Monday, October 14, 2013

TidBits from TNT Members Monday Morning


 [RedRock(From Stage2Omega)   3 things to think about!

1. Does the usa need to default on debt to crash the system & zero it out for the global implementation plans they were working on last week in D.C. To go live globally?

2. Is this 1 big movie & act and the trillions in iqd already has the covered and this will be a bill clinton repeat, utilizing fear and misinformation to keep everybody in fear leveraging default & government shut down?

3. Do you really think the people in dc all week last week know what is going on & have this all planned out already as they always do using media control to keep the masses off balance?

What do you believe??
Read More Link on Right

558626listner] RedRock 1 & 3 are correct

[brownbear] RedRock : In 2003, when I became introduced to the Dinar, I believe there were quite a number in DC that didn't know much about it. Right now, I believe that they all know about it and are just doing the "Square Dance" until it RV's.

[2sirden] Well I started out with nothing and I still have most of it. Lol

[pa65000] FOX is reporting that the BIG 4 congreesional leaders will be heading to meet with O at 3 eastern this afternoon. Maybe they will get their act together and make this pop.

[jetpack] And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” ― Haruki Murakami

Start listening at 38minutes and 24 seconds.Very interesting info on GCR, Panama and US issues with GCR.

[indiobear] Via wiki: The Federal Reserve System has both private and public components, and was designed to serve the interests of both the general public and private bankers. The result is a structure that is considered unique among central banks.

 [art] It's coming out more and more that intentional mis-information has been given out for purposes we don't 'openly' see. It's all an orchestrated precise plan to get done all that is needed to be done, like catch some 'bad' folks who needed to be removed from their positions.

Isa52bc:  A friend / colleague of mine blogs her astrology reports.  The entire week sounds interesting!  Here is today's and a link to her blog!  Enjoy!

Mon Oct 14:
Mars makes a once every two year alignment with the regal star of Regulus. This star is the heart of Leo the Lion and speaks to following your heart's integrity, no matter what.

People will be called to honesty today, some might be caught in a lie. Ultimately the best way to use this truly sacred portal is to reflect on your own heart's truth, and to act on that truth.

Mars demands we take some form of action.
In addition, the planet that rules our emotions, the Moon, is in the sign of Aquarius (futuristic, detached, compassion for all Beings) and  aligns with Neptune (spiritual values, the next creative trend) in a polarizing opposition to Mars.

 I expect there are passionate conversations erupting everywhere about everything. Passion of course can manifest as anger, joy, romance, being emphatic. Your choice.

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