Saturday, November 23, 2013



We are your Fellow Dinarians, here to take meaningful, but peaceful action.  Like so many of you, we have been in this investment for many years; some of us dating back 20+ years to the Prosperity Programs and numerous lawsuits, including CMKX, that have already been won against the corporate gov’t, but are still yet to be paid.   As of this date, we are aware of 2 small groups that have been paid, which are the Lakota Indians and the Black Farmers.  Like so many of you, we are educated and aware, but we are also very tired of this game of excuses and delays.  We know the new financial system was built years ago and has been tested hundreds of times.  We know The People of the World are calling for an end to the privately owned banking cartels who have raped us of our wealth.  Like you, we’ve waited patiently for the hidden wealth to be rightfully released and distributed to the world. 

• We’ve witnessed the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar being put on hold all these years while this new asset based global financial system was constructed and implemented.

• We’ve held on good-naturedly while countries, banks and other institutions were given extension after extension to become Basil III compliant, etc.

• We’ve been tolerant over the years as a whole slew of very bad people were arrested, rearrested or removed from office, and were told positive policy changes were made.

• We’ve hung on while our Republic of these united States was brought back to life and authenticated quietly behind the scenes, ready in the wings to replace our current corporate criminal government, whose expiration date was December 21, 2012. 

• We’ve tuned into CNN, Fox, Bloomberg, etc countless times because there were supposed to be “announcements,” but they never came.

• We’ve listened to excuse after excuse as to why the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and RV “didn’t happen last night”  i.e.:  glitches, incorrect codes, audits, pinging, technical issues, bankers misbehaving, stings, arrests, and the dog ate my homework, etc. 


• It is NOT ACCEPTABLE that The People of our world should go through yet ANOTHER Thanksgiving and Christmas Season financially destitute.

• It is NOT ACCEPTABLE that The People of our world should go through another cold winter season with so many living in campgrounds, cars, tent cities, under bridges, and other sub-standard living conditions with no heat, running water or food.  (Many of these problems were caused by the proven illegal activities of the banks in collusion with Wall Street.) 

• And it’s CERTAINLY NOT ACCEPTABLE that, after all these years, The People of Iraq ARE STILL living in a war-torn country in shanties with no electricity, no running water, no protections from the harsh elements and nothing to eat.  These poor people live in poverty with the sounds of bombs going off daily, while the elitists of the world are still fat and happy from the profits off the sale of the Iraqi people’s oil! 


We say that the top financial players of the world have had plenty of time to prepare the institutions and finalize the GCR, including the revaluation of the currencies (dinar, dong, etc.).  They’ve had plenty of time to prepare for the release of the Prosperity Programs (PPs) and World Global Settlements (WGS), and other trusts of monies.  These monies RIGHTFULLY belong to us, The People of The World - and IT IS TIME FOR THESE RELEASES TO OCCUR NOW!  

Today we come to you, our fellow Dinarians, to unite with us in taking diplomatic action.  COLLECTIVELY WE HAVE A MIGHTY VOICE.  UNITED TOGETHER WE CAN BE HEARD!  IT IS SIMPLY TIME!    

To Start, if each one of us spends a few minutes a day making some phone calls and sending emails, we could have an enormous and powerful effect.   WE WILL BE HEARD!

We believe in being peaceful, yet inquisitive; non-disruptive, yet noticed.  These are officials of We the People and they must answer to We the People. 

Some questions you may want to ask are:

1.  Why has the Global Currency Reset not been implemented, like we heard about on CNN and other news outlets over the past few months? Why are they dragging their feet and using so many regurgitated excuses to delay this?

2.  Why has it already been 10 years, and the value of the Iraqi Dinar has not yet been reinstated to its pre-war value. I heard there was a ten year plan that was implemented by George Bush and that it ended October 9, 2013. I also understand Chapter 7 sanctions were lifted from Iraq on June 27, 2013, and our troops were pulled out of Iraq a year ago. 

3.  Why are we getting so much misinformation in the news media?

4.  Why do only 6 corporations control all of the major media outlets here in America?  Isn’t that against the law, as well as our Constitution? 

5.  Why are we told information, yet we aren’t supposed to share it with anyone in reference to the GCR, the Republic of America, the Dinar, secret meetings in Washington, etc.?

