Monday, November 11, 2013


FORWARDED BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA - NOV. 11, 2013. If Obama tried a military takeover of America, among other things, I would meet with foreign sources who it would be to the advantage of to see America free as a nation. Whether this would lead to World War III or not, it would all be in the hands of God. I already have arranged that the technology would be in trusted hands and ready to deliver to allied foreign sources so they would know how to build the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb and then we would kick out the foreign soldiers if backing Obama out of America and militarily arrest all domestic military backing Obama in an attempted military takeover of America. We would then have the American verson of the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6 and the results would not be pleasant for those judged war criminals against America whether domestic or foreign.   
     When an enemy plans to be totally ruthless against your people and nation, he has to be beat with smarter military answers than he has and throwing flowers at him is not going to defeat him or drive him out of America. After Obama is defeated, if he tries to escape, we will hunt him down across the world like Nazi war criminals were and we will bring him to justice  and all who tried to flee with him. I don't know why American intelligence years ago during the Cold War told a U.S. Senator who had been with Marine Corps intelligence in World War II that I would be the toughest S.O.B. leader for any enemy to face if fighting America. This U.S. Senator then told a retired Pentagon official who was a best friend of mine and this retired Pentagon official told me what the U.S. Senator said of me after being briefed by American military intelligence. American intelligence said if America was in a military jam, I would be the toughest military leader for America any enemy nation could face. Maybe it impressed American intelligence that I arranged for the overthrow of the Iron Curtain in 1961 if Wash., D.C. would back the plan. I had three Russian undergrounds ready to overthrow the Soviet Government and had a Romanov in Moscow ready to seize the government in Moscow if backed by Wash., D.C. One of the undergrounds demonstrated that they could paralyze the entire Soviet Air Force by sabotaging a plane with Soviet generals who died in the crash engineered by this underground.  This was to impress Wash., D.C. Lyndon Johnson, scared as hell, did not have the nerve to back the overthrow of the Iron Curtain.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff called this "either the end of the Cold War or else prepackaged World War III." All U.S. military were ready to back this overthrow of the Iron Curtain if Wash., D.C. backed it while Kennedy and Khruschev were off in Vienna for a "peace conference" then. I wasn't even 21 years of age, but as a military cadet for long before then, I knew how to play the game for overthrow of governments. The Joint Chiefs of Staff were incredibly impressed with my initiative like this and soon after gave me a military charter to set up an intelligence operation for America with no restraints on me. They said I was like a super master genius in art, you could tell me to create a masterpiece, but not how to create the masterpiece in art. Even the White House did not know that I had been given this charter by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, but J. Edgar Hoover did and a few other select sources in Wash., D.C. who did not tell anyone else about this. They said I was like a Michelangelo in artistic genius, but as such they could not tell me how to create masterpieces but just tell me like a Michelangelo to "create 
masterpieces in military intelligence for the national defense of America." Thus was born the A.C.I.A. (American Counter Intelligence Agency) which later had spies in over 30 nations of the world and domestically we had massive penetration of the Communist secret setups, etc.  
     When later the head of the Soviet spy ring in America told an undercover F.B.I. informant who he thought was a Communist spy from New York City how I had saved America from military defeat during the Cold War by my "Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse" over the Soviet Union when Khruschev gave the West 6 months to get out of West Berlin or else it was World War III with the Soviet Union. I think it was 2 weeks later he backed down and said "The Berlin Crisis" must be solved by "peaceful co-existence at all costs." This was after President Eisenhower had a secret committee to tell him what would happen to America if he surrendered to the Soviet Union then. Alarm bells are ringing off all over Wash., D.C. No one was ever supposed to know about this! As a young military cadet, I outwitted the best brains in Soviet intelligence in Moscow then. I anticipated their moves just as I know the game of high treason that Obama is playing with America right now. By the way, by 4 channels the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon sent me congratulations for the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse once they saw the testimony on what the head of the Soviet spy ring said that I saved America from either military defeat or else World War III then. I made Soviet intelligence look for a 10 nation uprising of Slavic nations the moment the Soviet Union tried a military move towards America. I prepared this ruse for maybe 6 months before the ultimatum on Berlin as I evaluated correctly the game Khruschev was playing on America then. By being prepared in adance, I saved America from Communist takeover then or else fighting a World War III then with nuclear weapons. The Joint Chiefs of Staff congratulated me on the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse and judged it was the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the military history of America up to then.
      Analyzing what Obama is planning for the American people if you the American people allow him to do this is he will apparently kill off from 25 million Americans on up to 200 million or more Americans if you act like peaceful little lambs consenting to him cutting your throats instead of standing up to him and stopping him from all his high treason schemes against you the American people. After all, when Obama gives his "crotch" salute (and apparently never actually says the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America then!) to the American flag when others salute it or else have their hand over their hearts as they pledge allegiance to it, this boy has utter contempt for the American flag, you the American people, and all that America was founded upon and should stand for today if we did not have this archtraitor Obama in the White House whose every dream is how he can betray America and collapse as a nation once you let him.
       Stop the games and pass the Omni Law and now. The Omni Law is posted on our national website. And help all ways you can to pass this Omni Law and as soon as possible. Pass this report around for all to see. Remember Obama knew so little about American history when first running for the White House as a Trojan horse candidate for foreign and domestic enemies of America that he referred to that America had 57 states and did not know that America only has 50 states. He is a clever actor and con artist, but he is the enemy full of hatred towards America and the American people. Our website is . Our email  Our mailing address if you prefer that to using the website for placing orders, etc. is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product (which helps finance the Omni Law Drive) or else for the loan program to finance the Omni Law Drive which is the Omni Law Loan Program.
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the pro in military intelligence who has saved the neck of America several times already as military intelligence secretly knows. But this is the first time that we have the Trojan Horse in the White House pretending to be President when on two counts for starters, he cannot be legally President of America. The U.S. Constitution requires that both his parents had to be U.S. citizens so he would be legally qualified to run for the White House. He himself has admitted many times that his father was a citizen of Kenya and a British subject and never became an American citizen. Sorry, Obama but under the national law, you cannot be President of America and all members of the U.S. Congress commit high treason against the U.S. Constitution by allowing you to stay in the White House when you are an imposter and usurper of an office you cannot legally hold. Also, once you slipped before running for the White House and was recorded as shown on the internet where you told a gathering of Americans that you were not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya! You slipped that time! And you were named in I think 1992 by a Communist official in Moscow that you were being trained to be the future President of America so you could take over the U.S. Republic and make America a Communist nation after you got power in America. This agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency reported this back to America at the same time it was stated to him while he was visiting Moscow I think in 1992. The Communist official said his name was Obama and he was a Black who the Communists would put into the White House later on for the Communist takeover of America! That is long recorded testimony folks!) Now follows the promised forwarded report! It is time for all veterans in America this date to decide that this high treason in America stops now and kick the Trojan Horse traitor out of the White House and now!

