Saturday, November 9, 2013

America Is Facing A Crisis Of Leadership

Our President, Barack Obama, is not a good leader. He can instigate, he can divide, he can stir up controversy, and he can cause dissension more effectively than any who have come before him. However, when faced with a crisis, when he is pushed outside of his comfort zone and he has to dig deep to find what he is truly made of, he fails miserably. He rose to power on a cloud of fluff, with no substance and no concrete or tangible plan for this country. Hope and change are just words if there is no direction to guide them.

One of the most damning signs of a bad leader is arrogance, an unwillingness to admit failure, and an instinct to blame others for your own misgivings. These individuals will almost always project their problems onto someone else, and they very rarely, if ever, take responsibility for their own actions. If you look at all of the mistakes made throughout Obama's presidency, you will see that they all have been blamed on someone else within his administration, without so much as a peep from him. That in itself shows a great deal of cowardice, a willingness to throw your subordinates to the wolves to save your own skin. 

Another tell tale sign of a bad leader is their inability to work with or agree with good leaders. This is primarily why you see the purge of high ranking military Officers, followed by the inclusion of weak minded and placating yes-men who will obey any order they receive, no matter what values and ethics it goes against and contradicts. This is the most troubling part, because that is exactly how Hitler formed his Nazi empire in WWII. Any disagreement with Hitler's authority was quickly silenced, and the result of that kind of madness is nothing short of disaster. What I am getting at is that this is it, folks. This is what we have all been waiting for, and it is unfolding before your very eyes. Obama and his followers are too firmly entrenched in the deepest parts of the government to uproot them now, so what happens next should be of no surprise to anyone - that is as long as you are a student of history...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it's pretty plain to see that he is following after his idols, Stalin and Hitler. The biggest mistake that the people made back then was allowing them to proceed with their plans and going along with them. The greatest reward of seeing what's happened in history, is to not allow it to repeat itself when it is an abomination against the people. There are way more people than there is them, and we just need to talk to people, talk to our neighbors and let them know what their plans are and to be prepared to stop them dead in their tracks.