6.  Why are we told powerful people have been replaced, and this is confirmed from people in the know, yet we see them walk around and getting interviewed on T.V.?

7.  Why are there hints of positive changes, but never fully discussed on television for the masses?

8.  Why are the banks lying to us saying they will never exchange the Iraqi Dinar and yet privately they admit they will?

9.  How come only certain politicians express the truth to the privileged few and yet the public is left in the dark?

10.  How come there are conspiratorial situations, e.g. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, NSA etc., that the news covers briefly then it’s never spoken about again?

11.  How come the Chinese mostly have purchased our landmarks, parks, banks etc., and it’s not discussed with us the American people and we didn’t have a say in it? Isn’t that unconstitutional?

12.  Also Mr. Bernanke, who owns the Federal Reserve?  I heard it was a private corporation headed by world bankers.  Care to comment?

13.  Do you own dinars and have you exchanged yet?  Isn't that insider trading?

14.  How come a company called I.C.E. purchased the stock market and announced it on national T.V. that it was to come out and there isn’t any more talk about it?

15.  I understand John F. Kennedy was attempting to take down the banking cabal by issuing Silver Backed US Dollars.   His murder was only 5 months after he signed Executive Order 11110 to do that.  Why isn’t that in the Warren Report?  Care to comment?

Here is a suggested list of people to call or email.   

Ben Bernanke, head of the Federal Reserve
General Comments for the Chairman and the Board of Governors
Phone: 202-974-7008

The United Nations.  Ban Ki-moon is the Secretary-General

The International Monetary Fund.  Christine LaGarde is the Managing Director

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew,

Congressman and Senators

Note:  We are not calling the banks Yet. 

Dearest Fellow Dinarians, stop being in FEAR! You haven’t signed an NDA yet.  You aren’t doing anything wrong by asking questions to the authorities, politicians, and the like. How many years are WE going to stay in a box and sit back as people die waiting, family members get sick, and lives are destroyed with the promises of a better future?
[12:00:53 AM] Karen Ann: We need to let THEM KNOW WE KNOW, and there is power in numbers. If every day WE made just one phone call to our congress person or even our local news station and asked questions on the air about the reset of the Dinar or The Republic, etc., maybe they would get people paid to shut us up, instead of banks trading and stalling.  As a group we look forward to hearing your responses to this post. We plan to take this to people like Bix Weir, Zap, Alex Jones, Glen Beck, the Dinar Gurus, and so on until people wake up, demand the truth and take action.

Obviously our wonderful WHITE KNIGHTS are having a heck of a time of it or suffice it to say, money would have already been flowing.  Many of us are people with a mission.  We are in the realization that we are here on the planet to make a difference, to make positive changes, and to get on with our true destiny. Well how can we at this point? Aren’t you tired of waiting?  You need to stand in truth and walk your talk. Take action. How can we manifest our highest destiny when many can’t put food on the table?  We are asking you to contact your contacts and tell them that this is the plan as of Monday morning, Nov. 25, 2013.  If we don’t see something by then, we are proceeding.  Please join us in this Call for Action! The Dinarians writing this believe that this is as much a spiritual journey as it is a physical one. We are pleading for you to join us in our quest to get this out and take action. Blessings to all of you!!!!!


In case you haven’t viewed this, this is a very good 3 part interview (approx. 35 minutes total) with World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes.


Dan said...

There are at least 1,000,000 TRUE Americans that are willing to help in anyway that they can, but the WHITE KNIGHTS and the 'Interim President' are Keeping their mouths SHUT as to their game plan and where we can all get involved!
I have input ideas, but it appears that they are ignored as THE UNITED STATES, INC. is still doing business till the Crown Templar and the Mightiest of Lucifer TAKE HOLD!
If you want tot know the game plan then read the End Time Prophecies of the Holy Bible!

Anonymous said...

This article IMO shows the ignorance of the author. Going to the media will do nothing because it is controlled. It saddens me that this writer would like all to storm the gates with complaints about this GCR but where was this plea when it came to all the UN-Constitutional fraudulent/criminal activities have been taking place...where was the outcry when the Iraqi people were being murdered daily by the US, ah, there was a brief mention of the plight of the Iraqi people today as they exist, quite admirable...but "just gimme my money" This entitlement mentality is part of what is very wrong in America today. This "money" will NOT fix what is wrong in America today.. remember this...this exchange will be a blessing for some but will bring judgment on the masses depending on the condition of the heart.