Grid EX II and Martial Law Using Foreign Mercenaries

Dave Hodges
November 11, 2013
The Common Sense Show
grid ex ii
The upcoming Grid EX II drill, taking place on November 13th, is ostensibly designed to simulate a power grid take down which would endanger the safety of millions of Americans. The two primary goals of the drill consist of preparations for an attack upon the grid and the use of foreign military assets to support the drill. The scenario is premised on the notion that the attacks will be primarily nuclear in origin.
Many have been wondering if the November 13th Grid EX II drill is going to result in a false flag attack in which the power grid of United States will be taken down and martial law will be implemented and enforced through the use of foreign mercenaries.
Certainly, the false flag nature of the 9/11 attacks, the 7/7 London bombings and the Boston Marathon bombings certainly provides some degree of credence to these suspicions. However, I’ve been wondering if the Grid Ex drill would be the same as the Boston Marathon bombings. The answer is both yes and no, but first let’s look at the requisite and related background facts.

“We Can No Longer Just Depend On Our Military…”

Presidential candidate, Obama, made a bold 2008 campaign announcement regarding the use of private assets (i.e. Brown Shirts) in order to fulfill his national security goals as he made the following statement:
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

There are some campaign promises that this president has fulfilled. It is clear, in the present context, that Obama was promising to raise an army of “Brown Shirts” that “would be just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded”. This civilian national security force is a three-headed monster. DHS, along with its acquisition of 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and its 2700 armored personnel carriers, is the executive head of this new army of unconstitutional thugs which will head the upcoming martial law enforcement troops. The other two parts of this force would be the Chinese and Russian soldiers who are presently training on American soil during the upcoming Grid EX II drill. I have just described the composition of the new martial law enforcement army and all of us should be highly concerned.

The Russians Are Our Enemy

Several weeks ago on my talk show, I posed the open question as to why FEMA would sign a bilateral agreement with the Russian military to permit Russians to train on American soil. My most immediate concern has to do with the fact that Russians have repeatedly threatened to nuke the United States if we invaded Syria or Iran in the fall of 2012. I also raised the point that FEMA is a Federal agency designed to rfema camp workersespond to natural disasters. Why would we need the Russian military to help us with a response to a natural disaster? Are the National Guard units going to be disbanded? Has our military grown so inept that they cannot be counted on? Or, is it more likely that the Russians will not hesitate to fire on American citizens during a martial law crackdown, subsequent gun confiscation as well as the deportation of dissident Americans to re-education camps?
The following is a quote from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry:
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.
The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices. In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.”
Don’t be deceived America, this is not just another example of international cooperation between two nations. As far back January of 2012, Russia threatened nuclear war and the threat was issued by the outgoing Russian ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, when he said that “Russia has given Iran its bear hug and warns Israel and the West that an attack on Tehran would be considered an attack on Moscow”….
The nuclear attack threatened of the former Russian NATO ambassador is not the only time that the Russians have threatened to nuke the United States. Two years ago, the Russians threatened to nuke targeted American sites in retaliation for a nuclear shield that the US erected in Europe. The unmistakable conclusion is that the Russian government is an enemy of the United States and as such their military does not belong on our soil in any way shape or form.

