Sunday, November 10, 2013

Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case..

Subject: Fwd: FW: Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case. 

They may very well think it's funny to pull off a CYBER-WAR GAME on we the people with no forewarning but that is not the reason and NOT what certain government criminals hope to use is for. Undoubtedly the good folks at the controls around the country don't have a clue what they are taking part in and while that's sad it's not our problem. Our problem is OUR families, neighbors and communities (those who will listen anyway and those who won't, well they're on their own).

So everyone. We already know they are planning a massive grid out-power out drill originally slated for the 13th 14th of this month. I have been getting intel from many different sources that since it has gone viral and everybody is looking for it on the 13th that they will instead pull if off on the 11th or 12th. The information below (after this message from me) is just another heads up that was sent to me. Don't forget, regardless of how many people are awake and aware now the "plan" is still the plan and until those who would use something like this to achieve the final goal are eliminated from the ability we need to be aware and prepared as much as possible at all times.
So, since Monday is the eleventh and it is a holiday (a perfect opportunity for them), it would be prudent to take some precautions.
1.On Sunday night after everyone is through with the bath tub, fill it and leave it full. Same with the sinks.
2.Make sure you have at least a week's worth of food and water in the house.
3.Make sure you have at least a week's worth of medicines if you are dependent on any.
4.Make sure you have some jugs filled with drinking water.
5.Stock up on char-coal for your bar-b-que, (you may need to cook that way)
6.Make sure your first aid kit is full and has current medications in it.
7.If you can buy a weeks worth of bottled water do it
8.Put a bucket by the toilet, you'll need to pour water in it to flush. Without power there will be no running water.
9.Check your stock of candles and or oil or kerosene lamps.
10.          Be sure you have strong batteries for flash lights
11.          Gas up your vehicle(s) on Sunday
12.          If you have an old fashioned am/fm transistor radio (they are real cheap now) be sure you have fresh batteries.
13.          If you're in a cold area and have a fire place make sure you have a weeks worth of fire wood.
14.          If you have infants make sure you have plenty of diapers, formula and or baby food.
15.          Let your family and neighbors know what to expect if they decide to do this to the whole country and not just FEMA REGION III (I have been told several times they are planning to do that thinking we won't expect it) Also form a plan for communication with family and neighbors.
Hopefully there are now sufficient numbers of people aware to help prevent those who will be taken by surprise from reacting the way they want, in a panic. But if they do pull this off STAY HOME IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN and be prepared to guard what you have. Without power there will be no ATM's, no gas stations pumping gas, no phones, internet or television, running water. Some stores may be able to open using manual calculators the way some of them do in a storm power out but usually they will allow only a few people inside at a time and escort them through the store (I've been through that) and that means long lines of angry, desperate people outside and the potential for violence. Better to avoid the need to be there.
Think ahead of things to keep the kids occupied at home and inside if you have any. Stay calm and deliberate at all times. Let's not give them what they want!
Now I for one am hoping with all my heart that they are not going to be able to do this but I figure its a lot better to prepare as if they will. I can after all let the water out of the tub and all the rest are usable commodities anyway. Better safe than sorry. Gee that's one way to get somebody to play Trivial Pursuit with me huh?

The report in the link doesn't load online at least it wouldn't for me so I downloaded and attached here. The link to the site for this DRILL does work.

Subject: Heads up... Make sure you are prepared just in case...DLWard

I was told by someone that trained many of the 3 Letter Agency Ops
that because this has gone viral to expect anything from the 11 nth on.
It is
this kind of thing you would expect happen at the same time as the GCR
/ RV.
Although if they were SMART...they would plan it for a couple weeks
the RV. DLWard

On November 13-14, 2013, GridEx II


This is NOT a Conspiracy Theory if TWO Government Approved Groups are
promoting this!

North American Electric Reliability Corporation is promoting this.
On November 13-14, 2013, GridEx II will exercise NERC and industry
crisis response plans and identify actionable improvement
recommendations for plans, security programs, and skills. The scenario
will build on lessons learned from GridEx 2011 and include both
cybersecurity and physical security components.

Click here to see 'GridEx II Registration Site':

Environmental Defense Fund also is promoting this.
The U.S. Power Grid’s Cyber War Games

The drill, called GridEx II, will take place on November 13-14 of this
The participants will include 65 utilities and eight regional
transmission organizations, representing most of the nation’s
electricity customers. The drill will test how well the electric
utility industry and the grid itself respond to physical and cyber


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