God please forgive us and heal our land even though we are undeserving....but the covering of Your blood is our ARK in this present safe

Anonymous said...

AMEN. HALLELUJAH!! Power in numbers. I AM IN. Thank you for organizing this peaceful presence/awareness event.

Anonymous said...

all these questions are valid and deserve truthful answers

Unknown said...

I'd like to know where this person/people came from? Who are they? There's a bunch of us that have been tossing all of these ideas around. Nice to have someone put it all together so concisely! Yeah, we're all feeling a bit jerked around and sick and tired of the constant BS that we are always getting. Who the heck is giving the real information? But it would also be nice to have a group coalition. So, come out who ever you are!!

Anonymous said...

The battles are battles they either with weapons or not, the fact of fighting with means of the current reality of lower floors, doing nothing for us rise above the problem that is causing us problems. It's still believe in a corrupt election votes. Stretching in time the outcome, to be clear in what is required before going into the emotional. The Battle is over and the loser asks you used a strategy that will give them all the power to continue with emotion. Mails and phones? get targeted least two. Unite you heart and soul for the joy of victory, you no longer have to beat you but celebrate. Be light in the end of this darkness you are more awake than they, for their monetary traps reaches not you anymore, you do not depend on them, you are above them.

Anonymous said...

So how do we connect to follow up and start a plan of action?

Anonymous said...

Why do we keep going to the monkey guarding the banana plantation?

Anonymous said...

Yeah you dinartards! Why don't you unite? Problem is, none of you will. It is clearly apparent that all of you just want to sit back and wait to get rich, yet do nothing to claim your alleged new found wealth. Typical sheep. Not one of you has a hair on his ass because you're scared. You'd rather let someone else do it for you. So, forget about an RV. It'll never happen. So go back to watching your TV and reading your guru reports and you'll wonder what happened when you're marched off to the nearest FEMA camp.

Anonymous said...

Money can destroy your life as well as enhance it. It all depends upon your motives and wisdom. As noted above IIChronicles: 7:14

Anonymous said...

Everything written is so true but what can we little people do about it? No one seems to know who the people are who are controlling this - I will list what I have heard from a reliable source.

The Bush cabal along with Clinton's, Greenspan, Cheney are the main culprits and they are threatening Obama if he releases anything. Obama made the statement that no one would receive anything while on his watch. Maliki and Bush are in cahoots and receive a percentage of every dinar sold. More dinar has been sold than can ever be cashed.

The guru's, as they call themselves, are being told lies every day. They post the lies for all to read and I really wonder if they believe what they are telling us. Surely not............

I think in time the people are going to discover that there are no prosperity programs because the money has already been stolen, banks are not nor will ever be basil lll, there will be no global reset or WGS and the dinar is going to turn out to be the scam of the century - there's no money to cash out the over-sale.

People who believe in a few hundred dollars to return millions to them are either the dumbest creatures on earth or living in a dream world - "ain't" no dream world folks - wake up and come to your senses.

Anonymous said...

This is like a good quality Scam artist. Or professional. Snake salesman. There is a point in time to call the bluff. Determine the truth. You think after 1, 3, 5, 10 years is an allowable time? You decide.

I for one think it's time to take our heads out of the sand. And demand no less than the TRUTH

The way it is currently. We are. ALL. Wrapped up in a. Pipe dream

Anonymous said...

Currently we appear to be living a pipe dream. Controlled by everyone other than ourself. Time to take our head out of the sand.

Anonymous said...

And you are the Smart Punk who knows it all! Got your nose into the wind to choose a winners while waiting on the cash, yet critizing everyone else. I am in my late 70s and I am for action to get our USA back and I would leave your loose lips on the side of the road, cause you are all blab and wind!

Anonymous said...

Keep God out of this. You are confusing apples on organges.

Anonymous said...

Go suck an egg Mr 70year old. I have no interest in an RV. It's all bullshit. Guess you're waiting for a windfall. Problem is, you'll be dead before any potential RV ever happens. And by the way, I'm 75 years old and consider you a young asswipe. So youngster, get out there and take charge and get the USA back for us. We'll be waiting!