Sunday, November 10, 2013



 OkieOilMan] good sunday afternoon america, ships at sea and all our world wide friends. As you notice i haven't been posting much anymore. The reason being--is there has been enough drama being put forth that my contribution would not be needed creating more turmoil than some has already created. I am however taking today to praise my lord for forthcoming blessings. Today beingsunday should be a day of rest and worship but appears today is to also be a day of taking care of business. So, lets get about the business that appears to be at hand presently. Yes, contrary to popular opinion the r/v has apparently taken place and taken advantage of by priviledged individuals that happened to be at the right place and at the right time. I am now receiving reports of individuals redeaming their currency. I feel with this already transpiring that our time is nigh. I am aware that now (now) is to be our time. The 800 numbers although not publicly available yet is absolutely immenent. I understand that even though we thought all of the process and program was completed it still took what was required this weekend to complete. There are no further delays on the horizon at this exact moment even though we know that things can change rapidly. Apparently we are past the point of any further hindrence and delays. I am most anxious for the next few hours to bring to light what we have been waiting for. I am on alert and yes--the announcement will be made here first--this is a great honor for we as brothers and sisters to be in this group and pledge ourselves to being worthy of this blessing--i await authorization and will immediately post when told to do so.------ blessings galore

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