Thursday, October 24, 2013




     Reports indicate that the other side has all these plans for the planned takeover of America. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and was rated a super star in engineering when studying with an engineering school, I have a few surprises for the other side wanting to mass slaughter the American people in order to put Obama in as dictator of America.
     I figured out a cheap answer how to shoot out of the sky up to 30,000 federal drones supposed to mass slaughter the American people. I am using an intriguing angle discovered by accident by an Army captain in World War II as part of a demolition team and came up with a discovery in France that he never reported to his superiors in the U.S. Army. He once told me of his discovery and with it we have a cheap answer that can shoot out of the sky any federal drones or all federal drones intended to mass slaughter the American people. We win on that front if Obama tries a military takeover of America. I have a cheap way to kill all in military camps in America who are trying to kill all Americans opposing the military takeover by Obama. The Communists pioneered this idea years ago, not me, but still very clever. I am good at common sense logic in science and other fields. Those who planned to hide in an underground city under Denver, Colorado while America is smashed by traitor forces for Obama and foreign ally soliders, I have a common sense angle how to smash the security of this underground city and wipe out all the traitors and foreign allied leaders hiding there. With nine top military commanders fast fired by Obama and even the news media is starting to catch on that something very strange is going on in the military, he wants only generals who will carry out his orders to mass smash the American people in his apparent plans for the soon military takeover of America. You don't get to be a general in America without an outstanding record and this smells of high treason what is going on. I have two ways of poisoning all hidden at the high treason headquarters under Denver, Colorado and especially one of the ways takes a long time to die from but die in horrid pain as you die. I think unorthodox and spotted where to get what needed for this where regular military leaders would not think of this angle. If foreign soldiers try to back Obama in a planned military takeover of America, all foreign nations and foreign solders backing him will be hit afterwards. I am showing the military who will lead the national resistance of the American people to this the trick how to build the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb which I got the technology for from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies when I cracked their security years ago. They are instructed to use this to annihilate all foreign nations backing Obama in an attempted military takeover of America. I have a couple of old military tricks from World War II how to destroy all armored vehicles and their crews trying to back Obama to become military dictator of America.
     And my instructions to the loyal military forces fighting for the American people if Obama tries to start a war against the American people, have quick trials for high treason and execute for high treason all in the regular government or military who committed high treason and backed Obama for an attempt to take over America by military means.
     Pass this report all over America. Also, if any stunt is tried to hurt or destroy the American economy, I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science taught in the 20th Century. I know how to quick straighten out the American economy if Obama boys try to sabotage the American economy. And if they try to hurt or destroy the American economy, I intend to press that all of them are arrested for high treason and will push for quick convictions and then punished correctly for total high treason against America and the American people.
      I will not reveal my entire hand prematurely but may have already arranged that the military angles I show above were all written up already and in independent hands already to be delivered to the right people if Obama tries to start mass killing the American people.
      I also again call for our cowardly lion Congress to hold immediate hearings on why Obama has been firing so many top commanders so fast in America likely only matched in modern history by Joseph Stalin's purge of the top officers in the Soviet Army shortly before World War II. Conspiracy is afoot and Obama is the source of this large scale conspiracy of high treason now going on in America. Obama once made the mistake before he ran for the White House of saying in one political meeting which was recorded and available to Congress that he was born in Kenya and not in America. According to the U.S. Constitution, he cannot legally be President of America and is an imposter posing as President which legally he cannot be of America today. According to the terms of the U.S. Constitution by impeachment or other means he can legally be removed from office immediately by the U.S. Congress or the U.S. Armed Forces as they are sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and defend it from enemies foreign or domestic in America.
     Pass this report around. I don't want civil war started in America, but removal of a would-be tyrant and would-be dictator by peaceful, constitutional means. If Congress will not nip in the bud now this aggressive high treason now going on in America from the White House, if required, I have hidden legal authority to set up a new national government in America and will present my legal claims to the General Assembly of the UN and show them at the same time how Obama was scheming to mass kill people in all nations of Europe and across the world. Obama as caught red-handed was tapping the phones of leaders across Western Europe and he tries to laugh away his violations of their national laws. I have heavy legal documentation on Obama showing why the nations of the UN should all issue national arrest warrants for Obama for scheming how to mass kill the people in their nations. I will be glad to testify before the UN on this and bring in other witnesses until all nations know that Obama had planned a world bloodbath if he could take over America successfully as a militarily created dictator of America.
      My website is . My email is  . If needed, a mailing address for my national and international organization is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 .
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who Russian intelligence and likely most intelligence services abroad know clearly who I am as you read my national reports as posted on Nesara News and apparently I have posted over 250 national reports since April, 2012 with Nesara News as shown in their archive listings.)

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