Grid EX II: Handing the Russians the keys to the car.
Grid EX II: Handing the Russians the keys to the car.
Not only will Russian troops be used in the upcoming Grid EX II drill, they will be used to police major events on American soil. This is martial law desensitization training in which the Russians are trained to interact with American citizens. In short, these enemies of the Republic are a part of the new martial law enforcement troops and this development defies belief.

Obama has opened the backdoor and let our enemies in the country in this version of the ultimate “Trojan Horse” scenario. This also explains why Obama is turning the United States military upside down on its ear with his endless series of purges of our military leadership. Obama knows that most of our present military leadership is not on board with the treason coming out of the White House. Therefore, Obama is reshuffling the deck in an attempt to find American generals and admirals who will do his unconstitutional bidding.

The Chinese Are Our Enemy

For the first time in American military history, the United States is allowing the communist Chinese troops to train on American soil. Like the Russians, the Chinese military will be a part of the upcoming Grid EX II drill in which they will be providing military support by a simulated attack of a rogue “third world nation” upon the US and its power grid infrastructure. The Chinese will have boots on the ground from November 12-14 in Hawaii.
This is an incredible act of treason being committed by the White House. The Chinese government is the enemy of the American people. Just like Russia, the Chinese have threatened to nuke the United States over a potential invasion of Syria and Iran. Just like Russia, the Chinese have been involved in the purchase of Iranian oil for gold which undermines the Petrodollar. The latter is a direct attack on the United States economy. In my book, when a nation threatens to nuke us and attacks our economic interests, they should be considered to be a hostile enemy and should be kept at arm’s length.
Chinese President Hu, "I will nuke you America".
Chinese President Hu, “I will nuke you America”.
The leader of the Communist regime’s delegation, Major General Zhu, became infamous worldwide after telling reporters in 2005 that the dictatorship in Beijing would deploy nuclear weapons against major American cities in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. Further, both Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade either Iran or Syria.
Do the above statements sound like the statements of a trusted friend that we should let be a part of a highly sensitive operation involving the defense of our power grid? What is more likely, is that the Chinese, like the Russians, are receiving martial law training on American soil in the upcoming Grid EX II drill.
Interestingly, the only nation on the face of the earth which possesses a sufficient number of troops to effectively garrison the United States is China. Military estimates tell us that six million troops would be needed to occupy this country in a martial law takeover. The Chinese certainly have that capability. Hawaii would prove to be an optimal staging from which to send massive amounts of Chinese soldiers to this country in order to enforce martial law. Could the Grid EX II drill also provide cover for a Chinese military buildup on American soil? And why would the Chinese be willing to engage in such an undertaking?
The Chinese own much of our debt. It is not hard to conceive of the fact that the IMF would strike a deal with the Chinese which promised debt collection through rhe seizure of American hard assets in exchange for occupying the country.

Obama Is a Traitor

obama_communist_flag_card-p137872120744570903q0yk_400Before you Obama supporters tell me that this president would not be this stupid, or this president would never be that treasonous so as to endanger the country by using troops from enemy countries to participate in a highly sensitive exercise with huge national security implications, I would refer you to a previous article that I wrote on the fact that Obama was bred by communists, raised by communists and had his political career launched by communists to do what he’s doing today. This is not hyperbole, these are well documented facts that I would encourage all skeptics to read by clicking on the hypertext links, view the evidence for yourself and then do your own research. There is only one correct interpretation. Obama was put into office to deindustrialize the US through the introduction of cap and trade policies and to destroy the sovereignty and individual civil liberties of American citizens by putting the country under martial law. He is succeeding on both fronts.
We in the alternative media, do not have time to deal with the skepticism of America’s sheep any longer. The situation is dire and deserves immediate attention and exposure if we have any hope of turning back the dark future that some have planned for the citizens of this country. It might already be too late.
The short answer to this problem is that this president needs to be impeached and immediately removed from office.

Grid EX II On November 13-14

Will the upcoming Grid EX II drill be a cover for a massive false flag attack that will usher in the final destruction of civil liberties and imposition of martial law? Although I share many of colleagues concerns regarding the false flag possibilities for this week’s drill, I’ve concluded that the upcoming drill is just what seems to be, a drill. However, it is a drill with a serious and ominous twist as I have grave concerns that Russian and Chinese troops are a part of this drill.
boston martial law dress rehearsalAs the Boston Marathon bombings ended up being a dress rehearsal for martial law, so too is the Grid EX II drill a dress rehearsal for a false flag attack upon American soil involving the take down of the power grid at some future date. This will be followed by a declaration of martial law and will be enforced by foreign troops, under the direction of DHS, who will not hesitate to shoot and kill noncompliant American citizens.

