 8 by Max Igan.
The Calling part 5 of 8 by Max Igan
The Calling part 6 of 8 by Max Igan
The Calling part 7 of 8 by Max Igan
The Calling part 8 of 8 by Max Igan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Full Video The Calling: