Saturday, September 7, 2013

Word about dinar

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: Word about dinar

Some of you might have already seen this but I wanted to send this out.
I hope people will take hold of this word.

Some of you may not be familiar with Chuck Pierce, but he delivers many accurate prophetic words, and they occur in a very "on time" "in time" season.  Toward the end of the celebration service during worship, Chuck declared, "“I see it…I see it”.  Then he declared what he saw....“currencies” he said…. then “I see three currencies”…”Vietnam, align your currency,… Iraq, align your currency, and then Brazil”….  He said, I don't understand the Brazil currency.  He further declared that it must happen


Anonymous said...

I would not trust anything coming out of Morningstar Minerstries, as they have ties to the Vatican....

Anonymous said...

Morningstar ministries is a very good source for prophetic updates and they do not have any secret ties to the Vatican. They are a God fearing Christ centered ministry that everyone should hear from.

Anonymous said...

what has Morningstar Ministries (aka RIck Joyner) got to do with a Chuck Pierce (Glory of Zion Ministries) posting ???