I would challenge anyone reading these words to provide me with the slightest bit of justification in relation as to why the major enemies of our Republic, namely China and Russia, are being permitted anywhere near a sensitive drill such as the Grid EX II drill. China and Russia are clear enemies of the United States and do not belong anywhere within our territorial boundaries for any purpose whatsoever, especially near a highly sensitive emergency drill.
If this is too far-fetched for your worldview, then please tell me what are these foreign troops doing here? Is America that short on traffic cops, that low on Highway Patrolmen or are we expecting an alien invasion from Alpha Centauri and we need the Russian and Chinese firepower? There is nothing short of the ridiculous that justifies this kind of treason that we see coming out of the White House.

Relevant DOD Video

revolution tv showIn August of 2008, I attended a town hall meeting sponsored by Congressman Trent Franks that was held at my local church. Franks played a 20 minute Department of Defense video which was based on the scenario of terrorists detonating two nuclear weapons high above the mid Continental United States. The resulting explosions produced and EMP burst which took down the electrical power grid. The video mentioned that the Naval War College also conducted a study in which it was determined that within two years following this event, 90% of all Americans would be dead. The Naval War College/DOD scenario reminds one of the television show,Revolution. Congressman Franks attempted to use this DOD creation as a justification to increase military spending. Five years later, I view this presentation is a portend of things to come.
Ask yourself an important question, if the United States ever experienced multiple a series of nuclear bomb detonations, who would be in charge of rescue and forced relocation efforts? The answer is the very agency who has signed a bilateral agreement with Russia to train for emergencies. It would be the very agency who will be working with the Communist Chinese military in Hawaii on November 12 through the 14th. That agency would be FEMA who operates under the direction of DHS. These are the two agencies who are primarily responsible for implementing the Grid EX II drill which is utilizing Chinese and Russian troops.


Did you know that this drill is being “managed” by the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP)?  SPP is the North American Union. The announcement of Grid EX II was released, not on FEMA’s website, but on This is a clever move which allows for elite to more effectively manage this drill for their own purposes.
Although I cannot discount the fears that many have that Grid EX II is a false flag operation in the works, I think it more likely that this is a dress rehearsal trial run for the real event. I do, however, believe that in the future we will see a power grid take down, followed by the declaration of martial law and the use of enemy foreign troops to enforce that martial law. I also believe that the it is likely that a future grid take down will also include a banking take down, as well, that will occur the third day of the blackout when people are rioting for food and too occupied to notice. This would allow the central bankers to establish a new world currency under the literal cover of darkness.
I think some individual caution is in order in preparation for this week’s events. However, I strongly believe that the worst is yet to come.


Anonymous said...

With all the hoopla about a power grid shut down, I thought I would give my local electric company a call. I asked if they had heard anything about this.. The reply is NO.. I am in Ohio..

Anonymous said...

This guy is off his nut! Why do you keep posting his shit?

Anonymous said...

Read the offer of contract Article XVIII on Privacy.
This is a huge RED FLAG.
Basically the contract cannot be copied or ever publically acknowledged and there is no liability for actions unless one or more of the so called trustees can prove one of the other trustees has caused a breach of trust.
Honor among thieves makes this contract which wants to claim 100% of the gold of the world for themselves the ULTIMATE NEW WORLD ORDER CONTROLLERS AND SLAVE MASTERS WHO CLAIM THEY WANT CONTROL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL, BUT REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY.


Anonymous said...



PS: perhaps you may want to have a chat with him & tell him to seek professional help

Anonymous said...

Regarding this paragraph: " Did you know that this drill is being “managed” by the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP)? SPP is the North American Union. The announcement of Grid EX II was released, not on FEMA’s website, but on This is a clever move which allows for elite to more effectively manage this drill for their own purposes."

There isn't a or or

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that the above message was sent by a person by the name of Dave Hodges? Do you know who he is? You may want to seek professional help yourself. The idea here is that nothing will happen, but are you unaware that Odumba wanted his nuclear generals to explode a nuke over Charleston Harbor? "They" (mainstream media propaganda machine) used Lindsey Graham to set up the scenario on public television news. What do you think would have happened then? This is a tool to set up martial law and kill and scare a bunch of people. You think people like Henry Kissinger, Prince Phillip, Rockefeller, and Rothschilds are nice people? They are the lowliest scum of the earth and they will do whatever they can to kill off the people! This time, the people have to say NO and do whatever it takes to prevent this crap! By the way, there's nothing to lose so go for it!!